Posts Tagged ‘Marco Camenisch’

Communiqués of three comrades on trial following an act of sabotage on a high voltage pylon that took place in 2005 (Italy)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Translated by actforfree from silviacostabillyliberi:

The appeal hearing due on 5th October 2015 was postponed to 19th October because an expert appointed by the prosecution and a DIGOS officer [political police] from Pisa in charge of the investigation were absent.

The comrades’ communiqués:

Silvia and Costa:
A high voltage pylon run by Terna [electricity company] on the La Spezia-Acciaiolo railway track was sabotaged in 2005 with two dynamite charges. The action seriously damaged the pylon but did not cause it to fall down.
In the days that followed an anonymous letter sent to press agencies and the Pisa editorial group of the radical eco paper Terra Selvaggia explained that the action had been carried out against renewed plans to reinstate nuclear power. These plans had never been really dismissed after the referendum following Chernobyl, but they continued to be pursued in numerous research centres, such as the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Pisa, considered an institute of excellence on a national level. In the same area, at the S. Rossore natural park, another structure stands out: the CISAM, site of an experimental nuclear reactor and a military research centre. This plant recently caused controversy because of the dumping of radioactive water in the Navicelli canal linking the city of Pisa to the sea. Toxic water, which has been declared safe by the usual local servants of ARPAT [state agency dealing with environmental matters] and ASL [state health agency]. On the contrary this poisonous water reminds us that there’s no way out of nuclear power: what has been produced or left as waste is the legacy of a world where energy production and military control come before anything else, even if all they give is a landfill-like world. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Comrade Marco Camenisch transferred to an open prison (Switzerland)

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

UPDATED: Corrected address.

via RH Dresden & Contrainfo:

Marco is now at Saxerriet open prison. His new address is:

Marco Camenisch
PF 1
CH – 9465 Salez

Freedom for Marco!

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DE: Update Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

28. September 2015: 7. Update Nichtfreilassung Marco Camenisch

Nach dem x-ten Wechsel des „Fallverantwortlichen“ fand im Rahmen der „Vollzugskoordinationssitzung III“ am 27. Juli 2015 die Anhörung des Unterzeichnenden statt. Anwesend waren: der „Fallverantwortliche“ und eine Protokollführerin vom Amt für Justizvollzug (AJV) ZH; der Sozialarbeiter, seine Praktikantin und die Vollzugsverantwortliche (in etwa Vizedirektorin) vom Knast Bostadel; mein Anwalt. Ich nahm teil, weil meine Voraussetzungen, bzw. Vorschläge zu realen „Öffnungsschritten“ abgesehen von den irren „ROS-Empfehlungen“ des forensisch-psychiatrischen Dienstes des AJV soweit erfüllt schienen. Tatsächlich hatte das AJV den „halboffenen“ Knast Saxerriet im Kanton Sankt Gallen angefragt, ob man mich für „Vollzugsöffnungen“ aufnehmen wolle und mir wurde die Kopie der ± positiven Antwort vom Saxerriet präsentiert. (more…)

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Multiple hits of anarchist sabotage and attack in various cities – June to Sept 2015 (Italy)

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015


2nd of September, MODENA – Anonymous claim: “2nd of September, Saliceta street – Some cables of a Wind phone mast are set on fire. Let’s sabotage the infrastructures complicit with the cop control. Freedom for Pippo, Tommy and Andrea accused of having set the house of a fascist on fire. Solidarity with the comrades hit by the requests of special surveillance in Trentino and Sardegna. Fire to the gears of ordinary repression”.

31st of August, PISA
– A 28 years old guy threw a molotov to the entrance of a building that was hosting – in the past – a Lega Nord (xenophobic party) headquarters. Arrested by the Carabinieri [paramilitary police] thanks to the cooperation of citizens who witnessed the scene. He declared to be anarchist and to have attacked the Lega Nord because it’s a fascist party. He’s now held in the jail of Pisa.

19th of August CREMONA – A phone mast is set on fire and a spraypainted message is left on the place: “Revenge for Emilio”. Emilio is a comrade from Cremona who fell into a coma after a fight with the Nazis of Casa Pound and is now slowly recovering. The people from the communist social centre CSA Dordoni in which Emilio is involved, immediately took distance from the action declaring that “Antifascism is a serious issue that we need to address urgently. To set a phone mast on fire doesn’t go in this direction”. In the same night also the car of Gianluca Galli, the boss of Casapound Cremona, goes on fire and is completely destroyed.

29th of July PARMA – During the night a sabotage hits the TAV (high speed line) railway between Bologna and Milano. Around 4 am the cables in the manholes between Fidenza and Fontanellato were set on fire, causing troubles to the circulation. No claim of the action was released.

July GENOVA – A telecommunications mast was set on fire in a village close to Genova, an anonymous claim is released on the 13th of July:

Without any doubt we could describe present society as a technocratic system in which, at a global level, reckless science and the products it launches in the market dominate and regulate life. Since their very existence, the corporations keep their dominion over the Planet thanks to the States and international institutions (ONU, UE, FMI, BCE).

The hyper-technological society is the perfect society to fulfill the two main necessities of the Power: profit and social control. Thanks to science and technology, promoted as modern deities, profit doesn’t know any more limit: from military devices to the incredible quantity of useless products put on the market. Also social and life control cannot but spread even more every day, from the simple cameras to the use of nanotechnologies. People, already deprived of any autonomy and own will, are introduced to the fabulous world of science through a partial and fictitious access to technology.
With the fantasy of improving the quality of life, the only real effects are a reckless production, the wasting of the minds and of our own abilities, the erasing of real emotions, therefore of life itself.
All of this happens while in front of our eyes nature gets devastated to build huge projects that will allow to move these goods even faster and to trace them even more easily. All of this happens while television, in the general indifference, broadcasts images of populations wiped out and starved to exploit the available resources to increase the production of these goods.

For once we simply decided to elude control and threaten the profit of the technocratic society.

We set fire to the power source cables of a telecommunications mast property of Italsite Spa, a company specialized in this sector in Italy and Europe.


11th of July MODENA – Anonymous claim: “11th of July – Cabins and cables of a phone mast are set on fire against repression and telematic control. From Baltimora to Frankfurt, from Milano to Cremona, the State is the one who devastes and plunders. Revenge for Emilio! Ciao Soledad”. The phone mast was so damaged by the fire that it had to be cut down and removed.

10th of July PADOVA – Fifteen trucks loaded with GMO animal feed, property of the company Mangimi Veronesi, are set on fire and are completely destroyed. Incendiary bottles are found under the trucks, and a spraypainted writing that says: “No GMO, no farming”. The Coordinamento Zero OGM which has run since 2014 a campaign against this company for its use of GMO animal feed immediately dissociated itself from the action.

6th of July UDINE – The local headquarters of the fascist group Casa Pound are stained and spraypainted with messages like “You’ll burn”, “Dirty fascists”, etc.

24th of June FIRENZE – Anonymous claim: “Florence, in the night between 24th and 25th of June we set on fire a Fiat 500 of the carsharing service of ENI, Frecciarossa and Vodafone in via del Bisarno. Solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists”.

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Genoa: Sabotage against Italsite Spa in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Italy)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015


The present society is without doubt best described as a technocratic system where global science operates unrestrained and the products they put on the market dominate and govern life.

The multinational companies maintain their dominion over the planet via the States and their international institutions (UN, EU, IMF, ECB).

The hyper-technological society is the perfect accompaniment to meet two primary requirements of Power: profit and social control.

Thanks to the modern deities of science and technology, profit knows no limits with endless military contracts and an incredible amount of useless products continuously marketed.

Social control of life is now becoming more and more widespread as it evolves from simple surveillance cameras to the use of nanotechnology.

The people, already deprived of their autonomy and their own free wll are indoctrinated into this fabulous world of science via a partial and fictitious access to technology.

With the chimera of improving the quality of life the only real effects are unbridled production, the atrophying of people’s minds and abilities, the cancellation of genuine emotions and finally life itself.

Meanwhile what remains of nature is devastated to build mega-projects to ensure the speedier travel of goods and faster access to information.

Meanwhile the general indifference continues as television transmits images of people massacred and starved to exploit the resources required to increase the production of consumer goods.

For once we decided to evade control and threaten the profits of the technocratic society.

We set fire to the power cables for a repeater owned by Italsite Spa, a company that specializes in the telecommunications sector in Italy and Europe.



(via contra info, translated into English by Insurrection News)

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Melbourne: Banner for Marco Camenisch (Australia)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Melbourne, Australia, 23.06.15: A banner was placed on fencing near Richmond railway station as a slightly belated small contribution to the June 20-22 International Days of Action for Marco Camenisch.

Marco Libero!

Solidarity with Marco Camenisch and all revolutionary prisoners held hostage by the state worldwide!

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Video: Marco Libero! Eco-anarchist imprisoned since 1991 – FR/EN/DE/GR/IT/ES (Switzerland)

Friday, June 19th, 2015

Just in time for the international solidarity days with Marco Camenisch – Our movie “Marco Libero!” now has Spanish subtitles (plus French, English, German, Greek and Italian ones). Spread the word! International solidarity is our arme!

From RHI.

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20-22 June : Internationale Aktionstage mit Marco Camenisch – de/en/fr/it (Switzerland)

Monday, June 1st, 2015

EN PDF : 20-22 June – International Actiondays with Marco Camenisch.

FR PDF : Appel à des actions internationales de solidarité : Marco Libero.

IT PDF : Appello ad iniziative internazionali di solidarieta’ Marco Libero.

Internationale Aktionstage: Marco libero!

Wir rufen für die Tage vom 20. – 22. Juni zu solidarischen Aktionen mit Marco Camenisch auf, der seit 1991 ununterbrochen in Italien oder der Schweiz im Gefängnis sitzt. Marco ist ein ungebrochener grün-anarchistischer Revolutionär mit einer politischen Geschichte, die zurück in die 1970er-Jahre reicht. Wegen Sprengstoffangriffen gegen Hochspannungsleitungen wurde er erstmals inhaftiert, ihm gelang die Flucht. Erst nach Jahren in der Illegalität wurde er 1991 in Italien bei einer Personenkontrolle verhaftet, er sass dort bis 2002 im Knast. Verurteilt wurde er unter anderem wiederum wegen militanten Aktionen gegen Hochspannungsleitungen. 2002 wurde er dann in die Schweiz ausgeliefert, wo er einerseits die Reststrafe seiner allerersten Verurteilung abzusitzen hatte, andererseits aber wegen dem Tod eines Grenzwächters verurteilt wurde. Marco hat immer wieder wiederholt, dass es nicht sein Toter ist. (more…)

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Marco Camenisch: Psychiatry as a weapon of repression against a radical prisoner – en/gr/de/it/fr (Switzerland)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Marco Camenisch: ROS – psychiatry assumes the power to define the execution of probation and correctional law

The office for probation and corrections services of the cantonal Office for the Execution of Penal Sentences and Justice sabotages all efforts aiming at easing the situation of imprisonment of Marco or to grant parole for him. The office for enforcement 3 (SMV3) uses a clearly political argumentation: As an unbroken anarchist he can not be released from prison, and by drawing up an ROS report (risk-oriented sanctions enforcement), a kind of “Materials Testing Institution”, they acquire new arguments.

For some time the penal system is being aggressively colonized by psychiatry and psychology in Zurich as in prisons elsewhere. The report of the forensic psychiatric department from 31.3.2015, provides a “risk-oriented sanctions enforcement” assessment, a new evaluating development, since the report explicitly uses psychiatric argumentation only and for the first time formulates specific “recommendations”. Urbaniok’s psychiatry distributes contact prohibitions – defines political distancing or rather political renunciation as a requirement for conditional release. The big word is and remains the “crime-promoting ideology”! (more…)

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Rejection of the request for release of comrade Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

Friday, April 17th, 2015

From actforfree:

Once again the Federal Tribunal rejected request of release on bail for Marco Camenish on 3rd December 2014, after the comrade has served 2/3 of the sentence, thus postponing his liberation to 2018.

The request had already been rejected by the Administrative Tribunal of Zurich on 24th October 2013, on the grounds that the comrade had showed no signs of repent in the course of the years.

The Swiss judiciary understanding of the case continues to follow the same line, as usual, and this is significant and conclusive as for the mechanisms of repressive revenge towards indomitable anarchist prisoners.

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The Federal Court denies Marco Camenisch freedom / Bundesgericht lehnt Haftentlassung von Marco Camenisch ab / Il Tribunale federale nega a Marco Camenisch la libertà (Switzerland)

Friday, December 12th, 2014


After over a year of reflection, the Federal Court in Lausanne has
refused to grant conditional liberty to Marco, relying (as done by
previous officials) on a political principle that, not dissociating
Marco from his political position, the conditional release must be
denied for him. The Supreme Court of Switzerland also reaffirms the
political position of not to release him from prison.

Let’s take a quick look at the history of the applications presented,
because Marco could get conditional release: (more…)

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Fire to Sodexo! Arson of company vehicle – Solidarity to Bernhard, Peter and Thomas of K.O.M.I.T.E.E. (Germany)

Monday, September 15th, 2014

From Actforfree, via an Italian translation by imprisoned eco-anarchist Marco Camenisch:

For almost 20 years company Sodexo has been the target of people like us, who are struggling against the racist and neo-colonialist system. It started in 1997, when Sodexo offered to take on catering and other services destined to refugees in the knowledge this would result in a huge turnover. Since then Sodexo has been internationally known as a company who became a big multinational operating in many countries under low cost management, i.e. by racially reducing human life to a question of figures.

After the justice sector was privatized in Great Britain, Sodexo took on the management of 5 prisons. In this case too, people without the status of citizens were put in the hands of private companies by the State in exchange of huge amounts of money. According to economy laws these companies gained total power in the exploitation of their resources. And they’ve been saving on human lives first and foremost (…)

Greetings to the rebels locked up in one of the British Sodexo jails, who rose up in March when 50 prisoners took control of an entire prison unit for a remarkable length of time, and to the group that gave us news of this and attacked the court of Yate with gas and petrol.

Actions against Sodexo were recently carried out also in this country: on 28/10/2013 and on 17/6/2014 unknown people set Sodexo vehicles on fire (1 and 2).

During a No-Border Camp in Brussels, a Sodexo building had all its windows smashed and another one was flooded with oil.

Following the abuses of those who want to govern migration in Berlin and elsewhere, we think it necessary to widen these practices of attack and at the same time to develop a strategy aimed at damaging the deportation machine well beyond symbolic gestures.

After the arrest of Bernhard of K.O.M.I.T.E.E., history is repeating itself and we all should take the occasion to gather new strength and knowledge. Here is our contribution in a beautiful night: we dedicate the arson of a Sodexo vehicle in Neukolln to Bernhard, Peter and Thomas, who almost managed to blow up a jail in Grunau 1995, following a string of deportations, and who had to go on the run until today; unfortunately Bernhard was arrested at the beginning of July 2014 in Venezuela and is awaiting extradition to Germany.

We agree with the communiqué issued by the comrades of the three, which we quote here: “What’s happening on the borders outside the EU every day, the super-armed Frontex apparatus, the inhuman conditions in German migrants’ detention camps and also the struggle of people living as clandestine demonstrate how courageous and visionary was the attempt of the comrades at putting an end to this practice of the system.”

It’s time we remembered the past: not only the K.O.M.I.T.E.E but also the Revolutionary Cells (RZ) who have given strong contributions to this struggle.

Let’s consider what has been done, let’s think of new things to do, new strategies for the struggle against state racism and exploitation. Let’s increase the pressure on the bosses and let’s make space to a new liberated world.

Fire to Sodexo and to all the exploiters in this world order that despises humanity. If people are dying it is our duty to act and to intensify the struggle against those who only care for profit and don’t give a shit of human lives.

Burning vehicles can only be small lights in the sky of resistance, many small stars form a constellation, all together they make a bright night.

Komitee Galaxis

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Filton, Bristol: 'FAI "Sacco & Vanzetti" Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed' take responsibility for an incendiary attack against BAE Arms Development Centre in the context of the NATO Summit (UK)

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

In the context of the NATO summit in Newport, a cell of the Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) has struck BAE Systems in Filton, Bristol:

We mounted our attack against the BAE Systems arms factory in the Filton area of Bristol by setting a fire against the fuel tank outside the onsite Advanced Technology Centre (Impact Facility – High Power Electro Magnetic Facility section) on August 29th. Today we now announce carrying this out in the context of the NATO summit in Newport in five days. Britain is rife with military industrial complex structures all year round and everyone can draw her or his own conclusion.

BAE Systems are possibly the largest so called defence multinational and they are Britain’s largest manufacturing employer. Some of their major projects with the British Armed Forces alone are the NATO Eurofighter jets and nuclear submarines.

From artillery and aerial drones with specialist communication systems to the Israeli Air Force F16 fighter bombers and the shackles used on detainees in Guantánamo Bay you can find BAE Systems across the world behind imperialist conquest and the death or immiseration of millions. The company now has branches in criminal intelligence and investigation that deal with matters like cyber threats to the banking industry and was contracted by the European Union to devise the Strategic Crime and Immigration Information Management System : essentially an international police database. They are in line to profit from managing the transition of analytics from analysis of physical locations to analysis of individuals and how they interact for the advantage of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

The factory where we hit produces hardware including that of naval frigates and combat vehicles and there hundreds of staff with the Advanced Technology Centre design cutting edge weaponry for global markets. Just a few of their specialities are :

Abnormal behaviour detection & video analytics
Bio-inspired technology
Micro & nanotechnology and smart materials
Technologies for covert & secure operations

BAE Systems are at the forefront of military robotics as well as the latest innovations such as cloaking devices for tanks and body armour formed from liquid to make the modern flesh and blood killing machine even more agile and deadly. Look to their armoured land vehicles which are autonomous of human supervision (like those patrolling the Israeli-Gaza and Israeli-Lebanon border zones) or the tiny above ground or under water machines modelled on insects for audio-visual reconnaissance to see a sign of our future they are preparing.

The company make explicit reference to the age of asymmetric warfare and the crossover from use of their products on the battle field to use within society at large : a common phenomenon in the sector. A case to illustrate this is the high power BAE Systems night vision gear finding its way into the civilian surveillance camera market to advance the project making open prisons out of the urban centres and anywhere it is needed to protect the system and its commodities.

Need we write more to demonstrate how technological development under the civilised power structure is leading us to a desolate automated landscape of near total dominance and potential annihilation? The hour is late and the brave new world with amplified demand for submission will be the price for our indifference.

To go after them on what they thought was safe ground is what we decided to return in kind for the business BAE Systems have chosen. Through the attack we are with those incarcerated for their own path towards anarchy :

Gianluca Iacovacci and Adriano Antonacci
Marco Camenisch
Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito

Every year they spend inside, the destructive acts will multiply. Honour also to fighters of days gone by who walked armed against dominance in their time.

FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed

August 23-30, Anarchist Prisoners Global Week of Solidarity!

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Resoconto sugli scioperi della fame svoltisi in Germania e Svizzera a sostegno dei prigionieri Greci, dal 18 al 20 luglio 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Vi hanno partecipato complessivamente sette detenuti: Ahmet Duezguen Yueksel, Andreas Krebs, Oliver Rast, R., Sadi Özpolat, Thomas Meyer­Falk e Marco Camenisch in Svizzera.

Ahmet Duezguen Yueksel

In Turchia esercita la professione di avvocato e, dato che lavora a favore dei prigionieri politici, ha dovuto lasciare il paese ed è stato arrestato in Germania nel 2007 in base all’art. 129b. E’ stato processato, condannato e incarcerato nella prigione di Stoccarda-Stammheim. Dopo aver scontato la pena è stato sottoposto a restrizioni rispetto alla residenza, ad esempio gli è stato concesso di stare solo in certe zone. Non ha rispettato quest’obbligo ed è stato arrestato in Grecia ed estradato in Germania nel maggio di quest’anno. Lì attende di essere estradato in Turchia. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report on the solidarity hunger-strikes for the Greek prisoners (Germany & Switzerland)

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

The hunger-strike took place 18-20 July 2014. The participants were a total of seven prisoners: Ahmet Düzgün Yüskel, Andreas Krebs, Oliver Rast, R., Sadi Özpolat, Thomas Meyer-Falk in Germany, and Marco Camenisch from Switzerland.

Ahmet Yüksel Düzgün

Because of his work as a lawyer for political prisoners in Turkey, he had to leave the country and was arrested in Germany in 2007 because of § 129b [terrorist association]. He was imprisoned in Stuttgart-Stammheim and was also on trial and sentenced there in the process bunker. After his imprisonment he was subjected to the residence rule, e.g. he was allowed to remain in a certain district only. He disregarded this rule and was arrested in Greece and delivered to Germany in May this year. There he faces the extradition to Turkey.

About the strike he wrote: “I was able to do my solidarity hunger strike without any problems.” (more…)

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