Jones the Grocer pioneer John Manos takes on NYC

Gourmet food pioneer John Manos is shifting his sights to the US because he believes it's impossible to build a gourmet ...
Gourmet food pioneer John Manos is shifting his sights to the US because he believes it's impossible to build a gourmet retail food business of scale in Australia. Wayne Taylor

The irony isn't lost on gourmet food pioneer John Manos, the former owner of upmarket retail food chain Jones the Grocer.

Almost three years ago shopping centre giant Westfield was so impressed by Jones the Grocer's Sydney CBD stores it invited Mr Manos to open a similar food retail concept in the new World Trade Centre in New York.

Jones the Grocer's Australian operations collapsed in 2015 after a dispute between Mr Manos and his major shareholder, L Capital Asia. Mr Manos sued for damages in 2015 alleging minority oppression and the case was settled confidentially in December.

Now his new $US10 million ($13 million) venture, Market Lane NYC, comprising a boutique supermarket and food hall selling prepared meals and healthy, fast casual dining options, opens next month. Talks are already afoot to open similar Market Lane outlets in Dubai and Singapore, following in Jones the Grocer's footsteps.

"There is a level of irony, " Mr Manos said. "I believe in karma. What happened with Jones the Grocer was wrong and avoidable.

"But things have a way of sorting themselves out."

Mr Manos is shifting his sights to the US because he believes it's impossible to build a gourmet retail food business of scale in Australia, despite the foodie culture.

"The Australian food scene is the best in the world, we have so much to offer here, such great produce, but we don't have the population and we have very high labour costs."

He estimates that Market Lane NYC will serve 3000 or 4000 customers every day – "that's what we'd serve in a week at Westfield Sydney".

"From a business perspective you can create a concept and find a location where that concept will work, the challenge in Australia has always been about being able to scale the business to something much larger."

"Many gourmet food providers have tried and failed for that reason," he said.

Mr Manos also believes gourmet food retail businesses are better run by owners rather than corporates, citing the success of Fratelli Fresh and About Life. "The entrepreneurial side of it is very important and big corporations underestimate that."

His view will come as no surprise to Woolworths or Coles. Woolworths has abandoned plans to establish a national chain of gourmet supermarkets under the Thomas Dux brand and is closing the remaining handful of stores as leases expire.

Coles axed its Let's Eat upmarket food and wine venture in 2001 after it failed to break even after 18 months.

David Jones lost $120 million on the failed Foodchain concept in 2002-03 but is now having another go under new owner Woolworths Holdings, investing more the $100 million into overhauling its aging food halls, opening in-store bars and restaurants and, eventually, opening stand alone food stores.

Woolworths chief executive Ian Moir and David Jones chief executive John Dixon believe there is a gap in the market between the discounters and full service supermarkets Coles and Woolworths.

"The old-fashioned aisle shop is mundane: customers are almost rejecting this ever-growing catalogue of product; there's almost too much choice," Mr Dixon, the former head of Marks & Spencer's food business, told a business forum shortly after arriving in Australia last year.

Mr Manos said David Jones now has the financial resources and expertise to succeed in gourmet food, but questioned whether it will ever become a significant part of the business.

"If it's in five or six locations is it big enough to be worthwhile?" he said. "It helps that it's part of a broader offering within David Jones but if it was a standalone business it would be a different question.

"If it was owner-operated and a $100 million business it would be a great success, but if you're a $2.3 billion company and you have a $100 million business it might not be enough."

David Jones' current food business is estimated to generate sales of $55 million a year. JPMorgan's South African retail analyst Stephen Carrott believes David Jones could have 20 food outlets in five years generating sales of $700 million or $35 million per store.

However, given the average full-service supermarket generates sales of $35 million, these forecasts appear optimistic, especially now that the major chains are introducing chilled prepared meals and a wider gourmet food range.

"Australia is an affluent and food-oriented society, suggesting there should be high levels of consumer interest in a premium food offering," said Mr Carrott.

Whether this interest is strong enough to build a scale business in Australia remains to be seen.

"In New York I can build a much bigger business and use it as the foundation to grow back the other way," Mr Manos said.