AGL Energy seals power deal for Alcoa's Portland smelter

Interested parties are lining up for a collection of AGL Energy's Queensland assets.
Interested parties are lining up for a collection of AGL Energy's Queensland assets.

AGL Energy has sealed a new four-year power deal with Alcoa, providing a temporary lifeline for the struggling Portland aluminium smelter in Victoria with the help of $230 million of government subsidies.

The deal, which was flagged after talks last weekend, comes after five months of negotiations amid deep concern about the impact of the potential closure of the plant on jobs and the local economy.

The discussions saw the intervention of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to help ensure a deal could be struck. The federal and Victorian governments said after those discussions that "significant progress" had been made toward an agreement that would underpin the future of the plant, in Victoria's west.

The Victorian government is understood to be providing $200 million to Alcoa over four years to ensure the continuing operation of the smelter, while the federal government is chipping in with a $30 million interest-free loan to help the plant resume full production.

Alcoa's Portland smelter has been given a lifeline in the shape of a power deal.
Alcoa's Portland smelter has been given a lifeline in the shape of a power deal. Damian White

AGL had agreed to a contract to start selling power to the smelter starting last October, but Alcoa terminated the discussions in August as it sought a cheaper price. A 12-month notice period for the deal meant AGL was still selling power to the smelter until August 2017.

The new contract involves 510 megawatts of power, or about 10 per cent of Victoria's total electricity load, and will take effect when that 12-month arrangement ends, AGL said on Friday.

However, it will  provide AGL with additional flexibility including rights in relation to the curtailment of the smelter at times of high electricity spot price, meaning power supply is not guaranteed.

AGL had previously resisted pressure to do a sweetheart deal with Alcoa for cheap power.

Under the deal the plant must remain operational until June 30, 2021 with the company forced to repay the $30 million plus interest if it closes prior to that date.

Production levels are expected to be at 300,000 tonnes, the level of capacity prior to a recent blackout, and never dropping below 270,000 tonnes, according to the contract.

The agreement comes after five months' of negotiation and is for a volume of 510MW, which is approximately the equivalent of 10 per cent of Victoria's total electricity load.

The Portland smelter employs 540 people directly and about 2000 indirectly. A blackout in December led to the forced closure of one of the potlines and workers were forced to take unscheduled leave over the Christmas period.

Stephen Mikkelsen, AGL's head of energy markets, said all parties involved in the discussions had "worked exceptionally hard" to achieve a deal, and noted the roles played by federal and state ministers.

The retailer said the contract would provide for additional flexibility including the right to curtail the smelter's operations when wholesale power prices are high. The deal also secures Alcoa's commitment for the full four years of the contract, which would be supplied by a mix of thermal and renewable power.

The Portland smelter was widely expected to be shut down, particularly after French power giant Engie announced the closure of its Hazelwood coal generator in the Latrobe Valley as of March this year, pushing up spot and contract prices for electricity across the state.

The continued operation of Portland further tightens the electricity market and is "very constructive" for power prices, Citigroup analyst Michael Dargue said.

"With Hazelwood closing from March 2017 this makes an already tight market more stressed, especially for periods where the wind is not blowing," Mr Dargue said.

He calculates that the benefit to AGL from higher average power prices and Portland's continued operation far outweighs the hit to earnings from a lower price for power on 15 per cent of the company's output.