All native title and traditional ownership publications and resources

Title Publication type Author/Editor Date
What's New in Native Title - December 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Research outputs
Jan, 2017

What's New in Native Title for December 2016.

Native Title Anthropology after the Timber Creek Decision
Issues paper
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
Jan, 2017
Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate - Prescribed Bodies Corporate Summary
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2017

The Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBC) Summary document provides a national overview of RNTBCs, who are more commonly referred to as Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs).

Native Title Newsletter - December 2016
Native Title Newsletter
Research outputs
Dec, 2016

Native Title Newsletter for December 2016

AIATSIS Submission – Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) Support Strategy
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Rod Kennett
  • Dr Belinda Burbidge
  • Ashleigh Blechynden
Dec, 2016
What's New in Native Title - November 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Research outputs
Nov, 2016

What's New in Native Title for November 2016.

What's New in Native Title - October 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Research outputs
Oct, 2016

What's New in Native Title for October 2016.

Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into regulation of the marine fisheries and aquaculture sectors
Oct, 2016
What's New in Native Title - September 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Sep, 2016

What's New in Native Title for September 2016.

What's New in Native Title - August 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Research outputs
Aug, 2016

What's New in Native Title for August 2016.

Native Title Newsletter - August 2016
Native Title Newsletter
Aug, 2016

Native Title Newsletter for August 2016

What's New in Native Title - July 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Research outputs
Jul, 2016

What's New in Native Title for July 2016.

Native Title in the News - July 2016
Native Title in the News
Jul, 2016

Native Title in the News for July 2016.

Noongar people Noongar land: the resilience of Aboriginal culture in the south west of Western Australia
  • Kingsley Palmer
Jul, 2016

This book, Noongar people, Noongar land, arose from the protracted struggle of the Indigenous Noongar people of the South West of Western Australia to gain recognition of their native title rights and interests under the Australian federal government’s Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA).

Noongar people Noongar land: the resilience of Aboriginal culture in the south west of Western Australia
  • Kingsley Palmer
Jul, 2016

This book, Noongar people, Noongar land, arose from the protracted struggle of the Indigenous Noongar people of the South West of Western Australia to gain recognition of their native title rights and interests under the Australian federal government’s Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA).

Noongar people Noongar land: the resilience of Aboriginal culture in the south west of Western Australia
  • Kingsley Palmer
Jul, 2016

This book, Noongar people, Noongar land, arose from the protracted struggle of the Indigenous Noongar people of the South West of Western Australia to gain recognition of their native title rights and interests under the Australian federal government’s Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA).

The Commonwealth’s Indigenous land tenure reform agenda: Whose aspirations, and for what outcomes?
Research report
  • Ed Wensing
Jul, 2016

This paper argues that weak links are being made between increasing opportunities for economic development (including private home ownership) and the need for Indigenous land tenure reform.

What's New in Native Title - June 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Jun, 2016

What's New in Native Title for June 2016

Native Title in the News - June 2016
Native Title in the News
Jun, 2016

Native Title in the News for June 2016.

Native Title in the News - May 2016
Native Title in the News
Jun, 2016

Native Title in the News for May 2016.

The right to protect sites: Indigenous heritage management in the era of native title
  • Dr Pamela McGrath
Jun, 2016

A large and profitable Indigenous heritage management industry has emerged in the wake of the resources boom of recent decades, with thousands of Indigenous heritage impact assessments conducted every year. Yet few governments have successfully reformed heritage laws to accommodate native title rights, and conflict over site destruction is regularly front page news.

The right to protect sites brings together a range of authors who explore native title and Indigenous heritage regimes around the country, and charts the history of advocacy and policy development, highlighting the successes, limitations, inequalities and opportunities of current arrangements.

The right to protect sites: Indigenous heritage management in the era of native title
  • Dr Pamela McGrath
Jun, 2016

A large and profitable Indigenous heritage management industry has emerged in the wake of the resources boom of recent decades, with thousands of Indigenous heritage impact assessments conducted every year. Yet few governments have successfully reformed heritage laws to accommodate native title rights, and conflict over site destruction is regularly front page news.

The right to protect sites brings together a range of authors who explore native title and Indigenous heritage regimes around the country, and charts the history of advocacy and policy development, highlighting the successes, limitations, inequalities and opportunities of current arrangements.

What's New in Native Title - May 2016
Whats New in Native Title
May, 2016

What's New in Native Title for May 2016

Queensland PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016
New South Wales PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The New South Wales PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources that may be useful to Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), also known as Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs).

South Australia PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The South Australia PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources that may be useful to prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), also known as registered native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs).

Northern Territory PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The Northern Territory PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources that may be useful to Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), also known as Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs).

Western Australia PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The Western Australia PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources that may be useful to prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), also known as registered native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs).

Victoria PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The Victoria PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources that may be useful to prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), also known as registered native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs).

Native Title Information Handbooks
Native Title Information Handbook
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The Native Title Information Handbook - National Overview provides a summary of resources and information relating to key areas of native title, including legislation and case law, government policies and procedures, and indigenous land use.

National PBC Funding and Training Guide
PBC Guide
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2016

The National PBC Funding and Training Guide brings together information about funding opportunities, programs, services and other resources for Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), also known as Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs).

Native Title in the News - April 2016
Native Title in the News
Apr, 2016

Native Title in the News for April 2016.

Native Title Newsletter - April 2016
Native Title Newsletter
Apr, 2016

Native Title Newsletter for April 2016

What's New in Native Title - April 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Apr, 2016
Wearing two hats: The conflicting governance roles of native title corporations and community/shire councils in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Issues paper
  • Tran Tran
Mar, 2016

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance can be greatly impacted by the nature of the land tenure held or managed by the community. 

Native Title in the News - March 2016
Native Title in the News
Mar, 2016

Native Title in the News for March 2016.

What's New in Native Title - March 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Mar, 2016

What's New in Native Title for March 2016

Native Title in the News - February 2016
Native Title in the News
Feb, 2016

Native Title in the News for February 2016.

What's New in Native Title - February 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Feb, 2016

What's New in Native Title for February 2016

What's New in Native Title - January 2016
Whats New in Native Title
Jan, 2016

What's New in Native Title for January 2016

Native Title in the News - January 2016
Native Title in the News
Jan, 2016

Native Title in the News for January 2016.

Native Title in the News - December 2015
Native Title in the News
Dec, 2015

Native Title in the News for November 2015.

What's New in Native Title - December 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Dec, 2015

What's New in Native Title for December 2015

Native Title Newsletter - December 2015
Native Title Newsletter
Dec, 2015

Native Title Newsletter for December 2015

Native Title in the News - November 2015
Native Title in the News
Nov, 2015

Native Title in the News for November 2015.

What's New in Native Title - November 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Nov, 2015

What's New in Native Title for November 2015

Implementing native title: Indigenous leadership in land and water livelihoods
  • Dr Rod Kennett
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Leah Talbot
  • Timothy Heffernan
  • Matthew Barton
Nov, 2015

This report details the ways several Indigenous communities from around Australia are implementing their rights and interests following the restitution of their land and sea territories. Initiatives discussed throughout the workshop included the development of Indigenous commercial enterprises, the establishment of Indigenous protected areas (IPAs), traditional use of marine resource agreements (TUMRAs), and Indigenous land use agreements (ILUAs), as well as the integration of traditional and contemporary knowledge, tools and frameworks to achieve group aspirations for the ways country is managed.

Managing Information in Native Title: survey and workshop report
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
  • Ludger Dinkler
  • Alexandra Andriolo
Nov, 2015
What's New in Native Title - October 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Oct, 2015

What's New in Native Title - September 2015

Native Title in the News - October 2015
Native Title in the News
Oct, 2015
What's New in Native Title - September 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Sep, 2015

What's New in Native Title - September 2015

Native Title in the News - September 2015
Native Title in the News
Sep, 2015

Native Title in the News - September 2015

Native Title Newsletter - August 2015
Native Title Newsletter
Aug, 2015
Native Title in the News - August 2015
Native Title in the News
Aug, 2015

Native Title in the News for August 2015.

What's New in Native Title - August 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Aug, 2015

What's New in Native Title for August 2015

Negotiating the shared management of Matuwa and Kurrara Kurrara
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Lindsey Langford
Aug, 2015

One of the key aspirations of native title holders is the ability to independently make decisions about and take care of country. This aspiration is often realised through collaborative management arrangements such as joint management. For many native title groups, joint management is often the only substantive land management outcome, yet there has been little research into either its planning process or its drivers.

Native Title in the News - June July 2015
Native Title in the News
Jul, 2015

A compilation of all native title sector-related coverage in the news in June and July 2015. 

What's New in Native Title - June July 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Jul, 2015
What's New in Native Title - May 2015
Whats New in Native Title
May, 2015
Native Title in the News - May 2015
Native Title in the News
May, 2015
Native Title in the News - April 2015
Native Title in the News
Apr, 2015

Native Title in the News for April 2015.

What's New in Native Title - April 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Apr, 2015
Native Title Newsletter - April 2015
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2015
Reflections on a native title anthropology field school
Discussion paper
  • Andrew McWilliam
  • Jodi Neale
Apr, 2015

An account of new ideas and approaches for teaching native title anthropology.

What's New in Native Title - March 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Mar, 2015
Native Title in the News - March 2015
Native Title in the News
Mar, 2015

Native Title in the News for March 2015.

Gender and generation in native title: Director demographics and the future of prescribed bodies corporate
Issues paper
  • Geoff Buchanan
Mar, 2015

While gender and age are often noted as being important dimensions of Indigenous leadership and governance, they have rarely been examined in detail. This paper focuses specifically on the gender and age of directors on the boards of prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), the corporations established to hold and/or manage native title rights and interests.

Native Title in the News - February 2015
Native Title in the News
Feb, 2015
Submission to Australian Law Reform Commission Review of the Native Title Act Discussion Paper 82 (DP82) Feb 2015
Feb, 2015
What's New in Native Title - February 2015
Whats New in Native Title
Feb, 2015
Native Title in the News - January 2015
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2015
What's New in Native Title - January 2015
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2015
Native Title Newsletter - December 2014
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2014
What's New in Native Title - December 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2014
Native Title in the News - December 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2014
Black and green revisited: Understanding the relationship between Indigenous and environmental political formations
Issues paper
  • David Ritter
Nov, 2014

This paper re-visits the supposed rift and complexities between environmentalists and indigenous people — 'green' and 'black', both internationally and in Australia. The author writes about Greenpeace's international experience of working with indigenous people in the Americas and the sub-Arctic, and looks at the underlying dynamics that can contribute to disputes  between Australian Indigenous people and environmentalists.

What's New in Native Title - November 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2014
Native Title in the News - November 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2014
Native title and Indigenous cultural heritage management bibliography
Research outputs
Web publication
  • Robert Williams
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
Oct, 2014
What's New in Native Title - October 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2014
Native Title in the News - October 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2014
What's New in Native Title - September 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2014
Native Title in the News - September 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2014
In the Native Title 'hot tub': expert conferences and concurrent expert evidence in Native Title
Issues paper
  • Vance Hughston
  • Tina Jowett
Aug, 2014

Explore how expert conference and concurrent evidence can greatly reduce the hearing times and costs of Native Title proceedings. It discusses the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people in four recent cases.

Native Title Newsletter - August 2014
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2014
Native Title in the News - August 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2014
What's New in Native Title - August 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2014
Submission to Australian Law Reform Commission Review of the Native Title Act
  • Donna Bagnara
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Robert Powrie
  • Zeljko Jokic
Jul, 2014

AIATSIS' response to the Australian Law Reform Commission's review into the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) highlights the primary underlying principle that Indigenous peoples have a right to own and inherit their traditional territories; to make decisions about, and benefit from, their traditional territories and resources; as well as to maintain their culture.

What's New in Native Title - July 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2014
Native Title in the News - July 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2014
Commonwealth Native Title Connection Policy Research Project: final report
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Nick Duff
  • Toni Bauman
Jul, 2014

In 2011, the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department commissioned researchers from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Studies (AIATSIS) to conduct research and analysis and make recommendations to inform the development of a Commonwealth policy on the assessment of native title �connection’ in consent determinations

What’s needed to prove native title? Finding flexibility within the law on connection
Discussion paper
  • Nick Duff
Jun, 2014

Analyses the law in proving native title claims. This discussion paper provides a guide for both claimants and governments regarding flexibility within the law for consent determinations.

What's New in Native Title - June 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2014
Native Title in the News - June 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2014
Native Title Newsletter - May 2014
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2014
What's New in Native Title - May 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2014
Native Title in the News - May 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2014
What's New in Native Title - April 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2014
Native Title in the News - April 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2014
Inquiry into the Development of Northern Australia
  • Robert Powrie
Mar, 2014
What's New in Native Title - March 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2014
Native Title in the News - March 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2014
Gardens of discontent: health and horticulture in remote Aboriginal Australia
Discussion paper
  • Ernest Hunter
  • Leigh-ann Onnis
  • John Pritchard
Feb, 2014

Looks at the history of Indigenous health in relation to foraging and 'farming' in the remote regions of Australia. This discussion paper focuses on Cape York in remote northern Australia, and the community of Lockhart River in particular, to outline the historical and contemporary factors that have undermined, and continue to undermine, the contribution of horticulture to improving Aboriginal health.

What's New in Native Title - February 2014
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2014
Native Title in the News - February 2014
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2014
Inquiry into the Queensland Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013
  • Donna Bagnara
  • Robert Powrie
Jan, 2014

The AIATSIS submission to the State Development, Infrastructure and Industry Committee in its inquiry into the Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013 (the Bill) provides comments in our capacity as the leading proponent of legal and policy research in the native title sector.

Native Title Newsletter - December 2013
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2013
Native Title in the News - November 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2013
What's New in Native Title - November 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2013
What's New in Native Title - October 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2013
Native Title in the News - October 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2013
International joint management bibliography
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2013
Bibliography on Indigenous land management in Australia
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2013

A bibliography on Indigenous land management in Australia

What's New in Native Title - September 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2013
Native Title in the News - September 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2013
Native Title Newsletter - August 2013
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2013
Native Title in the News - August 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2013
What's New in Native Title - August 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2013
AIATSIS submission to the Native Title Organisations Review
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
  • Robert Powrie
  • Claire Stacey
Jul, 2013
What's New in Native Title - July 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2013
Native Title in the News - July 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2013
Comments on the draft terms of reference for the ALRC Review of the Native Title Act 1993
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Jun, 2013
What's New in Native Title - June 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2013
Native Title in the News - June 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2013
We have the song, so we have the land: song and ceremony as proof of ownership in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land claims
Discussion paper
  • Grace Koch
Jun, 2013

Discover the role of songs and ceremonies as evidence in land claims under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 and the Native Title Act 1993.

Pathways to the co-management of protected areas and native title in Australia
Discussion paper
Research outputs
  • Toni Bauman
  • Chris Haynes
  • Gabrielle Lauder
May, 2013

This discussion paper considers the co-management arrangements of protected areas by the Australian and state governments, and Indigenous involvement in managing the environment. It suggests the most successful ways to co-manage are likely to be the result of both legal and administrative structures.

What's New in Native Title - May 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2013
Native Title in the News - May 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2013
Native Title in the News - April 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2013
Native Title Newsletter - April 2013
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2013
What's New in Native Title - April 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2013
What's New in Native Title - March 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2013
Native Title in the News - March 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2013
What's New in Native Title - February 2013
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2013
Native Title in the News - February 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2013
Senate Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill 2012
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Jan, 2013
Native Title in the News - January 2013
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2013
Living with native title: the experiences of registered native title corporations
Jan, 2013

What does it actually mean to live with native title? Through seven case studies, this book presents the experiences of native title holders and the corporations looking after their native title interests.

Anthropologies of change: Theoretical and methodological challenges
Research outputs
Dec, 2012

A group of eminent anthropologists present their ideas about social change and continuity, and apply them to the specific business of doing native title research and writing connection reports.

AIATSIS comments on exposure draft of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Gabrielle Lauder
Dec, 2012

In this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, AIATSIS discusses the Draft of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012.

Native Title in the News - December 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2012
Native Title in the News - December 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2012
Native Title Newsletter - December 2012
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2012
Native Title in the News - November 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2012
What's New in Native Title - November 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2012
AIATSIS comments on exposure draft of proposed amendments to the Native Title Act 1993
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
  • Nick Duff
Oct, 2012

In this submission to the Attorney-General, AIATSIS comments on the exposure draft: Proposed amendments to the Native Title Act 1993.

Native Title in the News - October 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2012
What's New in Native Title - October 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2012
Native Title in the News - September 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2012
What's New in Native Title - September 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2012
Native Title Newsletter - August 2012
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2012
Native Title in the News - August 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2012
What's New in Native Title - August 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2012
Native Title in the News - July 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2012
What's New in Native Title - July 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2012
Re-evaluating Mabo: the case for Native Title reform to remove discrimination and promote economic opportunity
Issues paper
  • Shireen Morris
Jun, 2012

This paper argues that the judgement for the Mabo case may have been discriminatory and suggests that Native Title law should be reformed to recognise Indigenous people's full and beneficial ownership of their land where it has not been extinguished.

Native Title in the News - June 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2012
What's New in Native Title - June 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2012
Native Title in the News - May 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2012
What's New in Native Title - May 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2012
Joint management of protected areas in Australia: Native title and other pathways towards a community of practice
Research outputs
  • Toni Bauman
  • Claire Stacey
  • Gabrielle Lauder
Apr, 2012

The report of a 2012 workshop in Alice Springs where government staff working in joint management shared information about their approach and identified practical issues in developing a community of practice.

Native Title in the News - April 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2012
What's New in Native Title - April 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2012
Native Title in the News - March 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2012
What's New in Native Title - March 2012
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2012
Native Title Newsletter - March 2012
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2012
Managing weeds on native title lands: Workshop report
Research outputs
  • Nick Duff
Jan, 2012

A report into the implications of native title for weed management; the weed management priorities of native title holders; and the opportunities and limitations, for native title holders, of the current weed institutions, policies and programs.

Native Title in the News - January 2012
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2012
Native Title Newsletter - January 2012
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2012
Anthropologist as expert in Native Title cases in Australia
Research outputs
  • Kingsley Palmer
Dec, 2011
Submission to the review by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service of the QPWS draft Master Plan
  • Toni Bauman
  • Claire Stacey
  • Dr Valerie Cooms
Dec, 2011

This submission to the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource management comments on the draft Naturally Queensland 2020 - Master Plan for protected areas, forests and wildlife, with a focus on opportunities for engaging and partnering with Indigenous peoples for managing protected areas.

What's New in Native Title - December 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2011
Native Title in the News - December 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2011
What's New in Native Title - November 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - November 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2011
Native Title in the News - November 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2011
Constitutional reform and its relationship with land justice
Issues paper
  • Sean Brennan
Oct, 2011

A look at the link between land justice and constitutional change. It covers five areas for possible constitutional change and discusses the practical implications of Native Title.

Native Title in the News - October 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2011
What's New in Native Title - October 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2011
Recognising Indigenous peoples in the Australian Constitution: What the Constitution should say and how the referendum can be won
Issues paper
  • George Williams
Sep, 2011

This paper provides an overview of the challenges in making changes to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution. It examines the background to proposed changes, how the Constitution could be changed and how a referendum on this topic could be won.

AIATSIS Submission to the Expert Panel on the Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2011

This submission commences with a summary of AIATSIS’ recommendations to the Panel, before giving detailed consideration to specific proposals for reform. A separate section then considers the merits of particular combinations of proposed amendments. The submission ends with some comments on procedural issues.

What's New in Native Title - September 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2011
Native Title in the News - September 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - September 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2011
Submission to the Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Cath McLeish
  • Nick Duff
Aug, 2011
What's New in Native Title - August 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2011
Native Title in the News - August 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2011
Submission to the Inquiry into Australia's Biodiversity in a Changing Climate
  • Jessica Weir
Jul, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - July 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2011
What's New in Native Title - July 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2011
Native Title in the News - July 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2011
Unsettling anthropology: The demands of native title on worn concepts and changing lives
Research outputs
Jun, 2011

Modelling the connection of native title claimants to their land in ways that fit the adversarial process of native title is a challenge for anthropologists. This book deals in particular with 'settled' Australia, where native title - as a form of justice and recognition for Indigenous peoples - has proved an especially frustrating experience.

Native Title in the News - June 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2011
What's New in Native Title - June 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2011
Challenging the assumptions of positivism: An analysis of the concept of society in Sampi on behalf of the Bardi and Jawi People v Western Australia [2010] and Bodney v Bennell [2008]
Issues paper
  • Marcelle Burns
May, 2011

This paper analyses the concept of society as an element of proof for Native Title and argues that framing Indigenous law with the legal norms of Western law has its problems. It features two case studies that offer potential for a new legal interpretation of society which is based on the views of native title claimants.

Case summary: Wik Peoples v Queensland
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - May 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2011
Native Title in the News - May 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2011
What's New in Native Title - May 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2011
AIATSIS submission to the inquiry into Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Apr, 2011

In this submission, AIATSIS provides input to the inquiry conducted by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and the Arts into the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011.

What's New in Native Title - April 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2011
Native Title in the News - April 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2011
Housing on Native Title lands: responses to the housing amendments of the Native Title Act
Issues paper
  • Claire Stacey
  • Joe Fardin
Mar, 2011

In 2010, the Native Title Act was amended to improve public housing on Native Title lands. Through an analysis of parliamentary submissions, this paper questions the effectiveness of and support for the changes.

Native Title in the News - March 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - March 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2011
What's New in Native Title - March 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2011
What's New in Native Title - February 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2011
Native Title in the News - February 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2011
What's New in Native Title - January 2011
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2011
Native Title in the News - January 2011
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2011
Native Title Newsletter - January 2011
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2011
NTRB knowledge management pilot: Review and closure report
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2010
Submission to Inquiry into Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2010
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Dec, 2010
What's New in Native Title - December 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2010
Native Title in the News - December 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2010
Native Title in the News - November 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - November 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2010
What's New in Native Title - November 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2010
What's New in Native Title - October 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2010
Native Title in the News - October 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2010
Written proof: The appropriation of genealogical records in contemporary Arrernte society
Issues paper
  • Rebecca Morgan
  • Helen Wilmot
Sep, 2010

A look at the use of genealogies in Indigenous land claims and the vexed questions that arise when the same genealogies figure in disputed and competing claims.

What's New in Native Title - September 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - September 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2010
Native Title in the News - September 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2010
What's New in Native Title - August 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2010
Native Title in the News - August 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2010
Response to 'Leading practice agreements: Maximising outcomes from native title benefit'
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Joe Fardin
Jul, 2010
What's New in Native Title - July 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2010
Native Title in the News - July 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - July 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2010
Submission re Proposed Amendment to Enable the Historical Extinguishment of Native Title to be Disregarded in Certain Circumstances
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Zoe Scanlon
Jun, 2010

In this submission to the Attorney-General's Department, AIATSIS raises two key points. Firstly, despite the benefit that would be derived from the inclusion of this provision in the Act, a significant impediment still exists in s 47C(1)(c)(ii), which makes the operation of the provision optional. The provision should apply to all claims over areas of the relevant class. Secondly, this reform should be extended to all Crown land.

Dilemmas in applied native title anthropology in Australia
Jun, 2010

A critical but constructive analysis of some of the methodological and evaluative dilemmas facing native title anthropologists.

Innovative arrangements for co-management of parks in South Australia
Research outputs
  • Greg Leaman
Jun, 2010
What's New in Native Title - June 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2010
Native Title in the News - June 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - May 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2010
What's New in Native Title - May 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2010
Cultural Flows in Murray River Country
Journal article
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
May, 2010
Native Title in the News - May 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2010
NTRB Knowledge Management Pilot: Interim Report
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2010
Knowledge management, law and native title
Research outputs
Apr, 2010
Native Title in the News - April 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2010
What's New in Native Title - April 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2010
What's New in Native Title - March 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - March 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2010
Native Title in the News - March 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2010
What's New in Native Title - February 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2010
Native Title in the News - February 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2010
Native Title agreement making research resources
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
South Australian state wide agreement approach
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
Compensation annotated case list
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
Native Title Newsletter - January 2010
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
What's New in Native Title - January 2010
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
Native Title in the News - January 2010
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2010
Scoping process issues in negotiating Native Title agreements
Discussion paper
  • Delwyn Everard
Dec, 2009

This discussion paper focuses on the process issues faced by groups claiming native title. It is based on interviews with people who have experience across a broad range of native title negotiations.

Native Title Connection: Selected Readings
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2009
Annotated case list
Research outputs
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Dec, 2009
The Promise of Comprehensive Native Title Settlements: The Burrup, MG-Ord and Wimmera Agreements
Discussion paper
  • Krysti Guest
Dec, 2009

This discussion paper looks at the development of specific agreements, Indigenous governance, decision-making processes, respect for the status of traditional owners and government capacity to undertake comprehensive settlements.

Native Title in the News - December 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2009
What's New in Native Title - December 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2009
The family connection when a charity is for the advancement of Indigenous Peoples: Australia and New Zealand compared
Issues paper
  • Fiona Martin
  • Audrey Sharp
Nov, 2009

In New Zealand tax law, �charitable’ status can now be claimed by Indigenous groups defined by family or blood connection. This paper ponders whether Australia should follow a similar path.

Possible reforms to the legislative arrangements for protecting traditional areas and objects
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2009
Compromised jurisprudence: Native title cases since Mabo (Second edition)
Research outputs
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2009
What's New in Native Title - November 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2009
Compromised jurisprudence: Native title cases since Mabo (Second edition)
Research outputs
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2009

Compromised Jurisprudence has established itself as a well-priced and accessible introduction to the subject. Native title has dramatically altered the law and public policy in Australia. It has had a fundamental impact on social relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and the courts have played a central role in its development, and continue to do so.

Native Title in the News - November 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2009
Compromised jurisprudence: Native title cases since Mabo (Second edition)
Research outputs
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2009

Compromised Jurisprudence established itself as a well-priced and accessible introduction to the subject.Native title has dramatically altered the law and public policy in Australia. It has had a fundamental impact on social relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and the courts have played a central role in its development, and continue to do so. 

Native Title Newsletter - November 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2009
Negotiation in good faith under the Native Title Act: A critical analysis
Issues paper
  • Sarah Burnside
Oct, 2009

Native Title holders have a legislated right to negotiate over mining and other activities that take place on their land, but that right remains inherently difficult to enforce. Sarah Burnside argues the case for legislative change.

What's New in Native Title - October 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2009
Native Title in the News - October 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2009
The policy setting: Alternative native title framework
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2009
Native Title compensation annotated reference list
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2009
Native Title in the News - September 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2009
Native Title Newsletter - September 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2009
What's New in Native Title - September 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2009
Native Title in Canada and Australia post Tsilhqot'in: Shared thinking or ships in the night?
Issues paper
  • Simon Young
Aug, 2009

The legal case Tsilhqot’in Nation v British Columbia marked a departure in judicial thinking about �Aboriginal title’ in Canada. This paper explains its significance from both the Canadian and Australian perspectives.

Societies, communities and Native Title
Issues paper
  • Kingsley Palmer
Aug, 2009

Anthropologist Kingsley Palmer looks at the juncture of law and anthropology in Native Title cases, in particular how these disciplines use and understand the terms �community’ and �society’.

Solid work you mob are doing: Case studies in Indigenous dispute resolution & conflict management in Australia
Research outputs
  • David Allen
  • Margaret O'Donnell
  • Rhiân Williams
Aug, 2009

Evidence-based research and resources to support the development of more effective approaches to managing conflict involving Indigenous Australians.

Guidelines for best practice flexible and sustainable agreement making
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2009
What's New in Native Title - August 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2009
Native Title in the News - August 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2009
Policy Change and the Indigenous Land Corporation
Discussion paper
  • Patrick Sullivan
Jul, 2009

This discussion paper investigates changes in policy of the Indigenous Land Corporation from its beginnings in 1995 to the present day. It covers its tighter control of application procedures and its shift in focus to to joint programs with other government agencies.

What's New in Native Title - July 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2009
Native Title Newsletter - July 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2009
Native Title in the News - July 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2009
The Gunditjmara land justice story
  • Jessica Weir
Jun, 2009

The successful Gunditjmara native title claim in the 1980s sits alongside other well-known benchmarks in Australian land rights history, such as the Gurindji (Wave Hill) walk-off and land claim which led to the development of land rights legislation in the Northern Territory. This is the Gunditjmara’s story.

What's New in Native Title - June 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2009
Native Title in the News - June 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2009
Native Title Newsletter - May 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2009
Native Title in the News - May 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2009
What's New in Native Title - May 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2009
Indigenous health and wellbeing: The importance of country
Research outputs
  • Cynthia Ganesharajah
Apr, 2009
What's New in Native Title - April 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2009
Native Title in the News - April 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2009
Our understandings of water and how they translate into our decision making
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
Mar, 2009
s223 Native Title Act Workshop Agenda
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2009
Native Title Newsletter - March 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2009
What's New in Native Title - March 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2009
Native Title in the News - March 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2009
Native Title in the News - February 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2009
What's New in Native Title - February 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2009
What's New in Native Title - January 2009
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2009
Native Title in the News - January 2009
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2009
Native Title Newsletter - January 2009
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2009
Holding title and managing land in Cape York: Two case studies
Discussion paper
  • Prof Paul Memmott
  • Peter Blackwood
Dec, 2008

This paper features two case studies from Cape York and the effective design and operation of Prescribed Body Corporates relating to native title.  It follows on from previous publications on the practical aspects of native title and Indigenous land ownership.

Submission to the Attorney-General on proposed minor native title amendments
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2008
Submission to Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
  • Caroline Carmody
Dec, 2008
What's New in Native Title - December 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2008
Native Title in the News - December 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2008
The 2007 Amendments to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth): Technical amendments or disturbing the balance of rights?
  • Angus Frith
  • Ally Foat
Nov, 2008
What's New in Native Title - November 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - November 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2008
Native Title in the News - November 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2008
Journal article
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
Nov, 2008
Submission to Review of Australia's Tax System
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Oct, 2008
Native Title in the News - October 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2008
What's New in Native Title - October 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2008
Case summary: De Rose v State of South Australia
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
Case summary: Risk v Northern Territory of Australia
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
Case summary: Mabo v Queensland
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - September 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
What's New in Native Title - September 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
Native Title in the News - September 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2008
Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Submission
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2008
What's New in Native Title - August 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2008
Native Title in the News - August 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2008
Submission to the Inquiry into developing Indigenous enterprises
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Jul, 2008
Native Title in the News - July 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - July 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2008
What's New in Native Title - July 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2008
Confessions of a native judge: Reflections on the role of transitional justice in the transformation of indigeneity
Issues paper
  • Chief Judge Joe Williams
Jun, 2008

Chief Judge Joe Williams, appointed to the Maori Land Court in 1999, talks about transitional justice and reflects on what is common in the Indigenous stories of both Australia and New Zealand.

Even as the crow flies it is still a long way: Implementation of the Queensland South Native Title Services Ltd legal services strategic plan
  • Tony McAvoy SC
  • Dr Valerie Cooms
Jun, 2008

This paper sets out the attempts by Queensland South Native Title Services (QSNTS) to assist Traditional Owners to secure, at least, some recognition through the development and implementation of its Legal Services Strategic Plan (LSSP). It raises a number of best practice issues in authorising and progressing native title claims, identifies some of the issues that emerged in the implementation of the LSSP and examines the land summit processes, which were an integral part of the LSSP and which took place at Mitchell in October 2005 and Roma in June 2006.

Tradition, adaptation, the �Tide of History’ workshop: Issues for anthropology in research for native title claims and their aftermath
Research outputs
Jun, 2008
Native Title in the News - June 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2008
What's New in Native Title - June 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2008
Taxation of native title agreements
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
May, 2008

This paper examines the agreement-making environment that surrounds native title, whether triggered and governed by the operation of the NTA or more broadly arising in a native title context. This includes the legal framework for acts directly affecting native title, the types of agreements being reached and how those agreements are structured. It then addresses the taxation treatments that might apply to native title and explores the complexity and ambiguity that arises in the intersection of two of Australia’s most intricate legal regimes.

Case summary: Griffiths v Minister for Lands Planning and Environment [2008]
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
May, 2008
What's New in Native Title - May 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2008
Native Title in the News - May 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - May 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2008
Impacts and opportunities of climate change: Indigenous participation in environmental markets
Issues paper
  • Emily Gerrard
Apr, 2008

For Indigenous Australians, the enormous global problem of climate change is also an opportunity to use traditional knowledge of country in environment based commerce. Author Emily Gerrard explores this challenging dichotomy as well as possible legal redress for damage and loss caused by climate change.

Authorisation cases
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2008
The Need for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mediation, facilitation and negotiation service
  • Toni Bauman
Apr, 2008
What's New in Native Title - April 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2008
Native Title in the News - April 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2008
The future of connection material held by Native Title Representative Bodies: Final report
Research outputs
  • Grace Koch
Mar, 2008
Native Title in the News - March 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2008
What's New in Native Title - March 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - March 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2008
Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose?: The 2007 amendments to the Native Title Act
Issues paper
  • Justice Robert French
Feb, 2008

This paper focuses on the historical context of the 2007 amendments to the Native Title Act and the court's response to the legislative changes. It also looks at the how court and the National Native Title Tribunal will continue to function cooperatively within their respective spheres.

What's New in Native Title - February 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2008
Native Title in the News - February 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2008
Native Title Newsletter - January 2008
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2008
What's New in Native Title - January 2008
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2008
Native Title in the News - January 2008
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2008
Native Title in the News - December 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2007
What's New in Native Title - December 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2007
Getting outcomes sooner: Report on Native Title connection workshop,
Research outputs
  • Rita Farrell
  • John Catlin
  • Toni Bauman
Nov, 2007
Native Title in the News - November 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - November 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2007
What's New in Native Title - November 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2007
Beyond native title: the Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations
Journal article
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
  • Steven L Ross
Oct, 2007
Authorisation law
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2007
History and Native Title: The making of a community asset
Research outputs
  • Dr Michael Bennett
  • Grace Koch
Oct, 2007
What's New in Native Title - October 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2007
Native Title in the News - October 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2007
Ethnographic evidence, rights and interests, and Native Title claim research
Issues paper
  • Lisa Corbellini
Sep, 2007

A discussion of the relevance of the Native Title statutory framework to ethnographic research. It explores the kind of evidence relevent to anthropologists when researching Native Title claims.

What's New in Native Title - September 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - September 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2007
Native Title in the News - September 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2007
Reforming the claims resolution process: Opportunities and obstacles
Issues paper
  • Graeme Neate
Aug, 2007
The traditional owner experience along the Murray River
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
Aug, 2007
Native Title in the News - August 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2007
What's New in Native Title - August 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2007
Native title and governance: The emerging corporate sector prescribed for Native Title holders
Issues paper
  • Jessica Weir
Jul, 2007

A review of Indigenous governance issues and Prescribed Bodies Corporates (PBCs) within the Native Title context. It includes Federal Government reforms and policy recommendations designed to support more efficient PBCs.

What's New in Native Title - July 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - July 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2007
Native Title in the News - July 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2007
What's New in Native Title - June 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2007
Native Title in the News - June 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2007
Jango: Payment of compensation for the extinguishment of Native Title
Issues paper
  • Tina Jowett
  • Kevin Williams
May, 2007

This paper examines the court's treatment of Division 5 Part 2 of the Native Title Act 1993 as it relates to criteria for determining extinguishment.

Native Title in the News - May 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - May 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2007
What's New in Native Title - May 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2007
Native Title in the News - April 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2007
What's New in Native Title - April 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2007
Anthropology and applications for the recognition of Native Title
Issues paper
  • Kingsley Palmer
Mar, 2007

This paper examines the role of anthropology in relation to Native Title and how anthropologists can contribute to the process. It looks at the process, its demands and what anthropologists can offer as experts.

What's New in Native Title - March 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2007
Native Title in the News - March 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - March 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2007
What's New in Native Title - February 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2007
Native Title in the News - February 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2007
Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate: Native title in a post determination environment
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Jan, 2007
Native Title in the News - January 2007
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2007
What's New in Native Title - January 2007
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2007
Native Title Newsletter - January 2007
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2007
Communal land and the amendments to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act (NT)
Discussion paper
  • Prof Michael Dodson
  • Diana McCarthy
Dec, 2006

This paper focuses on the amendments to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act (Northern Territory) 1976 concerning communal title — especially the proposed privatisation of areas of Aboriginal land and the opposition to this proposal.

Authority, knowledge and values: Indigenous Nations engagement in the management of natural resources in the Murray-Darling Basin
Research outputs
  • Monica Morgan
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Jessica Weir
Dec, 2006
What's New in Native Title - December 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2006
Native Title in the News - December 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2006
Native Title Newsletter - November 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2006
What's New in Native Title - November 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2006
Native Title in the News - November 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2006
What's New in Native Title - October 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2006
Native Title in the News - October 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2006
Native Title in the News - September 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2006
Native Title Newsletter - September 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2006
What's New in Native Title - September 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2006
Case summary: Jango v Northern Territory
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2006
What's New in Native Title - August 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2006
Native Title in the News - August 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2006
Report on workshop for NTRBs on databases and access and use issues
Research outputs
  • Grace Koch
Jul, 2006
Authorisation meetings
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2006
What's New in Native Title - July 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2006
Native Title Newsletter - July 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2006
Native Title in the News - July 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2006
Waiting for Mary: Process and practice issues in negotiating Native Title Indigenous decision-making and dispute management management frameworks
Issues paper
  • Toni Bauman
Jun, 2006

A scenario that looks at the need for negotiating a framework for decision-making and dispute management in native title. It raises the practical issues of negotiating this framework including contingency plans.

Sea countries of the south: Indigenous interests and connections within the South-west Marine Region of Australia
Research outputs
  • Jessica Clements
  • Glen Kelly
  • Steve Kinnane
  • Darlene Oxenham
  • Colin Pardoe
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Penny Taylor
  • Dr Peter Veth
Jun, 2006
Native Title in the News - June 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2006
What's New in Native Title - June 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2006
What's New in Native Title - May 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2006
Native Title Newsletter - May 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2006
Native Title in the News - May 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2006
Making the connection between water and sustaining Indigenous cultural life
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
Apr, 2006
Cultural flows in the Murray Lower Darling Rivers
Research outputs
  • Jessica Weir
Apr, 2006
What's New in Native Title - April 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2006
Native Title in the News - April 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2006
Balancing the scales of Indigenous land justice in Victoria
Issues paper
  • Dr Wayne Atkinson
Mar, 2006

This paper looks at the gains made from the Wotjobaluk Native Title Consent Agreement 2005. It considers it in the context of Indigenous land justice in the twenty-first century and argues that this case may well be another act of dispossession.

Native Title Newsletter - March 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2006
What's New in Native Title - March 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2006
Native Title in the News - March 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2006
Native Title in the News - February 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2006
What's New in Native Title - February 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2006
What's New in Native Title - January 2006
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2006
Native Title in the News - January 2006
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2006
Native Title Newsletter - January 2006
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2006
Composite report on status and trends regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous and local communities (regional report: Asia and Australia)
Dec, 2005
Brief list of online resources for preservation and information on Indigenous studies
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • Grace Koch
Dec, 2005
Submission to the Native Title Claims Resolution Review
  • Toni Bauman
Dec, 2005
What's New in Native Title - December 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2005
Native Title in the News - December 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2005
Native title-holding groups and Native Title societies: Sampi v Western Australia
Issues paper
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2005

This paper examines the basis for the court's finding in the Native Title claim made by the Bardi Jawi people In Western Australia in 1995. It presents possible alternatives that may have been open to the court.

Finding training solutions in indigenous decision-making and dispute management: a resource for native title representative bodies
Research outputs
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2005

Good decision-making and effective dispute management are essential skills for both Indigenous people and communities and those who work with them. This resource has been developed to provide useful, easy to read, up-to-date training information primarily to NTRBs.

Case summary: Fejo v Northern Territory
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2005
Native Title in the News - November 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2005
What's New in Native Title - November 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2005
Native Title Newsletter - November 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2005
Native Title in the News - October 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2005
What's New in Native Title - October 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 2005
Submission to the Inquiry into the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Bill 2005
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Sep, 2005
Native Title Newsletter - September 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2005
What's New in Native Title - September 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2005
Native Title in the News - September 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2005
Case summary: Yarmirr v Northern Territory (Croker Island Case)
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2005
Case summary: Western Australia v Ward (Miriuwung-Gajerrong)
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2005
Case summary: Yorta Yorta v Victoria
Research outputs
Statistics and summaries
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2005
What's New in Native Title - August 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2005
Native Title in the News - August 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2005
Native Title in the News - July 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2005
Native Title Newsletter - July 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2005
What's New in Native Title - July 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2005
White picket fence or Trojan horse? The debate over communal ownership of Indigenous land and individual wealth creation
Issues paper
  • Dr Stuart Bradfield
Jun, 2005

This paper tracks the debate surrounding wealth creation on communally owned Indigenous land. It identifies questions on issues of social organisation, not just economics and politics.

Native title mediation: issues identified, lessons learnt: proceedings and findings of IFaMP workshops with native title mediators, February and March 2005
Research outputs
  • Fleur Kingham
  • Toni Bauman
Jun, 2005

The Native Title Act emphasises agreement-making through non-adversarial approaches such as mediation, facilitation and negotiation. This report is an overview of two workshops with native title mediators co-ordinated by the AIATSIS Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project in 2005.

Report on breakout session: The future of connection material
Research outputs
  • Grace Koch
Jun, 2005
What's New in Native Title - June 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2005
Native Title in the News - June 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2005
Report on survey of NTRBs (April-May 2005)
Research outputs
  • Grace Koch
May, 2005
What's New in Native Title - May 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2005
Native Title in the News - May 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2005
Native Title Newsletter - May 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2005
Whose benefits? Whose rights? Negotiating rights and interests amongst Indigenous native title parties
Issues paper
  • Toni Bauman
Apr, 2005

An examination of competing meanings of Aboriginal human rights and interests as they may be interpreted under the Native Title Act 1993 and in the  mediation process. 

Native Title in the News - April 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2005
What's New in Native Title - April 2005
Whats New in Native Title
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 2005
Authorisation and replacement of applicants: Bolton v WA [2004] FCA 760
Issues paper
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Mar, 2005

In this forensic look at the law governing named applicants in Native Title cases, Dr Strelein examines the decision in Bolton v WA [2004] FCA 260 against a backdrop of similar cases. 

Native Title Newsletter - March 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2005
Native Title in the News - March 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2005
Native Title in the News - February 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 2005
Native Title Newsletter - January 2005
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2005
Native Title in the News - January 2005
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2005
The business of process: Research issues in managing Indigenous decision-making and disputes in land
Discussion paper
  • Toni Bauman
  • Rhiân Williams
Dec, 2004

A discussion of the issues in managing Indigenous decision-making and disputes over land. It includes the need for localised approaches to making decisions that are in keeping with the needs of Indigenous communities. It also looks at alternative dispute resolution and the consideration of culture as part of the negotiating process.

The recognition level of the native title claim group: A legal and policy perspective
Issues paper
  • Daniel Lavery
Dec, 2004

Via a detailed examination of the case law, Daniel Lavery unpacks the complex task of determining that the people in a Native Title claim group are the 'right people for country'.

Report on native title representative body workshops: Directions, priorities and challenges
Research outputs
  • Rhiân Williams
  • Toni Bauman
Dec, 2004

The Native Title Act emphasises agreement-making through non-adversarial approaches such as mediation, facilitation and negotiation. This report summarises the priority areas and recommendations for further research that came from the first workshops of the AIATSIS Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project.

Native Title in the News - December 2004
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2004
Native Title in the News - November 2004
Native Title in the News
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2004
Native Title Newsletter - November 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2004
An anthropological perspective on writing for the court
Issues paper
  • Katie Glaskin
Sep, 2004

An anthropological perspective on writing for the court, dealing in particular with expert reports that adhere to the Evidence Act (Cth) 1995 and the importance of anthropologists properly understanding Native Title law

Submission to 'A Preamble for the Queensland Constitution?'
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2004
Native Title Newsletter - September 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2004
Promoting economic and social development through Native Title
Issues paper
  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner
Aug, 2004

Former commissioner Bill Jonas canvasses the benefits of applying human rights principles to Native Title negotiations and agreement making.

Native Title Newsletter - July 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2004
The business of process: Research issues in managing indigenous decision-making and disputes in land
Research outputs
  • Toni Bauman
  • Rhiân Williams
Jun, 2004

A preliminary paper outlining the conduct and procedures of the AIATSIS Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project.

Practical reconciliation, practical re-colonisation?
Issues paper
  • John Borrows
May, 2004

In questioning the policy of �practical reconciliation’, John Borrows proffers the alternative of �practical recolonisation’, whereby Indigenous Australians would reclaim the land and political power wrested from them through colonisation.

Native Title Newsletter - May 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2004
Agreeing to terms: What is a �comprehensive’ agreement?
Issues paper
  • Dr Stuart Bradfield
Mar, 2004

A discussion on the issues around Australian agreements due to disappointment with the processes and outcomes of Native Title litigation. It suggests there is value in a more comprehensive approach to making agreements between Indigenous peoples and the state.

Native Title Newsletter - March 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2004
Native Title and agreement making in the mining industry: Focusing on outcomes for Indigenous peoples
Issues paper
  • Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
Feb, 2004

This paper considers the value of identifying both the positive and negative outcomes that Native Title agreements have on Indigenous people. It focuses on agreements between Indigenous groups and mining companies.

Native Title Newsletter - January 2004
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2004
Native Title Newsletter - November 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2003
Beyond Yorta Yorta (Based on a paper prepared for the AIATSIS Native Title Conference Alice Springs ­June 2003)
Issues paper
  • John Basten QC
Oct, 2003

John Basten goes beyond Yorta Yorta to look at the question of connection and the principles governing extinguishment and offers some suggestions for future initiatives and directions. 

Native Title Newsletter - September 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2003
Native Title Newsletter - July 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2003
Indigenous Pueblo culture and tradition in the justice system: Maintaining Indigenous language, thought and law in judicial review
Issues paper
  • Christine Zuni Cruz
Jun, 2003

A North American perspective on the interface between Indigenous law and western legal frameworks.

Native Title Newsletter - May 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2003
�Abandonment’ or maintenance of country? A critical examination of mobility patterns and implications for Native Title
Issues paper
  • Dr Peter Veth
Apr, 2003

Proving continuity of connection to country is vital for winning Native Title, yet for millennia Aboriginal people have led mobile lives. Here Dr Veth asks: if temporary �abandonment’ of country in the past did not break down the social institutions for maintenance of connection, why should it do so now?

Native Title Newsletter - March 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2003
Members of the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v Victoria [2002] HCA 58 (12 December 2002) - Comment
Issues paper
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Feb, 2003

The decision of the High Court in the Yorta Yorta appeal confirms the enormous gap between the aspirations of Indigenous peoples and the capacity of Native Title to fulfil them. Dr Strelein ponders proof of native title, in particular for Aboriginal people in the more settled regions of Australia.

Native Title Newsletter - January 2003
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2003
Native Title in the South-east Marine Region
Research outputs
  • Dr Dermot Smyth
  • Dr Hanna Jaireth
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Dec, 2002
Negotiating comprehensive settlement of Native Title issues: Building a new scale of justice in South Australia
Issues paper
  • Parry Agius
  • Jocelyn Davies
  • Richie Howitt
  • Lesley Johns
Dec, 2002

A discussion of the South Australian Statewide Framework Agreement, which regulates how new property rights and development activities operate with regard to Native Title in South Australia.

Pastoral Access Protocols: The corrosion of Native Title by contract
Issues paper
  • Frances Flanagan
Nov, 2002
Winning native title: The experience of the Nharnuwangga, Wajarri and Ngarla People 
Issues paper
  • Michelle Riley
Nov, 2002

Two perspectives on the Nharnuwangga, Wajarri and Ngarla Native Title settlement.

Native Title Newsletter - November 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2002
Diaspora, materialism, tradition: Anthropological issues in the recent High Court appeal of the Yorta Yorta
Issues paper
  • Dr James F. Weiner
Oct, 2002

Using Yorta Yorta as his case study, anthropologist James Weiner looks at contrasting and conflicting ways of defining what Indigenous â€?continuity with country’ is today. 

Seeing the sea: Science, change and Indigenous sea rights
Journal article
Research outputs
  • Rodney Dillon
Sep, 2002
Native Title Newsletter - September 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2002
Western Australia v Ward on Behalf of Miriuwung Gajerrong, High Court of Australia, 8 August 2002: Summary of Judgement
Issues paper
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Aug, 2002

A brief summary of the findings in the High Court case Western Australia v Ward on behalf of Miriuwung Gajerrong.

How can judges calculate Native Title compensation?
Discussion paper
Research outputs
  • Paul Burke
Aug, 2002
Native Title Newsletter - July 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2002
The international concept of equality of interest in the sea as it affects the conservation of the environment and indigenous interests
Issues paper
  • The Hon Anthony Mason
Jun, 2002

Former Chief Justice Sir Anthony Mason looks at the concept quality of interest in the sea, which has come under increasing challenge in the last half-century as coastal states have claimed that their sovereignty extends beyond their territory or land mass to areas of sea and seabed.

Preserving culture in federal court proceedings: Gender restrictions and anthropological experts
Issues paper
  • Greg McIntyre
  • Geoffrey Bagshaw
May, 2002

In Native Title claims, gender restricted evidence is often important to establish and substantiate connections to country, but for Aboriginal people the presentation of such evidence is an exceptionally difficult compromise. This paper discusses the Federal Court's approach to these issues.

Native Title Newsletter - May 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2002
"Like something out of Kafka": The relationship between the roles of the National Native Title Tribunal and the Federal Court in the development of native title practice
Issues paper
  • Susan Phillips
Apr, 2002

The 1998 amendments to the Native Title Act reframed the role of the National Native Title Tribunal. Susan Phillips looks at this transfer of an entire area of developing law and legal practice from a new and specialised tribunal to the Federal Court and identifies some of the tensions it created.

Native Title Newsletter - March 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2002
Recent developments in native title law and practice: Issues for the High Court
Issues paper
  • John Basten QC
Feb, 2002

A review of Native Title law and practice, dealing thematically with connection to country, content, extinguishment and exclusive possession.

Native Title Newsletter - January 2002
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2002
The beginning of certainty: Consent determinations of Native Title
Issues paper
  • Paul Sheiner
Nov, 2001

Written almost a decade after the Mabo decision, this paper examines the trend towards consent determinations emerging at that time and its implications for the Native Title process.

Native Title Newsletter - November 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2001
Review of Conference: Emerging issues and future directions
Issues paper
  • Graeme Neate
Oct, 2001

A summation of the National Native Title Tribunal's 2001 forum by its then President, Graeme Neate.

Expert witness or advocate? Emerging issues and future directions
Issues paper
  • Bruce Shaw
Oct, 2001

Oral historians and anthropologists face a unique set of challenges in applying their skills as expert witnesses for Native Title claims. Here Bruce Shaw probes varying approaches to evidence and the distinction between expert witness and advocate.

Native Title Newsletter - September 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2001
Anthropology and connection reports in Native Title claim applications
Issues paper
  • Dr Julie Finlayson
Aug, 2001

Dr Julie Finlayson considers three essential questions for anyone involved with Native Title: What is a connection report and what is its purpose? What anthropological considerations impact on connection reports? What are the emerging issues with regard to connection reports?

Native Title Newsletter - July 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2001
Native Title Newsletter - May 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2001
Native Title Newsletter - March 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2001
Native Title Newsletter - January 2001
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2001
The content of Native Title: Questions for the Miriuwung Gajerrong Appeal
Issues paper
  • Gary Meyers
Nov, 2000

In the lead-up to the Miriuwung Gajerrong's appeal, Professor Meyers considers the distinction between possessory Native Title and the exercise of Native Title rights as referred to by Justice Lee in Ward v Western Australia.

Native Title Newsletter - November 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 2000
Economic issues in valuation of and compensation for loss of Native Title rights
Issues paper
  • David Campbell
Oct, 2000

Can the loss of Native Title be quantified in economic terms? This paper presents some of the issues involved as well as potential models for defining Native Title's cultural and material benefits.

Local and �diaspora’ connections to country and kin in central Cape York Peninsula
Issues paper
  • Benjamin Richard Smith
Sep, 2000

This paper ponders the issue of reconciling claims to country made by two relatively distinct sets of Aboriginal people - those whose forebears were removed from the region by government intervention and those whose families have remained on or nearby the land in question.

Native Title Newsletter - September 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2000
Native Title Newsletter - July 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 2000
Limitations to the recognition and protection Native Title offshore: The current 'accident of History'
Issues paper
  • Katie Glaskin
Jun, 2000

Katie Glaskin considers the recognition and protection of marine Native Title, which in 2000 was frequently excluded from the rights discussion.

A guide to Australian legislation relevant to native title: Volume One (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA)
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2000

Native title is now part of the patchwork of legislation concerning land and Indigenous peoples’ rights over land. Volume One of this guide gives an overview of the broad array of relevant legislation, from Acts and Regulations specific to land rights through to those with more indirect implications for the operation of native title in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA.

A guide to Australian legislation relevant to native title: Volume Two (WA, Tas., ACT, NT and Commonwealth)
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 2000

Native title is now part of the patchwork of legislation concerning land and Indigenous peoples’ rights over land. Volume Two of this guide gives an overview of the broad array of relevant legislation, from Acts and Regulations specific to land rights through to those with more indirect implications for the operation of native title in WA, Tas., ACT, NT and Commonwealth.

Native Title Newsletter - May 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 2000
Native Title Newsletter - March 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 2000
Native Title Newsletter - January 2000
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jan, 2000
Negotiating major project agreements: The Cape York model
Discussion paper
  • Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
Dec, 1999

This paper focuses on a model used for negotiating major project agreements in the Cape York region. It covers the framework for negotiations, information gathering, community consultation, signing of the final agreement and implementation.

Native Title Newsletter - December 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - November 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Nov, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - September 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - July 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jul, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - May 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
May, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - March 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Mar, 1999
Native Title Newsletter - February 1999
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 1999
A guide to overseas precedents of relevance to native title
  • Shaunnagh Dorsett
  • Prof Lee Godden
Dec, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - December 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - October 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - August 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - June 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - April 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - February 1998
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 1998
Native Title Newsletter - December 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - October 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - August 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - June 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - April 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Apr, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - February 1997
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Feb, 1997
Native Title Newsletter - October 1996
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Oct, 1996
Native Title Newsletter - August 1996
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 1996
Native Title Newsletter - June 1996
Native Title Newsletter
  • AIATSIS Research
Jun, 1996
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Administration of Indigenous Affairs Aug 2004
How Indigenous Knowledge can work with the intellectual property (IP) system Mar 2016
Senate Inquiry into the Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration Bill 2012) Dec 2012
Inquiry into the high level of involvement of Indigenous juveniles and young adults in the criminal justice system Dec 2009
Inquiry into the Consistency of the Native Title Amendment Act 1998 with Australia’s international obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Feb 2000
Inquiry into Development Northern Australia Mar 2014
Submission on the Draft Indigenous Education Action Plan 2010–14 Jun 2012
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund Native Title Representative Bodies Inquiry Jan 2006
Submission to the Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012 Jan 2013
Native Title (Prescribed Bodies Corporate) Amendment Regulations May 2010
Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry - Capacity Building in Indigenous Communities Aug 2002
Submission to Australian Heritage Strategy Jun 2014
Submission on the National Cultural Policy Discussion Paper 2011 Jul 2012
Summary of responses arising from NTRU PBC Workshops to FACSIA guidelines for supporting PBCs Jun 2007
AIATSIS submission to the Native Title Organisations Review Jul 2013
Submission to the Federal Government’s Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy Dec 2010
Submission to the Consultation on the Definition of a Charity (no month given) 2003
Expert Indigenous Working Group on the COAG Investigation into Land Administration and Use Jun 2015
AIATSIS- An incubator for Indigenous Researchers? Lessons from the Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowship Program 2011 Jul 2012
Guidelines for the behaviour of parties and their representatives in mediation in the National Native Title Tribunal Aug 2007
Inquiry into QLD Regional Planning Interests Bill Jan 2014
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Regulatory and Policy Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation Dec 2011