Bremen, Germany: Bundeswehr (Armed Forces) vehicle torched


G20: In Hamburg you say goodbye…in Bremen we do too!

“Everywhere – Soldiers are murderers
All over the world – Uniforms are murderers
German weapons – Soldiers are murderers
German money – Uniforms are murderers
Germany technology – Soldiers are murderers…”

(Tod und Mordschlag)

With this song in our ears and a portion of anger in our stomach we sneaked through the hedges at night with an incendiary device under our arms to reach the consulting office for a career with the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces). We climbed the fence into the parking lot where we found a vehicle of the Bundeswehr. We quickly lit the device and placed it under the vehicle. Then we whistled with a smile on our lips and headed back into the night…

We are also responsible for the text ‘Anarchist call against the G20 summit in Hamburg’ and extend the target selection.

“We want to destroy, by July 2017 (and if only symbolically…) the rule of patriarchy over women, the rule of the states over their borders and urban centres, the rule of labor over our time, the rule of money over our social behavior, the domination of the goods about our lives, the rule of the cops over the fear of repression in our minds.”

Action Group Bundeswehr vehicles are of great interest to us

Bremen, 08.02.2017

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anti-Militarism, Arson Attack, Bremen, Direct Action, Fuck The Bundeswehr, Germany

4th Hearing: Theofilou’s arrest not evidence based but at the suggestion of counter-terrorism police (Greece)


If only one comment could include the essence of everything that went on during the fourth hearing of the trial of the anarchist-communist Tasos Theofilou at the Appellate Court of Athens on Friday February 3d , then that would be one the defendant’s counsel Annie Papparousou had made, summarizing that  “the defendant’s arrest occurred at the suggestion of counter-terrorism police and was not evidence-based.”

Indeed, the examination of two high-ranking officials of the counter-terrorism police, which participated in the spying of, among others, Sakkas and Karagiannides, and claim to have recognized Theofilou as an unidentified male who met with the two men in Kallithea and Agrinio long before his detention and arrest in August 2012, reveals that no illegal acts were committed while Theofilou was being watched by the police. This is why he was never placed under arrest. Moreover, there was no evidence of his connection with the organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

Two more prosecution witnesses testified on Friday: Tasos’ landlord from Lamia and an eye-witness who saw the embroilment among the victim, Demetris Michas, with one of the robbers on the 10th of August 2012. None of the two revealed any incriminating piece of information against the prosecuted anarchist, a fact that infuriated the prosecutor and the civil party. The aggressive treatment of one of the witnesses by the prosecution, was very shocking, since the verbal attack the witness was subjected to clearly served the purpose of intimidation.

“I was the leader of the surveillance team. It was in the morning, 10:00-11:00 am. We went to reinforce the officers who were already there. This person was unknown to us (note: referring to Theofilou). After two days, the same person was spotted getting off a bus in Agrinio. I saw him myself. Karagiannides got off, then the defendant followed and remained close-by, before taking off. He was not followed by the team in order to lose our cover. When he was detained on the 18th of August 2012, I saw him again and recognized him immediately, as the person who had not been identified back then. I’m sure it was him,” testified Bagatelas, high-ranking official of the counter terrorism.

Prosecutor: Was he carrying any luggage?

Witness: He had a small bag strapped onto his waist which made us suspicious. He did not go near the luggage area. He turned around and looked towards him. He only took off when Karagiannides left.

Prosecutor: Had you read his internet posts?

Witness: He claims to have been an anarchist/anti-authoritarian, but that does not mean anything.

Presiding Judge: Did he have a beard?

Witness: Not very long, he was just unshaven.

Papadakis-defence counsel: How many hours were you watching him on that afternoon? (note: 28/11/2010)

Witness: Two hours. We were ordered to watch these persons. We had located a black car Sakkas had come out of. Mr. Chardalias,  leader and co-ordinator of that operation, had given us the information.

Papadakis: This piece of information about the car, you hadn’t mentioned that during interrogaton, nor the first instance trial. What time did you stop following them?
Witness: Around 11 pm.

Papaddakis: Did you not manage to take a photo of him?

Witness: No. He went into 2 shops in Exarcheia. He left from Black Cat and that’s when we lost him there.

Papadakis: Why did you focus on Karaagiannides in Agrinio?

Witness: Because he was carrying two massive, heavy bags. I think Theofilou knew him.

Papadakis: Did you not try to find any CCTV footage?

Witness: No. If we lose our cover we won’t be able to work.

Papadakis: Were you not referred to a sketch artist?

Witness: No. It is not possible to arrest all the people who have connections. We are not magicians, we do not have the magic stick.

Presiding Judge: Do you have any information about the call received by the service?

Witness: I was informed by my supervisors.

Annie Paparrousou– defence counsel: What punishable offenses were observed in Theofilou’s behaviour?

Witness: I am telling you what I witnessed. I did not see anything illegal. We did not see anyting impeachable in order to interfere.

Paparrousou: So nothing occurred.

Witness: At that time it did not.

Paparrousou: Why did you not follow him, record him, arrest him?

Witness: It was not possible to follow him. We are just people, we are bound to lose someone.

Paparrousou: You keep letting him off because he is not considered significant. How would you characterise his writing? Political? Claims of responsibility for certain actions? Fiction?

Witness: I do not think they constitute responsibility claims. Don’t make me say things I am uncertain for.

Papadakis: Is it possible that the meeting with Sakkas was personal?

Witness: I cannot rule this out.

Tasos Theofilou: Why all this impermeability among different sections of the police? It is not illegal.

Witness: It must, that’s the charter of the service.

Tasos Theofilou: So what is more suspicious in the end, to have or not to have luggage?

Witness: It is not just the luggage, it is the image in total we assess as people.

At this point Annie Paparrousou commented cleverly: ”I find this very impressive, the weakness to admit simple things. Because it is possible for the witness to admit that these are fictional stories  and not texts that claim responsibility”.

The examination of the second high-ranking official of the counter-terrorism service followed. Marinopoulos, the witness, not only reproduced the scenarios of his service, but also affirmed boldly his previous testimony: that he knows 400-500 people from the anti-authority milieu through the process of spying.
“He did not speak to, he did not have any contact with Karagiannides. Maybe they met up by accident,” he clarified in relation to the supposed presence of Theofilou at the Agrinio bus service.
Papadakis: What was Theofilou wearing?

Witness: I do not remember

Papadakis: Is it possible Sakkas was unknown to him?

Witness: Nothing is ruled out.

Paparrousou: Why was he charged under the Act 187A, what facts justify this?

Witness: Are you asking me?

Paparrousou: How do you know 400 people from the anti-authoritarian milieu?

Witness: From spying. I move around in their area. When I am following someone I do enter Exarcheia.

Paparrousou: Did you ask Theofilou to provide a DNA sample before his arrest?

Witness: I already answered that, yes.

Appeals Judge: Was he inspecting the area until Karagiannides received the luggage and then left?

Witness: He had the role of counter-surveillance in my opinion.

Fytrakis -defence counsel: Do you have any evidence that connects him directly to any acts of  terrorism before the robbery on Paros?

Witness: No.

“The witness knows 400 people from the anti-authoritarian milieu. This statement has been again  made by a police officer. We live in a democracy where recordings and spying are there just fine. Receiving DNA samples is not legal in this case. This is important in connection to Theofilou’s  acquittal for the offense he was charged with (note: resisting arrest). It was at the suggestion of counter-terrorism or other circles I am not knowledgeable of, that the defendant was placed under arrest and not because incriminating evidence against him suddenly appeared,” commented Annie Paparrousou.

“The submission of a document that proves Theofilou made a transaction in a mobile phone store renders his supposed presence in Agrinio at 10:30 unlikely since he was in Alexandra Avenue in  Athens at 14:30 on the same day. The witnesses are only defending the prestige of their service,” added counsel Kostas Papadakis.

During the witness’ departure from the court room, he approached one of Tasos’ supporters in the audience and threatened him with a lawsuit for calling him a liar. On account of a very calm attitude displayed by the people in solidarity with Tasos and the intervention of the presiding judge, the tension deescalated soon, with the prosecution witness saying ironically “you do not honour the pants you are wearing” (Greek idiom for -you are not man enough) to Tasos’ supporter.

The next witness, an ordinary, working-class, decent man with great levels of mental toughness, moral compass and calmness, was subjected to bullying, as Kostas Papadakis categorically said, by the prosecutor, who had managed to display great levels of self-control and temperance towards the counter-terrorism officials who had testified just before.

Despite the prosecutor and the civil party going to great lengths to portray his testimony contradictory to his previous testimony in order to construct a certain ‘profile’ for Theofilou, who  was either in hiding while renting the flat (even placing papers on the window panes, regardless if that was actually done by the counter-terrorism later on) or gone for most of the time, the witness had only positive things to say about his tenant.

Presiding Judge: Was he staying in the flat?

Witness: He was. The neighbours saw him.

Presiding Judge: Did he tell you he was a student because he actually was one or because he wanted to get a discount on the rent?

Witness: Nowadays we even see 60 year-old students. He was however very punctual with his payments, a gentleman.

Presiding Judge: What is your opinion of the defendant?

Witness: He was one of the best tenants I’ve had. I had a very good opinion of him, he never caused any problems to give a different impression, that something was going on.

Presiding Judge: Did you see him in August 2012?

Witness: I surely did after August 15th.

Prosecution: Did he let you enter the flat?

Witness: He never refused.

Next the witness explained the repeated and illegal interrogation processes which he was subjected to by the counter-terrorism officers.

“Since the first day the anti-terrorism appeared, until Sunday, they were saying “come, let’s have a talk,” I was being asked 20-30 questions in a very short space of time. On the last day they said ‘come to the p.d. to sign everything you said during the week. I did not sign every day. When I signed I had not read the document,” he revealed.

Annie Paparrousou: Did you find out whether they had found anything?

Witness: From what I heard from the guys of the anti-terrorism there was nothing in the flat.

Annie Paparrousou: Did you find out if the neighbour who saw him was called to testify?

Witness: I do not know that.

Following recess, a new small tension erupted when it was revealed that the next two prosecution witnesses were ‘tutored’ within the courtroom in order to learn where to focus, in front of everyone.

The next witness, an eye-witness of the bloody embroilment, did not contribute an incriminating testimony against Theofilou, while, at last, the infamous hat appeared, which according to the counter-terrorism scenario the perpetrator of the homicide was wearing.

Presiding Judge: Did you see the hat?

Witness: This is the shape of the hat, I do not remember the colour.

Presiding Judge: Who was wearing it?

Witness: I can’t remember. I was very upset. I did not see it on the ground.

Presiding Judge: Was the shooter wearing long sleeves?

Presiding Judge: He was wearing dark-coloured long sleeves, he was of medium height.

Civil Party: Did you witness the murder?

Witness: I saw  very briefly a hand pointing Michas on the head and then him falling on the ground. The one who shot towards the crowd was wearing long sleeves and white handkerchief. It was not the one with the cowboy hat. He did not participate in the shooting, he looked like the most calm of them all.

Civil Party: Do you remember if a hat fell of somebody else?

Witness: I do not remember. In a situation like this there is a lot of confusion.

On the day of the robbery, the witness reported that a boat had left the island. He does not know whether his claims, which are very serious, were later investigated by the authorities.

The trial of the anarchist communist Tassos Theofilou continues on Friday February 10th at the Appellate Court of Athens, room 100A, 4th floor, 9pm.

(via Hit and Run, translated by BlackCat)


Excerpts from the Omnia TV report:

Examination of Mr. Bagatelas, counter-terrorism

Papadakis: You saw him closely in order to remember his facial characteristics. So many police officers participated in this operation in Agrinio and not one of you managed to take a photograph or record video in order to have what he looked like on file?

Witness: No.

Papadakis: Weren’t there any CCTV cameras? Nowhere? At the kebab shop nearby or the shops they walked outside?

Witness: I do not know.

Papadakis: I am puzzled. On the one hand you pay so much attention to this that a large number of officers is active on this case and follows a man around for 6 hours, yet again nobody makes the slightest effort to record this person of interest.


Papadakis: So many officers are sent from Athens to Agrinio and even there nobody has a camera?

Witness: No.

Examination of G. Nassioss, the landlord

Prosecutor: When you testified after November 2012 you were shown the photographs of four people in order recognize who the first tenant was (Friend of Theofilou who previously rented the flat). And you recognized someone. And it was this one here (shows photo of Giannis Mihaelides).

Witness: No. I said “I do not know any of them.”  This is exactly how it happened! I remember this very well.


Papadakis: They had you there for five hours etc. The document you signed, the exact testimony, did you check it? Did you read it to see whether everything was recorded exactly the way you said it?

Witness: To tell you the truth I signed and didn’t read because it was this (showing with his fingers how big the file was).  I was interrogated in the morning, at noon and in the evening. One of the anti-terrorism officers led me down to a flat so that the district attorney could use the toilet- because there was no access elsewhere. He took me there, sat me down and said “let’s talk.” Sometimes he started from the whole thing in general, others from the end towards the beginning and others from the middle towards the beginning. Sometimes from the beginning. This was going on for a week.


Witness: I signed at the police once. I don’t know. They were writing the stuff I was telling them for a week and on the last day he said “come down to the p.d. to sign everything you said to us during the week.” Ok, I said. “Everything I said during the week.”

Presiding Judge: Did you read it before you signed?

Witness: It was bunch like this (showing the size). I read nothing.

Presiding Judge: You did not read the document you signed?

Witness: No.

(via Omnia TV, translated by BlackCat)

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Greece, Tasos Theofilou

Turkey: Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Ended His Hunger Strike With Victory


Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner and Anarchist Meydan Newspaper writer Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları has ended his hunger strike action that he started on December 11, 2016, against the conditions of State Of Emergency (SOE) he was exposed in Izmir Yenisakran T Type Prison number 4, where he was “transferred for exile”, being forced with 20 people to stay in 14 person cells and sleep on torn beds with blood, against continued pshycological pressure, torture and unrecognition of his revolutionary anarchist political identity, on its 55th day.

Prison administration took a back step as a result of Umut Fırat’s determined struggle and they changed his cell as per the demands of our comrade. Comrade Umut Fırat communicated through his family, that he ended his hunger strike when his demands were met and his health condition is fine.

The victory that comrade Umut Fırat won on the 55th day of his hunger strike against the practices that create a SOE inside SOE in prisons , is a response to state institutions that want to take advantage of the arbitrariness and flexibility of the SOE process. The victory is also a victory in the name of all prisoners who are exposed to similar practives in the SOE process.

Umut Fırat’s struggle that he carried out with determination, were supported with solidarity actions in the geography that we live in and in other parts of the world; trying to add voices to his voice. We salute all revolutionary organizations that didn’t leave him alone and everyone who showed solidarity during the hunger strike action of comrade Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları.

Long Live Anarchist Solidarity!

Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Is Not Alone!

Revolutionary Hearts Will Destroy The Cells!

(via Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Hunger Strike, Turkey, Umut Firat

Greece: Video about the case of imprisoned anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou

Video with some basic information on Tasos’s arrest and imprisonment through a series of obvious fabrications and amateur manipulations. Tasos’s arrest is part of a determinate crusade against the anarchist and revolutionary movement, launched and further orchestrated by the “Law & Order” lobby of the country: journalist milieus, the Counter-terrorism Service, prosecution investigators and wannabe Supreme-Court judges.
As of now – beginning of 2017 – Tasos’ appeal process is taking place.
Support T.T

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Greece, Repression, Tasos Theofilou, Videos

Greece: Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas statement on the attack at the Turkish Consulate

Internationalism means community. It means to perceive common enemies, common friends, common comrades. An internationalist community is what we’ve always been a part of and will always be a part of, along with the Turkish and Kurdish militants who fight against the same enemies, our common enemies.

On the 20th of January the communist organization DHKP-C carried out an armed attack against the headquarter of Erdogan’s party and the police directorate. Two days after the attacks, the comrade Bilgehan Karpat was shot dead by Turkish cops, while the comrade Serif Turunc (known as Erkan in Greece) was injured and fell into the hands of the Turkish state and thereon his tracks have been lost.

Both comrades were active in Greece. Erkan in particular has had a strong presence, both in actions of solidarity with the Turkish and Kurdish movement as well as struggles of the movement in Greece. Both comrades, dedicated, humble and militant, chose to return to the lion’s den and challenge it face to face. During a period where the Turkish state, under Erdogan’s leadership, has launched a merciless civil war against every voice of resistance, the forces of the Turkish and Kurdish movements, regardless of the revolutionary current they belong to, are the only ones that can prevent the spread of fascism and totalitarianism.

Communists and anarchists, Turkish and Kurdish, are fighting in a geographical scope that is wider than Turkey, they are fighting in Syria, in Iraq, in Iran. We live in a time where the global geopolitical map of imperialisms is being re-arranged; where millions of people live amidst battlefields in the middle east; where the sirens of war are heard all the way to the Aegean sea and liberationist ruptures regardless of national borders are created.

It’s an honour to have met and fought alongside these comrades in Greece. As ”little” as it is, compared to the difficulty of their own struggle, we, as anarchist collective Rouvikonas, proceeded to a symbolic attack against the Turkish consulate in Komotini, to send a message to the Turkish state, that there is an internationalist community against it. Just like our two comrades had previously reminded the Greek state of the same thing.

We do not know exactly how serious the recent Greek-Turkish cockfight in the Aegean sea was. What we do know is that the scope of instability is extending beyond the middle east. We know that we, the exploited, in Greece are on our knees while in Turkey they are bleeding and the prisons become full. And history has taught us that in conditions like these, war erupts just to safeguard the powers. As a first duty, militants on both sides of the Aegean sea must shape the internationalist community in order to unite the oppressed and the exploited towards a common struggle against their states. A strong hand which will cut the appetite of capitalists and political elites looking to war as a way out from their crises. There is no other way.

Honour and solidarity to the Turkish and Kurdish movements

Solidarity is the weapon of the people

(via Athens Indymedia, translated by Black Cat)

Posted in Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas, Bilgehan Karpat, Democratic People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), Direct Action, Erkan, Greece, Komotini, Kurdish Struggle, Serif Turunc, Turkey

Berlin, Germany: Let smoke signals speak…French diplomatic vehicle torched by ‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’- FAI


Armed with an incendiary device, we rode through the streets of Berlin on a frosty night looking for a target for which we could say that we are fighting the struggles of our unknown comrades against the CIGÉO nuclear dump in the woods of Bure, in the ZAD and against the French state of emergency as a whole and express our solidarity.
We also support other anarchist interventions on the continent of Europe, such as Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

So we torched a diplomatic vehicle of the French Embassy at the Willmanndamm in Schöneberg last night, with which we would like to greet the prisoner Damien Camélio, as well as Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou who were recently arrested in Athens, for whose freedom all states must be combated, and for who we will continue to act diligently.

This is also a call to use the G20 in Hamburg to coordinate our theory and praxis in order to reach a continuing anarchist offensive in all areas beyond the July meeting.

The French piece of shit who wants to represent his regime at the G20 in Hamburg is of course just as welcome as any other power. We advise the diplomats of Berlin to hide in gated communities.

‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’ – FAI

Berlin 06-02-2017

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Arson Attack, Berlin, Damien Camelio, France, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Greece, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Solidarity, Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Pola Roupa, Rémi Fraisse Cell, Revolutionary Struggle, ZAD

Greece: Responsibility claim for 6 coordinated incendiary attacks by CCF – Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks / FAI-IRF



We claim responsibility for the 6 following arson attacks.

– A bank at Petralona a few streetss next to the consumer neighborhood of Gazi.
– The security agency FALCON at the main and busy Kifisias Avenue, which is being advertised by the journalistic trash of the television.
– A post office Savings Bank at the seemingly police state Aleksandra’s Avenue.
– 3 diplomatic corps vehicles

Cities are history‘s theatre. They are the places where life performs disciplined social roles, played by law abiding citizens or happy slaves in the reflection of digital communication displays’ and storefronts of consumption, while walking predetermined paths from wage-slavery to paid entertainment. Each move we make is controlled by the vigilant eyes of thousands of cameras on the streets, roadblocks by uniformed police and cops’ motor patrols.

In the current conditions of economic crisis, the only currency with a constant value is the currency of fear in the hands of authority. The fear that nothing can change, that we are few and that prison is lurking for those who dare to question authority’s orders. However life is running fast and cannot wait for those who are afraid to live. LOOK FEAR IN THE FACE AND FEAR WILL FLINCH AND LEAVE.

We must turn the cities into battlefields and the nights into our allies in urban guerilla surprise attacks. We must lay mines of fire in all the symbols of this world that keeps us imprisoned. We know that burning a bank or setting an official state car on fire is not sufficient; however the real power of illegal anarchist actions is that they are like spare keys. Spare keys that release people’s strength of rebellion, the strength to strike authority and live dangerously free. This is why we create small militant groups ready for action, here and now. We can’t wait for the soulless crowd; we can’t seek after proletarians that are asking only for a better salary. We are not shepherds for the masses of people to follow, nor are we gravediggers for those who have buried their lives into silence.

Through self-organization and informal coordination, we create a legacy of deeds in this fight against this authority of entrapment, breaking the pace of the legal order. These difficult times cannot break our beliefs in any way; on the contrary they become more acute, they reignite. We blend our hatred with conscience and dignity and when this mixture binds, it will poison and destroy the body of every prosecutor, every journalist, every cop, every security guard, every snitch, all kinds of henchmen and peaceful citizens and in general all the garbage that forms this sterilized society of security. The settled will never abandon their commodities and choose the road to rebellion; of that we are well aware. Fear of social rejection leads to inaction and conservative anarchist practices which are confined within the “internal” movement. Our means are purely illegal and we are not willing to make them more “social” and therefore acceptable, as much as the left or right wing stewards of power and the sympathizers-supporters of the movement are trying to convince us.

We became what we dreamt since we were children, ANARCHISTS OF THE DEED that don’t sleep at night and all we care for is to set your nights on fire and ruin your party by destabilizing on a regular basis the metropolitan normality. We are the ones that dare to risk where punishment and incarceration is lurking, deconstructing fear in all its aspects. Because in the end anarchy is in our hearts, in our minds, in every drop of blood that runs through our veins, in our illegal actions far away from your bourgeois morals and cleanness. Maybe you can sometimes imprison our bodies but you can never imprison our anarchist beliefs that will always find fertile ground against every form of authority. Besides, our continuous attacks are the most undisputed evidence.

We live in time of war and we know that well. Real solidarity to our imprisoned comrades is one of the most powerful weapons in this social war that is unfortunately being deprived of its meaning. We must make it clear that the anarchist action and assault can only be realized through solidarity. Our solidarity is not a result of mercy or philanthropic, leftist sentimentality. In the eyes of our comrades we can see ourselves, since we chose to be on the field of illegality and the urban guerilla anarchist action.

And if we have losses and imprisoned comrades in this battle, the anarchist cells are like Hydra. For every arrest, new comrades will throw themselves in the battlefield, for every arrest an incendiary device will shimmer right before the ignition. And this fire will last forever… creating anarchy inside anarchy.

Because as we said at the beginning, life is giving a sick performance while the director is setting the scene, lining up everyone to his own interest; with the actors playing their part literally and the passive audience that is either watching absorbed or whistling indifferently and watching silently when bored. However in this theatre, some of us didn’t accept the predetermined parts that have been given to us, we are the ones that will sabotage the show and give to your play our own ending. Don’t say that we are few; don’t say that we don’t matter, because in the end we will win. WE ARE THE ONES WHO WILL BRING THE CURTAIN DOWN!


P.S. Snitches, journalists, prosecutors don’t ever think that we have forgotten you.


 Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF
Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks/FAI-IRF

(via 325)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF, Greece, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (IRF), Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Pola Roupa, Revolutionary Struggle