'You think our country is so innocent?': Trump doubles down on 'respect' for Putin and says 'US has a lot of killers' when told Russian president is 'a killer' for murdering journalists

  • President Trump sat down with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly for an interview
  • The interview will air Sunday before the Super Bowl on the Fox network
  • Trump told O'Reilly that he 'respects' Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • When O'Reilly pressed Trump by calling Putin 'a killer,' the president replied: 'We have a lot of killers'
  • 'Well, you think our country is so innocent?' Trump said
  • The remarks angered a number of conservatives on social media 

President Donald Trump raised eyebrows once again on Saturday after he justified his 'respect' for Russian President Vladimir Putin by pointing out that the United States has 'a lot of killers' and asking, 'Well, you think our country is so innocent?'

Trump made the remarks in a recorded interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly.

The full interview will air on the Fox network before the Super Bowl on Sunday.

O'Reilly asked Trump about his feelings for Putin – a topic that had been discussed frequently during the election campaign.

'I do respect him,' the president told O'Reilly.

President Donald Trump (left) told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly that he 'respects' Russian President Vladimir Putin (right)

'Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I'll get along with them.'

When O'Reilly told Trump that Putin was 'a killer' because of the number of journalists and dissidents murdered in Russia, Trump would not budge.

'There are a lot of killers,' Trump said. 'We have a lot of killers.'

'Well, you think our country is so innocent?'

In an interview that will air Sunday, Trump (left) was asked by O'Reilly (right) about Putin's human rights record. 'Well, you think our country is so innocent?' the president replied

Trump said he believes better relations with Russia is a national interest.

'If Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all around the world, major fight. That's a good thing,' Trump said.

Trump's praise for Putin and the parallels he appeared to draw in that statement between Russia's human rights record and that of the US angered conservatives, though the remarks have precedent.

John Podhoretz, a prominent conservative commentator, tweeted: 'If Obama had said it, [Sean] Hannity and [Laura] Ingraham would have called for his impeachment'

'Hey, self-described patriots, listen to this clip please and explain what is patriotic or America-first about it. I honestly don't get it,' tweeted Michael McFaul

Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal slammed Trump. 'Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia,' Stephens tweeted. 'Never in history has a President slandered his country like this'

John McCormack also criticized Trump for suggesting that the US was on par with Russia

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and frequent critic of US foreign policy, defended Trump. 'Trump now trying to claim that the US kills people and isn't innocent. Great controversy erupts.'

'The statement [by Trump] is certainly true, but people would be calling for impeachment if Obama had said such a thing,' tweeted Helena Hamilton

In December 2015, Trump made similar statements during an interview with MSNBC's Morning Joe.

'He's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country,' Trump said when asked by host Joe Scarborough about Putin's alleged role in murdering journalists.

'I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe, so you know. There's a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, a lot of killing, a lot of stupidity,' Trump said.  

John Podhoretz, a prominent conservative commentator, tweeted on Saturday: 'If Obama had said it, [Sean] Hannity and [Laura] Ingraham would have called for his impeachment.'

'Hey, self-described patriots, listen to this clip please and explain what is patriotic or America-first about it. I honestly don't get it,' tweeted Michael McFaul. 

Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal slammed Trump.

'Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia,' Stephens tweeted. 

'Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.'

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and frequent critic of US foreign policy, defended Trump. 

'Trump now trying to claim that the US kills people and isn't innocent,' he tweeted. 'Great controversy erupts.' 

'The statement [by Trump] is certainly true, but people would be calling for impeachment if Obama had said such a thing,' tweeted Helena Hamilton. 

Last month, Putin's spokesman said a meeting between the two leaders is in the works.

Trump and Putin had a much-anticipated hour-long discussion on January 28, the first since Trump assumed office last week.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov lauded the phone call as a 'good, constructive conversation' but dismissed suggestions of Trump and Putin may have reached deals in that phone call. 

Peskov said Kremlin and White House staff have been instructed to prepare a meeting between the two leaders and added that the leaders could reach practical agreements only after they see each other. 

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