Posts Tagged ‘Operation Thor’

Phoenix Project #5 : 'ICR-FAI-IRF / Free Mandylas and Tsavdaridis Cell' take responsibility for the incendiary attack against a school for police in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (Indonesia)

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Brief Message To The Enemies (Phoenix Project part 5)

[Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4]

We will not talk about “unfair prosecutions”, about “the climate of terror against those who fight”, nor about the “new totalitarian-ism” and things like that. That’s because we know that none of these is new. These are simply snapshots of the ancient war between two incompatible words: on the one side lies the disgusting world of the Authority, of the submissive crowd and of the social cesspit and on the other side, the anarchist insurgents, the insubordinate fighters of the Negative, those who do not bow down to nobody. We will neither talk about the others. The ones who these days feel secretly happy and relieved. Now it’s not the time nor the place to do so. They should bear in mind, however, that the time will come to talk about these things. –
Freedom To The Wolves of The North

When we said “nothing is over”, it’s not only just words. Our threats will turn into action, time by time, every second we get the chance. And every time, we will bring our actions closer to your face. Directly in front of your guns, uniforms and prison – repressive tools that are often used to kidnap our revolutionary comrades. We will never let you sleep well, because our war is not over yet. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF torch 3 buildings owned by the Major of Aceh Tamiang, Hamdan Sati (Indonesia)

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

We speak through fire. To remember and always keep on our mind, our sisters and brothers who are kidnapped by the state and seized behind bars. To continue the urban guerrilla warfare against enemies of freedom. Let the action speak for us.

On March 31, we burned down 3 buildings owned by the Major of Aceh Tamiang, Hamdan Sati. This is our first action done in Aceh, a region where religious fundamentalists in the past threw 64 punks into a rehabilitation camp and made them ‘normal’. But, we want to clarify that we aren’t Acehnese. We have no citizenship because we are borderless. We are the angry ones who light the fire of freedom.

Solidarity to the imprisoned members of CCF and Th. Mavropoulos, Camenisch, da Silva and Italian comrades arrested during the Ardire, Thor, and Mangifuoco operations and to Cospito and Gai. And last but not least, we salute our fire to comrades of Kozani 4 who were recently arrested.

War continues

Anger Unit

Mass media video links about the action:

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Posted in Direct Action

Excavator and bulldozer torched in Moscow region during the ongoing Khimki forest struggle (Russia)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

During the night of 08/03/13 we placed 3 incendiaries on construction vehicles in a sand extraction complex of Solnechnogorsk district (near Moscow).

The sand from this site goes to the highway construction projects in Khimki forest as well as some other regional development projects. Two vehicles were completely destroyed: a tracked dozer and an excavator.

Because of damp weather one of the devices failed to ignite, so we had to backtrack. With ravaging flames from burning excavator at our backs, we approached the bomb and re-wired it.

Wholehearted support to CCF-Russia, Indonesian rebels from Kulon-Progo, ALF/ELF/FAI groups around the world.
Combative solidarity with “ALF lone wolf” Walter Bond, imprisoned members of Greek CCF, Marco Camenisch and Italian anarchist persecuted under the police operations of 2012 like Thor etc.
Felicity Rider: remain free!
Tortuga: we enjoyed reading your letters man!

Wolfpack, ELF/FAI

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #26 : ‘Crackdown in Italy' – anti-repression anarchist dialogue – Sept 2012 (ACN)

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Click to Download: Dark Nights #26

1. Open letter of Stefano Gabriele Fosco to the anarchist movement
2. The Key-Code of Order #3 (Edizioni Cerbero)
3. Germany: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
4. Letter from Tomo, Parole Armate
5. Massimo Passamani in prison and Daniella Battisti under house arrest
6. Operation Thor: Searches in Ravenna
7. Letter from Sara Parole Armate: Waking up one morning… Thor!
8. Letter from Elisa Di Bernardo
9. Letter from Sergio Maria Stefani
10. Communiqués from the prisons of Alessandria and Rebibbia about the publication of an ‘Ardire’ legal PDF on movement websites
11. Letter from Giuseppe Lo Turco
12. Communiqué about operation ‘Thor’ from Federico Buono
13. Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco
14. Bologna: Operation Mangiafuoco’
15. Two comrades arrested and charged with attacking CEO Roberto Adinolfi

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

International Network of Counter-Information & Translation

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Posted in Library

Communiqué about the inquisitive operation called “Thor” / Comunicato per l’operazione inquisitrice denominata “Thor” (Italia)

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

1 September 2012 : DIGOS political police have made a number of raids against so-called “anarchist-insurrectionalist cells” in Ravenna, under the article 270bis (subversive association). Comrades from Parole Armate and Edizioni Cerbero are hit again. According to the bourgeois media, 3 comrades were detained and they are accused of links with the CCF and FAI, as well as participating in attacks in Ravenna. The name of the spectacle of persecution is “Thor”, as reference to the smashing of ATMs with hammers, and also to the TOR anonymity software.

Communiqué about the inquisitive operation called “Thor”

On 1st September I learnt that I’m being investigated for 270bis in an operation called “Thor”, which concerns attacks carried out in Ravenna.

Until now – as initially happened for operation “Ardire” – I was not stopped by the police nor was I notified any warrant.

The street will give me a sign… (more…)

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Posted in Social Control