
Updated: 09:51 EST

Court of Appeal rejects bid to reinstate Trump travel ban

As a furious legal battle erupted over the president's controversial immigration executive order, a defiant Trump declared his team will win 'for the safety of the country' while attending a ritzy Florida gala. The 45th president looked stony-faced and was confident the Department of Justice would win its recent appeal against the Seattle court ruling that temporarily suspended his foreign traveler ban. Trump's policy, which was only in place for a week, sparked worldwide protests before it was swiftly undone by one federal judge on Friday. The president was at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida when the legal mayhem erupted and seemed furious his celebratory weekend was interrupted by the ruling as demonstrators protested him nearby in Palm Beach.

Suspect arrested in murder of Queens jogger Karina Vetrano

Police sources said Saturday they were interrogating a man in the slaying of 30-year-old Karina Vetrano (pictured), who was found raped and strangled in Spring Creek Park, Howard Beach, in August. The man, believed to be in his twenties and from Brooklyn, was first spotted by an off-duty officer acting suspiciously in Howard Beach and later agreed to give a DNA sample, sources said. The suspect had no criminal history, meaning his DNA profile wasn't part of law enforcement databases. He was being held and questioned Saturday night outside of Howard Beach.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

NEW Iranian infant Fatemeh Reshad, who was banned from entering the US under President Trump's order, will be allowed to have life-saving heart surgery at Portland's Doernbecher hospital.

James Robart, the Seattle judge derided by President Donald Trump on Twitter Saturday after blocking Trump's order on immigration, is known for his conservative legal views.

Super Bowl WAGs giving Giselle a run for her money

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady's wife, may have been the queen of the WAGs in previous years, but she has some fierce competition from the stunning women who will be hitting Houston, Texas, on Sunday. Fellow Victoria Secret model Adriana Lima - who is also dating a Patriots star - certainly gives Gisele a run for her money. Lima, whose boyfriend is wide receiver Julian Edelman, has been the spokeswoman for Maybelline since 2003 is renowned for her Super Bowl a commercials. She is just one of the beautiful wives and girlfriends gracing the stands at this year's game.

The 30-year-old hit-maker took to Instagram Stories on Saturday to share a montage of scenes as she prepares for the huge stage that awaits her Sunday at Houston's NRG Stadium.

A bettor using his phone app put $1.1m on the Atlanta Falcons plus three points in the Super Bowl. Sports books around Las Vegas said betting may top record $132.5m wagered last year.

Black Hawk helicopters are part of Sunday's Super Bowl security measures. Eight aircraft will be monitoring the skies above Houston's NRG Stadium.

President Donald Trump's supporters are vowing to never drink Budweiser beer after parent company Anheuser-Busch rolled out its Super Bowl commercial retelling the immigrant tale of its co-founder.

Tom Brady's sick mother arrives at Super Bowl LI

Tom Brady posted a heartfelt photo to social media on Friday announcing that his family has arrived in Houston for his sixth Super Bowl appearance. His mother, Galynn, has reportedly been sick for the last eighteen months, and it was feared she might not be well enough to attend the game.

'You think our country is so innocent?': Trump doubles down on 'respect' for Putin and says 'US has a lot of killers' when told Russian president is 'a killer' for murdering journalists

President Donald Trump raised eyebrows once again on Saturday after he justified his 'respect' for Russian President Vladimir Putin by pointing out that the United States has 'a lot of killers' and asking, 'Well, you think our country is so innocent?' Trump made the remarks in a recorded interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly. The full interview will air on the Fox network before the Super Bowl on Sunday. The remarks angered conservatives on Twitter.

'I'm here to swallow gum and take names': Melissa McCarthy undergoes incredible transformation to play a blustering Press Secretary Sean Spicer to showstopping effect on SNL

Just minutes after Alec Baldwin returned to NBC studios as President Donald Trump, Melissa McCarthy surprised the audience by coming on stage to play a blustering Sean Spicer. McCarthy used the opportunity to mock some of Spicer's more controversial attributes, namely his use of 'alternative facts' and contentious relationship with the press. In her opening remarks as the Press Secretary, she says: 'Before we begin, I know the press and myself have gotten off to a rocky start. 'When I say rocky I mean in the sense of "Rocky" the movie because I came out here to punch you in the face, and also I don't talk so good.' Later, in an impersonation of Spicer taking questions from the press, he quickly grows frustrated at journalists asking about the role of chief strategist and key adviser Steve Bannon, turning to toys to explain the President's executive order.

President Trump signed an executive order during his first week in office that stripped deportation regulations and could see up to 8million people considered priorities for deportation.

Ammar Alnajjar, left, shakes hands with his cousin, Fahd Alfakih, after coming into New York's JFK International Airport on a flight from Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017. The government on Saturday suspended enforcement of President Donald Trump's refugee and immigration ban, enabling Alnajjar to return from Turkey where he was visiting his wife. (AP Photo/William Mathis)

Ammar Alnajjar (left) shook hands with his cousin after landing at New York's JFK on a flight from Istanbul Saturday, while enforcement of Trump's travel ban remained blocked.

Donald Trump 'avoids holding Melania's hand in public because he wants to look like a presidential alpha,' says body language expert

The president and first lady had an awkward hand-hold Friday on the tarmac of the Palm Beach International Airport, when Donald Trump appeared to let go of Melania's hand twice. He had just arrived on Air Force One for a visit to his Mar-A-Lago resort. Trump and Melania were holding hands when he first got off the plane. But the president abruptly let go to clap with the well-wishers who were there to greet him. Melania reached for his hand again, at which point he brought her hand up towards him, gave it two pats - and dropped it once more. 'I think he's been saying, "I want to be seen as the president on my own", which is very much alpha,' body language expert Patti Wood told the DailyMail.com. She has noticed a shift in the couple's body language since Trump began his presidential race.

Though the US state department has reversed the cancellations of visas for foreigners, there are still many protests against the ban. Many major cities across the US and world held rallies.

Malcolm Turnbull speaks about phone call with Donald Trump

Malcolm Turnbull has admitted that President Donald Trump 'would not have to honour' a deal to resettle refugees in the United States. 'It's a deal that President Trump entered into, he would not have to honour it, but he has committed,' Mr Turnbull said. Mr Turnbull has gone to great lengths to assure the public that the deal - which was settled by the Obama Administration - would still go forward under President Trump.

Mike Pence promised Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch would be seated 'one way or the other' in Philadelphia on Saturday. Democrats may block Trump's pick in retaliation.

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron called on U.S. scientists who are afraid of Donald Trump's administration to move to France on Saturday.

Catch me if you can! Competitive Kate tries to outrun her husband but gets royally beaten by Prince Harry as they take part in a relay race at London's Olympic park 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went head to head in a race this afternoon as they took part in a training day for the London Marathon at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (QEOP) in London. The pair were joined by Prince Harry at the training day for Team Heads Together which is the campaign to change the conversation on mental health which is spearheaded by the royal trio.

Julia Laureano, a freshman at the University of West Florida was hospitalized when she was hit Thursday afternoon. She was trying to get photos with a train in the background

Dozens of women have taken to secret-sharing site Whisper to reveal how they REALLY feel about waiting to get engaged... and some men may want to look away now

A group of hikers plunged down a long, steep icy slope in the Los Angeles' San Gabriel Mountains on Saturday, killing one and injuring four others, one of them critically.

Surveillance footage from a building in Far Rockaway, Queens, shows a man who was trying to get into his home when he was robbed at gunpoint and forced to give up his clothing.

Montreal photographer refuses to shoot gay wedding

Mike Cerantola and his partner Victor sought out Premiere Productions in Montreal for their wedding. After asking for details, the photographer realized there was no 'bride,' and declined to book citing his religious beliefs.

Stars attending next weekend's Grammys might be left disappointed by the contents of the $30,000 goody bags, which contain some bizarre items including a personal CPR kit, crayons and adult bibs.

During her set in Houston, the star said: 'As far as I know I'm only doing one show in 2017, and as far as I know, this is that show,' she said. 'You are attending 100 percent of my tour dates.'

Attempted murder victim returns to scene of crime

A woman who was left for dead after her neck was brutally broken by a high school wrestling coach returned to the woods where she once lay helplessly for more than 30 hours. Ashley Reeves (main with Elizabeth Smart) was thought to be dead by investigators who found her in the woods of Belleville, Illinois, covered in thousands of insect bites (top right) after Samson Shelton choked her with a belt in 2006. Upon revisiting the scene of the harrowing crime with kidnapping survivor and Crime Watch Daily 's Correspondent Elizabeth Smart, Reeves said: 'I think it's kinda hard to believe that this is actually where I was for that long and in that condition. '[It] makes me feel like maybe I am as tough as everybody says I am,' Reeves said, after she beat all odds and learned how to swallow, talk, and move her arms and legs again. Bottom right, Shelton during his interrogation

Gavin, a sixth-grade student in St. Louis, was suspended after he was attacked for wearing a Trump hat on Wednesday. He was filmed being verbally and physically bullied by his peers.

World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data

The Mail on Sunday reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world's leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. The report claimed that the 'pause' or 'slowdown' in global warming in the period since 1998 - revealed by UN scientists in 2013 - never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, 'unverified' data.

The emails allegedly showed how desperate Becks (pictured) was to ensure he was made 'Sir David' - and the lengths to which he would go to achieve his goal, even using his charity work.

In fairness, it was never going to be easy for David Beckham to repair his shredded public image. But in giving it his best shot yesterday, the former England star offered an extraordinary excuse.

DO look down! Heart-stopping moment a diver somersaults off a 55ft platform into the deepest pool on a cruise ship

Cesilie Carlton, a 35-year-old American high diver, is seen leaping headfirst from a 55ft high platform aboard the Harmony of the Seas cruise ship as the fast-moving ocean churns past below her. Cesilie, who is also currently a Red Bull cliff diver, has amassed more than 250,000 views on Instagram since the footage was posted last week. The impressive and frankly terrifying video was shot aboard the Harmony of the Seas cruise ship by her colleague, fellow diver Sydney Brown. The cruise ship - the largest passenger liner in the world with a capacity for 5,479 guests - boasts a 2,100-strong crew, of which 20 are performers at the AquaTheater seen in the video.

The singer is looking to adopt twins Esther and Stella Mwale, 4, from a Malawi orphanage. Mercy James's uncle Peter Banet told their family: 'It will be as if your children have died.'

Pinterest crowns winners of first ever UK food awards

Pinterest held its first ever UK Food Awards, handing out prizes for best recipes in categories including best brunch. Recipes from the Hemsley sisters (top centre) and Fearne Cotton (top right) were among winners. Six winners have shared their recipes with FEMAIL for you to try at home, including (top left to right): chicken tikka masala, one-pan English breakfast, goji berry bars and (bottom left to right) travelling noodles, no-bake chocolate fruit pizza and spiced butterflied lamb.

Turkish police have arrested 400 suspected ISIS jihadis in a major nation-wide anti-terror clampdown, with an estimated 60 detained in the capital, Ankara, file photograph.

Reddit users have revealed the secrets they would never share with their parents. From covering up jail time to losing family heirlooms, people have shed light on their most embarrassing cover ups.

Funniest holiday photobombs of all time

MailOnline Travel has rounded up some of the best-timed and most amusing photobombs ever to have taken place from around the world, starring humans and animals alike. Pictured, clockwise from top left, A cyclist suffering a close encounter with a lamp post; a camel with ulterior motives; a man imitating a beachgoer's moves; a swan crashing a photo of a temple; a man described as being 'never too old to photobomb a bikini shot'; and the priceless expression of someone in the background of a seaside shoot.

LIZ JONES: We cannot win, Kylie, we over-achieving older women. I understand, I really do. The world is your oyster, but you have no one to share it with.

Blanket Jackson enjoys a night out with friends in LA

Blanket Jackson made a rare public appearance in Los Angeles on Friday night amid claims his late father Michael was murdered. The 14-year-old - whose real name is Prince Michael Jackson II - looked in good spirits as he headed to Hollywood hotspot Catch with his friends. Laughing and joking with the group, the youngster seemed to be enjoying himself on the night. It was a rare public outing for the teenager - who is the youngest of Michael's three children - Michael, 19, Paris 18, and Blanket. His appearance came after elder sister Paris claimed their father had been murdered during a candid interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Blanket hit the headlines back in 2002 when his troubled father dangled him from a hotel balcony in Berlin, Germany (inset).

The famed California restaurant, The White House, was burned to the ground during a two-alarm blaze early Saturday morning. About 40 firefighters were called to battle the blaze.

Pan American Airlines pioneered the era of commercial flight from its bold inception in the late 1920s and won fame as history's most iconic airline, thanks in part to its alluring ads and glamorous crew.


Femail Today

Why we should ALL be following the Scandinavian lifestyle

The Scandi lifestyle is one of the healthiest and happiest in the world. Need proof? Just look to fitness blogger Faya Nilsson, 30, left and right, who lives in London, and has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers. Faya, 30, who runs the hugely popular Fitness on Toast site, grew up on a farm in a small town in the south of Sweden called Karlskrona, then spent her teenage years in Stockholm, before moving to London just under 10 years ago. She has penned a book revealing how to live like a Scandi and shares her best diet, inset, fitness and lifestyle tips with FEMAIL.

The celebrity hairdresser was quizzed by Thames Valley Police last month as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star's life before he died at his Oxfordshire home, aged 53.

Sharron Ivory admitted that he knew his cousin's killer was not Sundhe Moses in a Brooklyn court. His cousin Shamone Johnson was killed by a stray bullet at 1750 Prospect Place in 1995. She was four.

The amazing story of Officer Walter Sitek can now be told in full as the remains of his ship, coral-lined and broken in two, were recovered 3,000 feet beneath the Atlantic Ocean near the Azores.

As this new infographic reveals, Saudi Arabia has banned Valentine's Day altogether, but there does exist a black market for red roses; and in Japan, its customary for women to give gifts to men only.

Fitness monitors use an accelerometer to arm movements, which can be deceptive. Researchers from the University of Ireland, Galway, found all devices counted 'false positive' steps.

A six-alarm fire ripped through the construction site of the Avalon Bay Apartments in Maplewood, New Jersey on Saturday. Thirty units were set to open to the public in about six weeks.

David Sassoon on how he helped Diana become a fashion icon

As an exhibition celebrates the life and wardrobe of the late Princess of Wales, David Sassoon - one of her favourite designers and confidants - reveals how he helped her become a fashion icon. He is the designer who, as one half of Bellville Sassoon, the label of choice among privileged young ladies in the late 1970s, took Lady Di from junior Sloane ranger - all floaty skirts, cashmere cardigans and pie-crust collars - and discreetly steered her in the direction of fully fledged fashion icon. Diana's loyalty to him was absolute: he designed more than 70 gowns for her over nearly two decades. (Pictured: Diana in some of his creations and his initial sketches.)

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick says his company is buying plane tickets for stranded drivers now that a federal judge has put a hold on President Donald Trump's travel ban.

Who says divorce means the end of a relationship? These A-list ex-couples have proved not only that they can remain friends, but they can even bond with their former partners' new lovers.

While the two-time Oscar nominee was married to his second wife Donna, he offered Lesley-Ann Jones £100,000. He admitted to her that he was desperate for a daughter and was 'fascinated' by girls.

The Queen (pictured) cheered herself up as she battled her illness over the Christmas period by watching old Laurel and Hardy films and Keeping Up Appearances, it was revealed today.

Romania's prime minister has announced that the government will repeal the contentious decree after the biggest protests in the country since the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989.

Princess Beatrice attends wedding with other royal guests

Princess Beatrice attended a lavish wedding ceremony along with other royals from around the world as socialites Filippos Lemos and Marianna Goulandris got married in London (inset). The 28-year-old (left) looked happy wearing a black and white dress as she spent the day celebrating the stylish wedding in the capital. She was at the ceremony which took place at the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sophia near Hyde Park, west London. The bride wore a traditional white wedding dress and looked glamorous as she walked out of the cathedral (main image). Other royals who attended the wedding included Queen Maxima of Netherlands (left, inset) and King Constantine II of Greece. After the ceremony, the newlyweds got into a silver Mercedes-Benz (bottom right) - which had gull-wing doors - and drove off together (top right).

They say the right haircut can take ten years off you. FEMAIL caught up with international hair stylist, Anthony Nader, to find out the most common hair mistakes middle-aged women make.

'So very saddened,' the 83-year-old former CNN stalwart wrote on Twitter on Friday, about his ex, adding, 'she died peacefully with our children Chaia and Andy by her side.' He was married to Alene twice.

The Mail on Sunday's Simon Sebag Montefiore explored the delights of India; venturing into rural Rajasthan and staying at The Royal Heritage Haveli, owned by the Maharajah of Jaipur.

Systems like Slendertone that slimmers use to target muscle groups could be more effective that compression stockings for poor leg circulation, a study by London hospitals shows.

Boeing 777 from Zurich to LA carrying 300 passengers is forced to make an emergency landing at remote Canadian airport in -6F weather after engine malfunction

Nearly 300 passengers heading to Los Angeles landed in a remote and snow-covered Canadian airport after one of the engines on the Boeing 777 stopped working. The Swiss International flight from Zurich to California on Wednesday made an emergency landing at Iqaluit Airport, where the sole runway usually accommodates much smaller aircraft. The town mayor quickly arranged for the passengers to take a tour of the city, where temperatures hovered around minus six degrees Fahrenheit, but they ended up staying on the plane until a replacement arrived hours later from New York.

Today's hottestfashion finds

  • Sofia

    Elevate your style in some platform boots like Sofia

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  • Nicki

    Stud-dy for your babewatch look like Nicki in her Norma Kamali swimsuit

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  • Kourtney

    Make like Kourtney and get a Melissa Obadash bikini

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  • Blac

    Upgrade your accessories with a Moschino shoulder bag

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Vitamin Warehouse sell essentials in VENDING machines 24/7

Melbourne shoppers can now purchase their essentials at a one-stop shop that will sure come in handy at all hours of the day. Vitamin Warehouse, located in St Kilda, comes complete with 13 vending machines - all stocked with a range of products at cheaper prices than his competitors. Despite the automated shop operating 24 hours a day, there are no retail workers, including assistants or a manager to run the store. And that's because owner Hari Shotham (pictured) simply monitors his business by accessing the store's surveillance cameras through his mobile phone.

Researchers using the NERSC supercomputers say the effort will help improve our understanding of the physical conditions that give rise to these ultra-bright objects.

Dental technician Gary Archer has been creating cinema's chompers for more than 20 years. The LA-based British expat shares the story behind some of his most memorable creations.

South Africa's 'pink' one-day international against Sri Lanka encountered an unexpected hazard when a swarm of bees interrupted play for almost half an hour at the Wanderers.

She'll be your Dixie Chicken: Bizarre video shows patriotic pecker's stunning rendition of 'America the Beautiful' on piano  

A video was posted online that shows a musically gifted chicken named Jogku as she pecks piano keys along to the tune of 'America the Beautiful'. The patriotic pecker is named Jogku, and is a 19-month-old Brahma Bantam who lives in Germantown, Maryland. The chicken follows a red light as it appears under different keys, signalling which one to peck next.



Better than an in-flight movie! Plane passenger films stunning view of the Northern Lights while flying over Canada

Breathtaking footage of a geomagnetic storm was captured by an airplane passenger while flying east over Canada. Better known as 'Northern Lights', the storms create 'auroral currents', which create the glowing colorful lights sparkling in the horizon. The currents' reflection can be seen appearing much whiter over the bright city - and growing a deeper shade of emerald as the city lights fade.

Chris Knight traveled to the village of Xcalak on Mexico's Caribbean Coast. He took photos of crocodiles on a 'sweet-spot' shallow enough for them to stand in but deep enough to find prey.

The Daily Mail's Richard Eden stayed at the Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort in Morocco, near Casablanca, which boasts an 18-hole golf course as well as North Africa's biggest casino.

In a new video, an extreme downhill skater is seen falling from at least 15 feet in the air before painfully crushing his tailbone into the hard, frozen ice. At first the skater looks like he is in control.

Lion siblings pictured battling fiercely in Zimbabwe

These spectacular images show lion siblings seemingly trying to rip each other part - but moments later they're once again best pals. The snaps were taken at Antelope Park in Zimbabwe by Irish photographer David Jenkins. He said: 'It was very exciting and fast - a real challenge to try to catch with a camera. After the fight, they were exhausted (bottom right) and just collapsed on top of each other before catching a much needed catnap.'