Kate Gorillaway! Presenter Garraway recoils in panic as a large ape crawls across the set during live Good Morning Britain broadcast

An unsuspecting Kate Garraway was in for a shock on Friday's instalment of Good Morning Britain.

Presenting the show alongside co-anchor Ben Shephard, the pair were interviewing conservationist Tim Henshall who was discussing his wildlife efforts in Uganda.

Next to Tim sat a large gorilla, which suddenly began to lurch across the set towards Kate.

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'Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!' the presenter squirmed, recoiling in a sudden state of worry as the huge beast closed in on her.

Although terrifyingly realistic, the creature was purely an animatronic version of a primate, and was there to demonstrate how such creations are being used to promote development in natural communities around Africa.

The gentle giant climbed on to the sofa next to Kate and sat with her, snuggling up to her.

'You're a lot better looking than a lot of my dates,' she joked.

Kate Gorillaway! Presenter Garraway recoils in panic as a large ape crawls across the set during live Good Morning Britain broadcast

Kate Gorillaway! Presenter Garraway recoils in panic as a large ape crawls across the set during live Good Morning Britain broadcast

Going ape: Presenting the show alongside co-anchor Ben Shephard, the pair were interviewing conservationist Tim Henshall who was discussing his wildlife efforts in Uganda

Going ape: Presenting the show alongside co-anchor Ben Shephard, the pair were interviewing conservationist Tim Henshall who was discussing his wildlife efforts in Uganda

'Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!' The presenter squirmed, recoiling in a sudden state of worry as the huge beast closed in on her

'Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!' The presenter squirmed, recoiling in a sudden state of worry as the huge beast closed in on her

'It looks like your wedding picture,' Ben chimed in, cheekily. 

Kate was soon at ease with the fake beast and cuddled into it actually rather enjoying the experience all of a sudden. 

'He’s not real but he’s a brilliant version and the closest version we’re going to get to,' Kate informed the viewers.

Tim explained how the inventions are used in encouraging mountain gorilla breeding.

Bride and groom: 'It looks like your wedding picture,' Ben chimed in, cheekily

Bride and groom: 'It looks like your wedding picture,' Ben chimed in, cheekily

Gentle giant: The creature was purely an animatronic version of a primate, and was there to demonstrate how such creations are being used to promote development in natural communities around Africa

Gentle giant: The creature was purely an animatronic version of a primate, and was there to demonstrate how such creations are being used to promote development in natural communities around Africa

Getting cosy: The gentle giant climbed on to the sofa next to Kate and sat with her, snuggling up to her. 'You're a lot better looking than a lot of my dates,' she joked

Getting cosy: The gentle giant climbed on to the sofa next to Kate and sat with her, snuggling up to her. 'You're a lot better looking than a lot of my dates,' she joked

He explained: 'We’re really seeing a turnaround with mountain gorillas and we’re seeing this baby boom.'

Kate was the one laughing at Ben's expense last week when, instead of apes, it was birds that were the topic of discussion.

Sat between Kate and Charlotte Hawkins, the trio were announcing last weekend's Big Bird Watch, run by the RSPB.

'The idea is you go out and observe the birds in your back garden...' Kate explained, as Charlotte nodded, listening in interest. 

Ben was smirking, however, clearly finding something funny.

Cuddles: Kate was soon at ease with the fake beast and cuddled into it actually rather enjoying the experience

Cuddles: Kate was soon at ease with the fake beast and cuddled into it actually rather enjoying the experience

'They all look like great tits to me!' The ladies decided to ignore this remark, but Ben could barely suppress his amusement at the repeated mention of 'tits'

'They all look like great tits to me!' The ladies decided to ignore this remark, but Ben could barely suppress his amusement at the repeated mention of 'tits'

As images of garden birds flashes on to the screen, Ben was heard saying 'That’s a blue tit'.

Charlotte was quick to correct her co-host, saying: 'That’s the great tit!'

To which Ben replied: 'They all look like great tits to me!'

'Let us know if you'll be looking for birds this weekend,' Ben finished, speaking to the camera. 'I think the crew will be!' 

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