Angie Kelly
The Headland Hotel, Cornwall, has a dramatic location with sweeping views.

Like Downton Abbey on the beach

The Headland Hotel provides a very pleasant split personality experience – part Downton Abbey, part chic spa – with a spectacular beach thrown in.

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A fisherman plys his trade on Inle Lake at sunset.

An oasis of calm in Myanmar

Sightseeing by longboat is the way to get around Inle Lake. Angie Kelly spends an over-water weekend in Myanmar.

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Likuliku Lagon Resort on Malolo Island.


No kids: Paradise, for adults only

It's one of the most child-friendly islands on the planet. But here's where to avoid them.

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It would be a mistake to focus on what you can't have at Gwinganna. The rewards far outweigh the sacrifices.

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