‘Library’ Archives

Broszura: Alfredo Bonanno – “Od zamieszek do insurekcji” (PDF)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Czarna Teoria, comrades of black anarchy in Poland have translated the important and visionary title From Riot to Insurrection by Alfredo M. Bonanno into Polish.

Check it out here:


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Santiago: Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” (Chile)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

PDF: 19 La Bomba 19

A nuestrxs queridxs lectorxs, afines y anónimxs en el mundo.
A nuestrxs presxs que resisten día a día al Poder.
A aquellxs prófugxs que burlan a las nefastas policías.
Por todxs lxs caídxs, en especial a la memoria combativa del Pelao

Sale para todxs ustedes: ¡El último boletín del año!

En esta nueva edición, la memoria combativa se toma las calles. Esta memoria combativa a la cual nos referimos, es una constante y creemos que es sumamente importante en el desarrollo político de cada individuo rebelde que asume su vida en lucha contra el Estado/Capital.

Es importante porque quien asume esa lucha, tiene que asumir también sus consecuencias; y en el desarrollo práctico, histórico de la misma, son múltiples los episodios de los cuales hay que instruirse para avanzar.
En ese sentido la muerte como consecuencia en la lucha es una situación ni querida ni buscada, pero altamente posible, por ende, la memoria combativa recupera -experiencias- para aprender de ellas y deja claro las consecuencias a asumir. Junto a los altos valores de respeto, hermandad, honor y dignidad del camino rebelde de quien luchó hasta el final.

Así avanzamos, retroalimentándonos, conociendo experiencias duras, como también hermosas, dejando claro que la lucha no es un juego y que más allá de todo, continúa. Así lo demuestra este mínimo aporte propagandístico, pasa y pasa el tiempo y los grupos de acción siguen dando lucha, aquí dejaremos plasmadas sus ideas, para que jamás pasen desapercibidas.

“La Bomba”, Por la expansión del Caos y la Anarquía.
Individualidades Anárquicas.
Diciembre 2016, Chile.

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Sortie de la traduction de “The Sun Still Rises” en Francais (PDF)

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

Received and transmit:


Pour celleux que ca intéresse nous avons traduis le texte des CCF “The sun still rises“. Ne pas hesitez a diffuser!

Tendresse et vandalisme

For those who are interested we translated the CCF text “The sun still rises” (in French). Don’t hesitate to spread it !

Warmth and vandalism

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‘Nietzsche and Anarchy’ by Shahin (Elephant Editions)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social War

How is it possible to live free and joyful in this world of domination? The key idea Nietzsche offers us is this: don’t hide from struggle in fantasy worlds or imaginary futures, but affirm life, say yes to life here and now. With all its violence, cruelty and loneliness; and all its encounters of tenderness, wildness, delight and possibility.

The first part of the book is a reading of Nietzsche’s philosophy of individual self-making. It begins with his radical psychology of “drives”, which understands human beings as always multiple and always open to change. It works through his theories of incorporation, herd instinct, the sovereign individual, and slave morality, to reach the image of the “free spirit” who stands against the norms and creates new values.

The second part builds on these Nietzschean ideas with others from more recent thinkers, to develop an “ontology for social war”, a framework for thinking through relations of conflict and affinity, power and domination. It addresses questions such as: how do we form groups that are not conformist herds? How do we spread anarchic desires, without becoming advertisers or missionaries? How do we fight, without becoming cruel or cold?

While the first part of the book can be read as an accessible introduction to core aspects of Nietzsche’s thought, this is not a work of scholarship but one individual’s use of some Nietzschean ideas as weapons for self-transformation and social struggle.

Published by Elephant Editions & Active Distribution

Hard copies to order from Active Distribution:


Read online at The Anarchist Library:


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Indiscriminate Anarchists

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

From Atassa: Readings in Eco-extremism, via anarchistnews.org, originally published in Spanish in Regresión 5 in October 2015.

How I dream sometimes of a world all in harmony: each tendency based in its own initiative, without clashing with another; without humiliating themselves, in order to be stronger tomorrow, when we should all run toward the great battle of the revolution! But all of that is only a dream.”

Letter of Severino Di Giovanni to Hugo Treni, May 15th, 1930.

In our time, the essence of particular things often changes. The real is modified and transformed into a pantomime that matches the supposed march of progress. Modernity has altered many things, from the environment to human behavior, and even political ideologies. This age demands from citizens (dissident or not) that they oppose vehemently inhumane violence of any sort. The moral values defended by civilization as a whole have brainwashed everyone. This brainwashing drives us toward individual amnesia and collective ignorance.

Many political ideologies have been distorted in modern times, and little by little they have evolved from being original and almost defensible to trite and abhorrent. This applies particularly well to anarchist ideology. With time it has changed and transformed itself into something that it wasn’t at its origins.

For some time now, many anarchists have rejected the concept and practice of indiscriminate attack as defended by the eco-extremists. For modern anarchists, to speak of an act that seeks to strike a target without worrying about “innocent bystanders” is a sin against “liberated humanity” and a “self-managed” future. This would be an “irresponsible” act that is incompatible with “revolutionary morality.” It’s true that in an indiscriminate attack morality doesn’t enter the equation, nor does revolution or anything of the sort. The only important thing is to strike at the target. (more…)

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Afiche: A 9 años del inicio del Caso Security: Juan, Marcelo y Freddy a la kalle! (Chile)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

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Poster in memory of anarchist compañero Sebastián ‘Angry’ Oversluij / Afiche: Sebastian Oversluij presente en cada accion expropiadora y de ofensiva contra el poder (Chile)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

English translation via Insurrection News:


On the morning of December 11, 2013 compañero Sebastián Oversluij was preparing to expropriate a bank branch in the commune of Pudahuel. The compañero ‘Angry’ was entering the branch and pulling a sub-machine gun from inside his jacket to announce the assault. A miserable security guard lashed out at the compañero and killed him instantly. The uniformed bastard had military training and extensive experience as a mercenary in Haiti and Iraq. (more…)

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PDF: Responsibility Claim by Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces for the Execution of Neo-Nazis in November 2014 – Athens (Greece)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

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“Hands Off!” – Soli-zine for imprisoned alleged anarchist bankrobber comrades in Aachen case (Germany)

Saturday, November 5th, 2016

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Anarchic Practices in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State (PDF)

Saturday, November 5th, 2016

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Anarchist Black Cross Dresden – An activist’s guide to information security (Germany)

Friday, October 28th, 2016

Check out the new guide here:


This guide aims to be a concise overview on information security for anyone in emancipatory struggles against structures of power. It represents assembled knowledge and best practices from personal experience, conversations with hackers and fellow activists, hacker conferences, and university courses on computer security and cryptography. Nonetheless, the best security is sharing skills with trusted people.

If you have any corrections, questions or additions, please contact us.


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‘Pub Quiz #5 – We are all on a no-fly list, are you?’ – Anarcho-nihilist flyposter zine by anti-social hooligans in Bristol (Dark Matter Publications)

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

(79mb) PDF: ‘Pub Quiz #5 – We are all on a no-fly list, are you?’ – Anarcho-nihilist flyposter zine by anti-social hooligans

As part of Dark Matter Publications and in line with the nihilist ethos of the project we present this latest zine by some anti-social hooligans in Bristol. It’s made up of cut-n-paste flyposters that have been spread around the city and the originals are collected here for the first time. These are not professional posters of the official movement, but dirty DIY amateur efforts about topics as diverse as police repression, eco-action, surveillance and consumerism. This is what happens when fevered twisted minds get hold of stationary and scissors. Being mainly flyposters, the zine contains pretty much no prolonged verbal diarrhea, long-winded sectarian tripe or boring pontifications posing as critical theory or whatever.

Anti-social hooligans

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Santiago: Sale el número 18 del boletín La Bomba (Chile)

Friday, September 16th, 2016

PDF: La Bomba #18

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PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell (Greece)

Monday, September 12th, 2016

PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell.

Individuality and the anarchist group


This title from Black International, “Individuality and the anarchist group”, written by Gerasimos Tsakalos of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell, is about a topic that concerns many of those who are an active part of the anarchist tension. Concerning not just the way comrades negotiate and conduct themselves within minimal organisational structures (clusters, networks, affinity groups) of informality and attack, and the effect of those forms on individuals, it also looks at the problems that can arise and some possible solutions. All this can add to a notional ‘to-be-completed’ mapping of some of the borderlands between the peripheries of the social and the clandestine for those traversing such terrains.

Written from the lived experience of an armed anarchist urban guerrilla who is imprisoned in the isolation dungeon of Korydallos prison in Athens, Greece, this is not a dreamy fantasy but a text which was developed in the furnace of practical theory and it’s consequences. The horizontal forms of organisation which are described here are ones that have been used and developed in practice, not from scriptures, but in the actual chaos of the everyday.

For a black international of anarchists of praxis.

September 2016

Individuality and the anarchist group

Instead of a Prologue

About the subject of “Individuality and the anarchist group”, one could say that it’s a timeless issue within the anarchist milieu… Is an anarchist individuality subjugated or liberated within a group? How does the individual encounter the collective? Can disagreements between comrades of the same collective be creative or do they inevitably lead to disputes, rivalries, intrigues, competitions and end up in rupture?

How are friendships and cliques able to bring about a cancellation of an anarchist group?

What is the relationship of an anarchist organization to the expulsions of members who participate? How can informal hierarchies and their members-followers survive in an anarchist project?

These are some of the issues that arise from the explosive relationship between individuals who try to coexist in anarchist groups.

The pamphlet “Individuality and the anarchist group” is an experimental testimony of political experiences from the interior of anarchist illegal infrastructures of revolutionary violence. The relationships that are formed in such cores are acrobatic at the sharp end because they are tested in extreme concentrated conditions and options. (more…)

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ISIS and Turkey File : From the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion (Kurdistan, Syria)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016


ISIS and Turkey File
The Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion


It is not a secret to any observer the relationship between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) with all the armed groups in northern Syria. It began in Ras Alain and did not end in Afrin. The AKP’s arguments revolve around changing the Syrian regime, bringing democracy to Syria, protecting Christians and Sunnis and unifying the country. These arguments have proven to be mere pretexts used by the AKP to intervene in Syria. The only goal of the AKP is to fight any democratic project for the future of Syria. To achieve this, the AKP has co-operated with the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) through providing training, supplying arms and facilitating the crossing of Daesh fighters to Syria through its borders.

Here are some compelling evidence for this cooperation through documents and confessions obtained by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) throughout their operations in Rojava – north Syria.

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