7 lessons from psychology that explain the irrational fear of outsiders

Fear of refugees and immigrants is emotional. That's what makes it so powerful.

The debate over punching white nationalist Richard Spencer in the face, explained

Some describe him as “a Nazi” and a “fascist” — and they argue that justifies violence against him. But that view defies decades of American and liberal norms.

It’s official: Trump is taking his voter fraud myth to the White House — with real consequences

There is no evidence for Trump’s claim that “millions of people” voted illegally. But it’s already leading to action from the White House.

The simple truth about voter fraud

Voter fraud is very rare. That hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from freaking out about it anyway.

The ongoing court battles over voting rights, explained

Courts are striking down a new wave of voting restrictions. Here’s what you need to know.

Extraditing El Chapo was a good sign — for both Mexico and the US

Mexico sent the US one of its worst people ... to preserve law and order.

El Chapo's capture won't help win the war on drugs

While a symbolic victory, this could actually make drug war violence worse.

The 3 deadliest drugs in America are legal

Tobacco, alcohol, and opioids kill hundreds of thousands annually. Marijuana, meanwhile, has caused zero overdose deaths.

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  1. Trump: No, my Supreme Court nominee didn’t criticize me. (Nominee’s spokesperson: Yes, he did.)

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  3. GOP senator: Elizabeth Warren shouldn’t criticize Sessions, because “think of his wife"

  4. This philosopher predicted Trump's rise in 1998 — and he has another warning for the left

  5. How to stop an autocracy

Donald Trump’s attack on civil rights leader John Lewis, explained

John Lewis is the leader dissenters need in the age of Donald Trump.

Report: Chicago police use excessive force and often treat people “as animals or subhuman”

The Justice Department just completed an exhaustive 13-month investigation into the Chicago Police Department. The findings are horrifying.

Obama’s ending one of the US’s most generous immigration policies

And Trump might reinstate it.

The trial of Dylann Roof for the Charleston church shooting, explained

He killed nine people at a black church. And a jury has now sentenced him to death.

Jeff Sessions’s confirmation hearing is a referendum on Trumpism

A fight about race that both parties want.