'Stop beating around the bush!' MKR's Betty lashes out at Tyson for playing games and not admitting to hating Bek and Ash's TERRIBLE entree.

Bek and Ash invited their fellow contestants to a music festival-inspired instant restaurant on My Kitchen Rules on Sunday, but shocked with a disastrous entree.

Yet while the cooking began hitting the wrong notes, the show's 'Angry man' Tyson surprised by being more critical of the theme than the disastrous dish.

After stepping into the pop-up restaurant, the guests were taken aback by the colourful decor and attention to detail, but Tyson told the cameras: 'I wouldn't describe myself as a festival person.'

Not a fan: Some were more impressed than others, however, with Tyson telling the cameras: 'I wouldn't describe myself as a festival person'

'No I'm not big on festivals. There's a lot of people, it's not very sophisticated,' concurred Amy.  

Tyson also wasn't enthralled by the choice of entree dish, telling the cameras: 'It doesn't scream out intrigue and inspire me.'

David wasn't shy to voice his concerns about the menu at the dinner table, saying 'it doesn't excite me at all. It's not something I would order.' 

Not his first choice: David wasn't shy to voice his concerns about the menu at the dinner table, saying 'it doesn't excite me at all. It's not something I would order'

'A bit boring,' said Betty.

Back in the kitchen, Bek and Ash were scrambling to prepare their entree, which was overly seasoned with garlic, faced pastry issues, and contained mushy leeks. 

'Feeling extremely upset right now,' moaned a disappointed Bek. 

Too much of a good thing? After the first taste test, Manu had less-than-positive feedback for the girls, telling them: 'It doesn't matter what's on this dish, it just tastes like garlic. It's killed your tart big-time'

After the first taste test, Manu had less-than-positive feedback for the girls, telling them: 'It doesn't matter what's on this dish, it just tastes like garlic. It's killed your tart big-time.'

'It seemed a very very strange choice to use cream cheese in a tart when you've got the biggest array of the most beautiful cheeses to choose from.'

'It was just creamy cheesy nondescript filling,' said Pete.  

Inedible: 'I don't like it, I wouldn't order it again. it was like a smack in my face. I couldn't eat it,' said Betty

'I don't like it, I wouldn't order it again. it was like a smack in my face. I couldn't eat it,' said Betty. 

Tyson and Amy surprised by being less hard-hitting with their feedback, prompting Betty to hit back in frustration.

'Guys stop beating around the bush. If you don't like it just say you don't like it,' she snapped. 

On the fence: Tyson and Amy were less hard-hitting with their feedback, prompting Betty to hit back in frustration

Ouch: Wounded, the girls trudged back to the kitchen to prepare their fish main course, but it wasn't long before the pressure started taking its toll on Ash


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