
The Submissions below are the results of our workshops and research projects, available in peer-reviewed papers.

Native title and traditional ownership submissions

Title Author Date
AIATSIS Submission – Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) Support Strategy
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Rod Kennett
  • Dr Belinda Burbidge
  • Ashleigh Blechynden
Dec, 2016
Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into regulation of the marine fisheries and aquaculture sectors Oct, 2016
Submission to Australian Law Reform Commission Review of the Native Title Act Discussion Paper 82 (DP82) Feb 2015 Feb, 2015
Submission to Australian Law Reform Commission Review of the Native Title Act
  • Donna Bagnara
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Robert Powrie
  • Zeljko Jokic
Jul, 2014
Inquiry into the Development of Northern Australia
  • Robert Powrie
Mar, 2014
Inquiry into the Queensland Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013
  • Donna Bagnara
  • Robert Powrie
Jan, 2014
AIATSIS submission to the Native Title Organisations Review
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
  • Robert Powrie
  • Claire Stacey
Jul, 2013
Comments on the draft terms of reference for the ALRC Review of the Native Title Act 1993
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Jun, 2013
Senate Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill 2012
  • Nick Duff
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Jan, 2013
AIATSIS comments on exposure draft of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Gabrielle Lauder
Dec, 2012
AIATSIS comments on exposure draft of proposed amendments to the Native Title Act 1993
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Dr Pamela Faye McGrath
  • Nick Duff
Oct, 2012
Submission to the review by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service of the QPWS draft Master Plan
  • Toni Bauman
  • Claire Stacey
  • Dr Valerie Cooms
Dec, 2011
AIATSIS Submission to the Expert Panel on the Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2011
Submission to the Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Cath McLeish
  • Nick Duff
Aug, 2011
Submission to the Inquiry into Australia's Biodiversity in a Changing Climate
  • Jessica Weir
Jul, 2011
AIATSIS submission to the inquiry into Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Apr, 2011
Submission to Inquiry into Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2010
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Dec, 2010
Response to 'Leading practice agreements: Maximising outcomes from native title benefit'
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Toni Bauman
  • Joe Fardin
Jul, 2010
Submission re Proposed Amendment to Enable the Historical Extinguishment of Native Title to be Disregarded in Certain Circumstances
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Zoe Scanlon
Jun, 2010
Possible reforms to the legislative arrangements for protecting traditional areas and objects
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Nov, 2009
Submission to the Attorney-General on proposed minor native title amendments
  • AIATSIS Research
Dec, 2008
Submission to Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
  • Caroline Carmody
Dec, 2008
Submission to Review of Australia's Tax System
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Oct, 2008
Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Submission
  • AIATSIS Research
Aug, 2008
Submission to the Inquiry into developing Indigenous enterprises
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Jul, 2008
The Need for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mediation, facilitation and negotiation service
  • Toni Bauman
Apr, 2008
Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate: Native title in a post determination environment
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
  • Dr Tran Tran
Jan, 2007
Composite report on status and trends regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous and local communities (regional report: Asia and Australia) Dec, 2005
Submission to the Native Title Claims Resolution Review
  • Toni Bauman
Dec, 2005
Submission to the Inquiry into the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Bill 2005
  • Dr Lisa Strelein
Sep, 2005
Submission to 'A Preamble for the Queensland Constitution?'
  • AIATSIS Research
Sep, 2004
Submission on the National Cultural Policy Discussion Paper 2011 Jul 2012
Inquiry into the high level of involvement of Indigenous juveniles and young adults in the criminal justice system Dec 2009
Inquiry into Development Northern Australia Mar 2014
Submission to the Consultation on the Definition of a Charity (no month given) 2003
AIATSIS- An incubator for Indigenous Researchers? Lessons from the Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowship Program 2011 Jul 2012
Native Title (Prescribed Bodies Corporate) Amendment Regulations May 2010
Submission to Australian Heritage Strategy Jun 2014
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Administration of Indigenous Affairs Aug 2004
Senate Inquiry into the Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration Bill 2012) Dec 2012
Submission to the Federal Government’s Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy Dec 2010
Expert Indigenous Working Group on the COAG Investigation into Land Administration and Use Jun 2015
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund Native Title Representative Bodies Inquiry Jan 2006
Submission to the Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012 Jan 2013
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Regulatory and Policy Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation Dec 2011
How Indigenous Knowledge can work with the intellectual property (IP) system Mar 2016
Summary of responses arising from NTRU PBC Workshops to FACSIA guidelines for supporting PBCs Jun 2007
AIATSIS submission to the Native Title Organisations Review Jul 2013
Inquiry into the Consistency of the Native Title Amendment Act 1998 with Australia’s international obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Feb 2000
Submission on the Draft Indigenous Education Action Plan 2010–14 Jun 2012
Guidelines for the behaviour of parties and their representatives in mediation in the National Native Title Tribunal Aug 2007
Inquiry into QLD Regional Planning Interests Bill Jan 2014
Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry - Capacity Building in Indigenous Communities Aug 2002