Trump’s new conservative liaison wants to kill agencies, purge the bureaucracy, and start a debt ceiling fight

“No one talks about the Foreign Service. Let's go after the Foreign Service.”

Why Cory Booker is wrong about the safety of drugs from Canada

Importing drugs from Canada wouldn’t endanger Americans — but it also won't fix the broken drug pricing system

Terrorism by Muslims makes up one-third of 1 percent of all murders in the US

The total Muslim American population is 3.3 million.

Trump has been president for a week. Here’s what he’s done so far.

Here are the policy changes he’s actually made.

In 1939 the US turned away a Jewish refugee ship. This Twitter account commemorates the victims.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, remembering the refugees the US refused to save.

New analysis: the Women’s March in Washington, DC, drew half a million people

New aerial images offer the best estimate yet of Saturday’s turnout.

Mike Pence is one of the most anti-abortion Republicans in Washington. Here’s his record.

This is why Pence will be the first sitting vice president to speak at the March for Life

President Trump is citing a source with no public proof to back his voter fraud myth

Gregg Phillips says he’ll release proof of widespread voter fraud once his "internal audit" is complete. Sounds familiar.

Most Viewed

  1. A viral Washington Post story about State Department resignations is very misleading

  2. Today in Obamacare: Rand Paul's replacement is out. And it's … not great for sick people.

  3. Donald Trump is the sole reliable source of truth, says chair of House Science Committee

  4. Read leaked drafts of 4 White House executive orders on Muslim ban, end to DREAMer program, and more

  5. Democrats are putting up a tougher fight than liberals realize

Why the Texan Republican who represents the border doesn’t want a wall

His constituents’ land would be seized to build it.

Trump floats, then retracts, a border tax to make American consumers pay for the wall

Long-simmering tensions with Mexico come to a head.

The fake news problem isn't nearly as bad as you might think

A Stanford researcher talks about his study on the role of false stories in the 2016 election.

The dangerous consequences of accepting even one “alternative fact”

Beliefs do not exist in isolation.

Scientists are quickly mobilizing to protest Trump

Plans for a “Scientists' March on Washington” are underway.

Mass incarceration doesn't do much to fight crime. But it costs an absurd $182 billion a year.

A new report suggests mass incarceration costs even more than we previously thought.