November 3, 2015
by actforfreedom

Chilean prisons: Words from the compañerx Marcelo Villarroel by Pablo Vergara and Aracely Romo

From the high security prison, words by Pablo Vergara and Aracely Romo. With Memory and Subversion memories travel to the present making the past a mere date. To say that “Our dead ones are enjoying really good health” is to reaffirm the intact force of our memories that gains life in … Continue reading

May 10, 2013
by actforfreedom

Chile: Marcelo Villarroel – Let’s walk together: it’s time to fight!!

from vivalaanarquia, transl. by waronsociety: “Because one who forgets the captives of war completely forgets the same war.” -Gerasimos Tsakalos, CCF member in prison. The chapters of confrontation which we live as hostages of the state-prison-capital are many and lived … Continue reading


August 1, 2014
by actforfreedom

Chile: Urgent information about the health of compa Marcelo Villarroel

from rebelióndelaspalabras, transl wos: Rebelión note: I received the following communique via email from compas of the Colectivo Anticarcelario Vuelo de Justicia from Chile concering the health and energy of Marcelo Villarroel, after news spread by the bourgeois press in … Continue reading

January 11, 2013
by actforfreedom

Santiago, Chile – “Lighting the fuse of subversion” – Prison letter from Marcelo Villarroel

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Letter from the comrade Marcelo Villarroel for the “Anti-prison Sound” event on 12/14 at the La Mákina squat in Santiago, Chile. Lighting the fuse of subversion Stirring up the insurgent fire of social war beneath the prison walls … Continue reading

June 2, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Marcelo Villarroel: In the face of reformalized charges for the Security Bank robbery, on the current state of the social war

> 30 05 2010 <!– function google_ad_request_done(google_ads){var s='';var i;if(google_ads.length==0){return;} s+=' Ads by Google‘;if(‘flash’==google_ads[0].type){s+=’http://'+google_ad.image_url+'‘;}else if(‘image’==google_ads[0].type){s+=’‘;}else if(‘html’==google_ads[0].type){s+=google_ads[0].snippet;}else{if(google_ads.length==1){s+=’ ‘+ ‘‘+ ‘‘+google_ads[0].line1+’‘+ ‘‘+ google_ads[0].line2+’ ‘+ google_ads[0].line3+’‘+ ‘‘+ google_ads[0].visible_url+’ ‘+ ‘‘;}else if(google_ads.length==2){for(i=0;i<google_ads.length;++i){s+=' ‘+ ‘‘+ ‘‘+google_ads[i].line1+’‘+ ‘‘+ google_ads[i].line2+’‘+ google_ads[i].line3+’‘+ ‘‘+ ‘‘+google_ads[i].visible_url+’ ‘;} s+=’‘;}else if(google_ads.length>2){for(i=0;i<google_ads.length;++i){s+=' ‘+ ‘‘+ … Continue reading

February 27, 2014
by actforfreedom

Chile – Call for an international day of mobilization (14th-25th March 2014) in solidarity with anarchist comrades Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

From RadioAzione Translated by act for freedom now Here follows the translation [from Spanish to Italian] of a document that RadioAzione has signed with other comrades calling for an international day of mobilization (14th-25th March 2014) in solidarity with anarchist … Continue reading

February 18, 2014
by actforfreedom

Chile: Trial date finally set for comrades Juan, Freddy and Marcelo

from vla, transl wos: Compañeras and compañeros, We inform you that finally, and after a legal precision that was carried out a few days ago, there is finally a definitive date for the beginning of the oral trial of the … Continue reading

March 12, 2012
by actforfreedom

Aliste, Fuentevilla, and Villarroel end liquid hunger strike(Chile)

Posted on March 11, 2012 by This Is Our JobFrom Liberación Total (March 2, 2012): Juan Aliste,  Freddy Fuentevilla, and Marcelo Villarroel eneded their two-week liquid hunger strike at midnight on Friday, March 2. All told, Aliste lost 5 kg, … Continue reading

February 27, 2012
by actforfreedom

chile- Aliste/Fuentevilla/Villarroel: Words of War from the Maximum-Security Wing

by This Is Our Job From Hommodolars Contrainformación (February 25, 2012): From the invisible maximum-security wing punishment area inside High-Security Prison in Santiago, Chile, I declare: We have been on hunger strike since Friday, February 17, not calling for precise … Continue reading

February 22, 2012
by actforfreedom

Chile-Aliste/Fuentevilla/Villarroel hunger strike update From Liberación Total (February 21, 2012) via Freddy, Marcelo y Juan a la Calle! (February 21, 2012):   Since February 17, comrades Juan Aliste, Freddy Fuentevilla, and Marcelo Villarroel have been on Hunger Strike to coincide with the days … Continue reading


February 20, 2012
by actforfreedom

Chile – Aliste, Fuentevilla, and Villarroel to begin liquid hunger strike [UPDATED]

Posted on February 17, 2012 by This Is Our Job From Hommodolars Contrainformación (February 17, 2012) and Viva la Anarquía! (February 18, 2012):   UPDATE: We’ve received news that our comrades have been placed in the Maximum-Security Wing as a … Continue reading

February 24, 2016
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile: Claim for explosive device at Center for Social Reintegration in Santiago

Chile: Claim for explosive device at Center for Social Reintegration in Santiago

Text from Contrainfo, translation WOS; also see this report from the press: Santiago, Chile, February 11, 2016 On February 11, we headed for the intersection of Pedro Lagos and Arturo Prat, where the Chilean gendarmerie have their Center for Social … Continue reading