"In my lifetime, the media has never been in such disarray" http://cjr.bz/2fq9b91

Dear Media Movers and Shakers, In the great tradition of American journalism, I thought that I would try, as pretentious as this sounds, and if you will forgive the cliche, to speak truth to power. That used...

We looked at how journalists at major news organizations use chat apps for newsgathering during political unrest #longread http://cjr.bz/2ewxtki

Coverage of any breaking news event today often includes footage captured by eyewitnesses and uploaded to the social web. This has changed how journalists and news organizations not only report and produce news, but also how they...

“Hospitality has always been a potent political weapon" http://cjr.bz/2fkuAUW

The best reporting is done on the margins, away from the siren charms of p...

A jury found reporter Sabrina Erdely liable in a defamation suit over the reporter's University of Virginia Rolling Stone rape story.

From the archives, our investigation of the now retracted report: http://cjr.bz/2e2KRg5

Last July 8, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, a writer for Rolling Stone, telephoned Emily Renda, a rape survivor working on sexual assault issues as a staff member at the University of Virginia. Erdely said she was searching for a...

The important role digital fixers play across the world http://cjr.bz/2e924pl

When An Xiao Mina traveled to Shenzhen, China, to do research on selfie stick production, she needed a way to know where people were talking. She contacted Jue Ren, a digital anthropologist working in the area who she...

Hear about Denverite's progress in launching a hyperlocal, digital-only news product http://cjr.bz/2eHcY1R

About five months ago, a for-profit, hyperlocal online news site called Denverite launched in Colorado's capital with the feel of a national startup. Backed by a trio of investors in Business Insider, the news outlet is the pilot...

In case you missed it. http://bit.ly/2ev0aOy

The same impulse you see from Trump supporters and conservative people, from white males....

Those poor feet! More regrettable headlines: http://cjr.bz/2ej3Rn3

Bild zeigt Text

A Chicago Tribune editor revealed to us the various headlines they were planning on publishing during the nail-biter http://cjr.bz/2fgFHhj

With the fate of the Chicago Cubs’ 108-year championship drought resting on a climactic Game 7 against the Cleveland Indians Wednesday night, the World Series finale was bound to ooze with drama. But no one could have foreseen...

"The idea that we should have sports coverage that ignores anything off field is preposterous." http://cjr.bz/2fHZLdg

Rob Neyer isn’t embarrassed to say he’s more than a little preoccupied with the number of people who follow him on Twitter. Neyer is a freelance baseball writer and sabermetrics guru, and the 64,000 readers who have added...

"The coverage of local communities and state government has been most severely damaged by the disruption of our industry" http://cjr.bz/2fdP0MA

Wide swaths of the country, both geographically and demographically, don't believe us. They see us as tools of some amorphous establishment, and have turned for their news of the world to alternate channels, to put it politely. To them,...

A memo two weeks ago from a WSJ editor to the paper’s entire editorial staff signaled stormclouds.

Today, the deluge began: http://cjr.bz/2eovNZL

Earnings reports from across the industry show newspapers are in even worse trouble than previously understood. The problem: Print...

In case you missed it: "Any journalist sending out a pitch like that would probably be waiting for a response for the rest of her life" cjr.bz/2fePAKH

Donald Trump is a moral, intellectual and spiritual failure. He lies, he cheats, he insults, he practices the rankest hypocrisy. He manipulates the tax code to avoid paying taxes. He wields bankruptcy to avoid paying his creditors. And...

From the archives: The many ways the rich have been able to silence journalists http://cjr.bz/2fi39qP

When Gawker Media was sentenced to pay Hulk Hogan $140 million in damages for publishing his sex tape, it was seen as a victory over snarky New York media. Now, with the revelation that the lawsuit was secretly...

A coalition will monitor social media and Google to identify locations where voters are having problems http://cjr.bz/2fhTyQZ

On election nights past, ProPublica staffers were more likely to be found at home watching the results roll in on TV or online than in the newsroom. The nonprofit, public-interest journalism outfit isn’t in the business of tracking...

In case you missed our article about journalists holding the powerful accountable http://bit.ly/2fcyAEt

It’s the archetypical male testosterone-fueled challenge, and yes, the media....

The Wall Street journal story on the list is a must-read http://bit.ly/2fsiHxj

If you missed these savory bits of goodness last month, what better time to revisit them than when you’re nursing your sugar hangover...

Meet the “superstar, the celebrity that has attracted activists and the media like nobody else has" http://cjr.bz/2f75LeX

Colorado Public Radio in early October aired a debate between ex-Washington Post reporter T.R. Reid and PR consultant Cody Belzley over a ballot initiative that would bring single-payer health insurance to the state. Before they went on the...

Our list includes an impressive dive into the mind of a conspiracy theorist and a fantastic profile of an openly gay NBA referee http://bit.ly/2fASo7t

Sorry, no king-sized candy bars here—CJR feasted this Halloween on October’s best work in journalism. If you missed these savory bits of goodness last month, what better time to revisit them than when you’re nursing your sugar hangover...

A precedent has been set. Which is great. But it’s also complicated http://cjr.bz/2fr12Gn

“You calling me a liar?” It’s the archetypical male testosterone-fueled challenge, and yes, the media is calling Donald Trump a liar. Isn’t that what journalism is all about, telling the truth? New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet...