
The terror trial for the case of the robbery of ATE bank in Filota Florina began on Thursday July 14th with comrades Argiris Dalios, Fivos Harisis, Giannis Mihailidis, Dimitris Politis and Grigoris Sarafoudis.-Greece


Update from the terror trial in Koridallos prison – Athens
The terror trial for the case of the robbery of ATE bank in Filota
Florina began on Thursday July 14th with comrades Argiris Dalios, Fivos
Harisis, Giannis Mihailidis, Dimitris Politis and Grigoris Sarafoudis.
The composition of the court is the same that tried Gr.Sarafoudis and
G.Naxakis for the robbery in Pirgetos and convicted them to lengthy
sentences, without any evidence, just because they “are anarchists, who
joined the CCF and at some point carried out the robbery”! This theory
was developed by the prosecutor in her proposition which lasted only 16
minutes, and was adopted by the court with its decision.
It is the same composition, with K. Economou as chairman, O.Smirli as
prosecutor, who presided over the 3rd trial of the Volos case with
comrades A.Dalios and N.Romanos as the accused and the 2nd trial for the
Pefki case, with comrade G.Mihailidis as the accused. In this terror
trial the prosecutor radically changed her attitude. In her proposition
she did not limit herself to witticisms such as “are anarchists, who
joined the CCF and at some point carried out the robbery”, and did not
“rush” her speech for 16 minutes. Her speech lasted 156 minutes, she did
not let anything go, looked at things from all points of view, avoided
witticisms, did not think prints and DNA were enough to propose the
conviction of A.Dalios and N.Romanos and she “dared” to propose the
acquittal of G.Mihailidis from the charge of instigating an attempted
homicide and the changing of the attempted homicide to grievous bodily
harm in combination with article 315A. The indictment against
G.Mihailidis was unstable and the charge of grievous bodily harm was
provocatively transformed into attempted homicide.
The terror court completely adopted the proposition of the prosecutor
for A.Dalios and N.Romanos and partially her proposition for
G.Mihailidis, legitimizing the makers of the indictment, who took a
bodily harm case and blew it into attempted homicide. Therefore, we have
two different and clashing approaches concerning the proposition of the
prosecutor and the decision of the terror court on guilt. We believe
that the extensive publication and tough criticizing of the prosecution
proposition and the decision of the terror court for G.Sarafoudis and
G.Naxakis contributed to the radical change in the prosecutors attitude.
The prosecutor as expected, reserved herself about the objection.
Obviously, she will give her proposal at the end of the preliminary
hearing, together with her complete proposal on the guilt or not of the
five political prisoners.
The prosecutor then read out the summary of the indictment and the three
present accused comrades A.Dalios, F.Harisis and G.Sarafoudis stated,
after a question from the chairman, that they do not accept the charges
and that they will make a more analytical statement later on in the
preliminary hearing.
The trial will continue on September 14th.
Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!

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