Posts Tagged ‘Federico Buono’

Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco to Liberacion Total, Material Anarquista, Publicaciòn Refractario & Viva la Anarquia concerning an anti-judicial non-controversy (Italy)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

I receive from Stefano the following letter. As I publish it, I want to reconfirm that critiques are always welcome and the ‘assholes’ will suffer the consequences they deserve [This is the premise of RadioAzione]:

To the dear comrades of Liberacion Total, Material Anarquista, Publicaciòn Refractario and Viva la Anarquia.

I give you all my anarchist and brotherly solidarity following the attack you got from a pseudo-nihilist asshole. There’s no censorship when one decides not to publish a text that attacks a prisoner while the investigation on him is still ongoing.

It must be known that in Italy there is no anti-judicial controversy. There are only assholes playing the same game as repression. (more…)

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PDF: 'And I Laugh' – Enzo Martucci (Verein Von Egoisten Ed.) – Italy

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

‘And I Laugh’ – Enzo Martucci

“In the Anarchy will not exist prisons disguised as hospitals, neither policeman masked as nurses.”
?La Bandiera dell‘Anticristo

Enzo Martucci. An Unrepeatable Individual- ?follower of Stirner and Nietzsche- they Unrepeatable too.
We propose as a collection of writings in English, some of his writings- taken from his books.
The brand of the shame- that The Unique Martucci- had do suffer- but not victimizing this ?suffering- was the usual procedure of: infamous, infiltrated, provoker.

But the Individual is stopped only by the death (as the Affine Sara deeply wrote)- and the Nihilist research the willed death [EGOIST]!

Our passion, in a continuous research of experimentation by the man- on the man, and is devoid from any kind of paraculo- this interest to rend possible the emersion of nothing, but the windbag- ? exclusive circle of the saint anarchy.

But you That ? Free yourself Totally, do you Know Martucci‘s action and theory?

Not, you only know what is in your flock, into the fence of your borders (also linguistic), you are essentially ass licking.

Martucci, author, of sublime buykeppraonlinenow.com books such as ?La Bandiera dell‘Anticristo and ? La Setta Rossa, ?remember us what means the manifestation of what we call ?paraculo:

As he was, in his time, ?purged from the anarchist community order, also today, the Individual is morally condemned for his exposure, his way of attacking the faltering conjugation of strength and weakness in covering each other in an actual community order, proposing the past that comes back statically and inexorable- repeating itself dying.

The VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. propose the writings of Martucci, to bring to light the rests of these lines that destroys the acquiescence of the ?majority consent, and as the gun and the pen ?are done of the same metal, as the Uniques born and die every time, every time we read this lines is to affirm Our self!

For the rest, We want to remember to our enemies: only the death can stop The Individual!

Federico Buono ?Compulsivo

Para cada enfrente de libre albedrìo :

nihilistabyss (at) distruzione.org

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PDF: 'Fragment- Anti-Juridical- Amoral- Nihilistic' – Verein Von Egoisten Ed. (Italy)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

English language version

‘Fragment- Anti-Juridical- Amoral- Nihilistic’ – Verein Von Egoisten Ed.

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PDF: 'Punto di Polemica Egoista' – Verein Von Egoisten Ed. (Italy)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013


Le VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. pubblicano la ri-edizione di un dibattito a-morale intitolato “Punto di Polemica Egoista”-approfondendo temi come l’antigiuridismo-l’etica-e il superamento della morale.

The VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. publish the re-edition of an a-moral debate entitled “Punto di Polemica Egoista” – deepening subjects as the antijuridism- the ethic-and the overcoming of the moral.

Las VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. Publica la re-edicciòn de un debate amoral intitulado “Punto di Polemica Egoista”- profundizando temas como el antijurismo- l’ética-y la superaciòn de la moral.

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Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Fede è tornato dalle profondità della Abyss. Ecco il suo nuovo testo con la prefazione della sua affinità, Sara Zappavigna.

Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Dark Nights #27 : 'Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism' – Oct 2012 (ACN)

Friday, October 19th, 2012

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Updated 19/10/12: Click to Download: Dark Nights #27

1. ‘Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism’ by L.
2. ‘Abyssal Desire – Nothing-isms’ by Edizioni Cerbero.
3. Letter from Fede and Tomo.
4. Letter of Anna Beniamino in solidarity with her comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.
5. Athens: End of the 2nd ‘Halandri case’ trial – New CCF case trial in Koridallos prisons’ court underway.
6. Statement by Christos Tsakalos of the CCF.
7. Statement of the CCF and Theofilos Mavropoulos in the first session of the new CCF case trial.
8. Athens: Reportback from demo in solidarity with the CCF and those accused in the same case.
9. New CCF case trial: Communiqué by fugitives Dimitris Politis and Yannis Michailidis.
10. Greece: Text of compa Gustavo Quiroga González.
11. Athens: Third antifascist motorcycle demo clashed with neo-Nazis.
12. Greece: About the case of Anastasios Theofilou, a couple of notes…
13. Bolivia: Repression against the anarchist movement aided by civil anarchists.
14. Italy : ‘Operation Ixodidae’ – Massimo Passamani moved to house arrest; Daniela Battisti released.
15. TIOJ: Statement by comrade Matthew.
16. Seattle, USA: Two grand jury resisters are in custody and need your support.
17. Action Chronology.

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Communiqué about the inquisitive operation called “Thor” / Comunicato per l’operazione inquisitrice denominata “Thor” (Italia)

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

1 September 2012 : DIGOS political police have made a number of raids against so-called “anarchist-insurrectionalist cells” in Ravenna, under the article 270bis (subversive association). Comrades from Parole Armate and Edizioni Cerbero are hit again. According to the bourgeois media, 3 comrades were detained and they are accused of links with the CCF and FAI, as well as participating in attacks in Ravenna. The name of the spectacle of persecution is “Thor”, as reference to the smashing of ATMs with hammers, and also to the TOR anonymity software.

Communiqué about the inquisitive operation called “Thor”

On 1st September I learnt that I’m being investigated for 270bis in an operation called “Thor”, which concerns attacks carried out in Ravenna.

Until now – as initially happened for operation “Ardire” – I was not stopped by the police nor was I notified any warrant.

The street will give me a sign… (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

'The Key Code of Order' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Friday, August 17th, 2012

‘The definition of “trajectory” is indivisible in a modular fraction in the course of time, along a border composed between time course and time commencing in the passage from the limit that gives a boundary to practicability.’


‘The digression is the border fathomed in search of a structural form that becomes and extends its foundations between a time limit and a limitative term of a limbo in a prophesized temporality.’


‘The identifying structure now stays at the “centre” of a fatal ceremony, it is now visible in a perceptive manner, it expresses the clarifying signs in the essence of a representation of a symbolic representation in the immanence of the approaching prophecy.’


‘The leaning produced in an analogy between “reached-out” in the pretension and a “hanging” at the officious liturgical ceremony prepares the simulation of the leadership role in a concealment of the preparatory acts.’


‘The disposition of the events is the directing in a translation of an inclined deduction in reversibility between Abnegation and Invocation.’


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'The Two Faces of Silence' by Maurizio de mone (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Another contribution concerning Cells of Redemption and its depersonalizing nature. Dedicated to myself and to my affinity comrade Federico Del Buono.

Maurizio de mone


Nothingness as Experience of oneself – Nothingness as Escape from oneself.

‘The ego, therefore, exists. But does it exist in the way it appears to me? No, because it appears to me in a way that involves the conformation of my senses and intellect, i.e. in a way that does not reflect reality in itself. My appearance is nothing but a sign, not a copy of reality.
The awareness of my ego is made by my appearance.
It makes me aware of an ego that is not my real ego. (more…)

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'The Depersonalization of the Individual – The crack on a line-margin' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Federico Buono


“The crack on a line-margin”

‘The redemptive void
Takes life away from those who dare
In a dazzling recidivist excess
Of a white and luminous death
Now overhears
In individual fatigue
That Cerberus who watches over
At the doors of your personal Inferno.’
From ‘the Fatigue’, Maurizio De mone

In the cold and dark cells of redemption and systematic rehabilitation, one enters an ostensive world, where perception is nullified on the threshold and in the margin, delineated by the parameters of an impeding segregation.
The non-belonging plunges the understanding of the acts like something receptive in a prostrating transience.
Transience transfuses the emotional drives in search of a representative belonging.
Representation dilutes the time of showing oneself and appearing under the guise of induced sub-concatenation of the relation producing depersonalization. (more…)

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'Fundamental Principles of the Italian Criminal Trial' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Nihilism is not only a contemplation of the vanity of things or the conviction that all things deserve to go in ruin; one puts oneself at work and ruins things… this is, so to speak, illogical; but the nihilist doesn’t believe in the constraint of being logic… it is the state of strong spirits and wills and they can’t stay motionless in front of the no ‘of the judgement’ – the no of action comes from their nature.
Annihilation through the hand indulges in the annihilation through the judgement.



It is the fundamental principle of the Italian law and as such it conditions necessarily all the supporters of the law. It is sanctioned by article 13 of the Constitution, according to which ‘all citizens have equal dignity and are equal in front of the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, political opinions, personal and social conditions (paragraph 1). (more…)

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Fragment – Parabola – Ope Legis (Edizioni Cerbero)

Friday, June 29th, 2012

The parabola Ope Legis is the existential abode of those who redeem their lives in the ordinary-order of life.

The parabola stops and nullifies any existential movement that pretends the negation of the juridical ‘law’ and the right to man’s moral rules.

This is in open conflict with social anarchists – who follow the path of the penal code any time the face of justice shows itself under the guise of a judge’s robes.

The Fragmentation of life in relativism is the essence of the Nihilist – wandering exception in a continuous becoming of the Chaos that destroys the absolute and that permeates human society.

In the destruction of man’s moral rules there is also the negation of the salvation through instruments aiming at a solely technical defence, which nullify all singularities.

Ahead with the nihilist attack and the destruction of any human-sentient rule:

A Nihilist attack against the body of the moral judicial monster…

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'An Endless Vertex in the Abyss' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

This is a text from Federico Buono, one of the comrades investigated in the operation ‘Ardire’. He has chosen a non-judicial stance as concerns the charges pressed against him. May the nihilist germ spread.


Anarchist and amoral anti-legalism

‘And in this way, whatever he has to endure, he does not despair in salvation. Fate leads him to the coffin, tied to the mad rope of hope.’

‘The Illusions of Mankind’ Eduardo Von Hartmann

In the afternoon of yesterday, 19th June, I was stopped in the city of Catania, where I’m living at the moment, by two Digos officers [political police] and taken to the police barracks.
There I was notified the act concerning the investigation on 270bis set up by nun Manuela Comodi. (more…)

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'The Nihilist Attack' by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, June 18th, 2012

This text was written during the feverish days of my trial for aggravated theft.

I’ve never wanted to know anything about such trial nor did I ask anybody about its result.

In my experience, my way of doing is an attempt to deny the law and live in incertitude. This makes my words even stronger.

I dedicate these words to my affinity comrade Maurizio and to all those who will choose an anti-judicial way in dealing with the investigation set up by nun Manuela Comodi. (more…)

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Federico Buono – "The Depersonalization of the Individual" (Edizioni Cerbero)

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

Click for PDF version

Federico Buono
‘Body coexistent in an existence with a presence’

‘The divine is the cause of god, the human is the cause of man. My cause is neither divine nor human, neither the truth nor the good, neither the right nor freedom etc, but it is only what belongs to me, and it is not a general cause but a unique one, as I myself am unique too. There is nothing above me!’

‘I placed my cause on the nothingness’ The Ego and its Own M. Stirner

Through the concentric and concentration camp-like chain mails of the moral-judicial monster and of disabling annihilation of the individual a pre-planned life is overcome by detriment in an existence in the ‘free’ cages of human society, where to be programmed to failure determines the ‘instant’. (more…)

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