Winson Green prison: Riot breaks out after smoking ban

Prisoners on the roof during the Strangeways prison riot 1990

Riots have broken out at Winson Green prison in Birmingham run by the scumbag security global firm G4S, with reports of ‘one wing lost’. Tornado teams (anti-riot units) were sent in to repress the riot which began at around 3.30pm, Prisoners have also been heard chanting ‘we want burn’   – a reference to the cigarette ban, which was brought into prisons on September 1, this has been seen as the main cause of the disorder.

A number of inmates reportedly refused to go back into their cells after association. A woman whose brother is an inmate in HMP Birmingham: ‘I got a weird text message at about 6pm saying it had all kicked off in the green again, and to watch the news because this will be a big one… It sounds like a riot, but it could be a prison break to get cigarettes.’ Two wings of the prison are protesting about conditions, and with one wing has been left ‘severely damaged’. G4S are trying to claim that it was a small disturbance with few prisoners involved but the damage to a whole wing seems to be more like a riot. It is common for prison authorities to dampen down info on outbreaks of disorder to prevent them from being repeated in other prisons. Continue reading

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Bristol: Southmead disorder involving riot cops and horses

A cop repressive operation has backfired in the Southmead estate of Bristol after they tried to enforce dispersal orders (given by cops to disperse groups of people) in the area. Nine notices were issued on Wednesday banning people from returning to the area for 48 hours. After disorder that apparently kicks off nearly every night, the riot cops along with mounted horses were called after property was damaged and several vehicles torched simultaneously.

The local politicians are blaming a summer where there had been a lot of mini-motorbikes, street drinking, heroin addiction and recently a local cop shop closing down. A local resident says “Something kicks off every night: burnt cars, burnt vans, stolen cars, motorbikes, anything.”

The Southmead estate has a history of rioting in the past when in 1980 disorder broke out after the St. Paul’s riot that had occurred a few days before, which was a precursor to riots that followed the year after in London. Riots have also broken out recently in Bristol in Stokes Croft/St. Paul’s in April 2011 due to ongoing protests against a Tesco’s and an eviction of a long standing squat. In August of that same year rioting broke out in the same areas including Southmead as part of the anarchy that gripped many cities across prison island.

Bristol August Riots 2011

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Riots at Featherstone & Haverigg prisons

On 29th August two prisons ended up in chaos during several hours of rioting by prisoners.

At HMP Featherstone in Staffordshire, prisoners tried to get a prison wide riot going when they set fires on their wing. Fires were previously set before when the prison was in a week of disorder back in August of last year in which screws were also attacked.

Also within the same day prisoners went on the rampage on their wing at HMP Haverigg in Cumbria after the smoking ban, which is being implemented in all prisons on the island, was introduced. Violent confrontations broke out after a protest turned violent when it was clear the prisoners were not getting their way. As anti-riot units were sent the prisoners started smashing up cells, flooding them, throwing TVs and even breaking up pool tables. Screws were forced to beat a retreat from the wing, which was left looking like a bomb had hit it. The riot started at 7pm and ended 4am yesterday after the Tornado anti-riot units repressed the rebellion. They particularly targeted a group of 24 prisoners – deemed to be leaders – who were then bused to other jails. A further 50 inmates were later transferred to prisons in Liverpool and Birmingham.

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Long-term radical social prisoner John Bowden in prison transfer

From: 325

New mail address for John Bowden following his parole refusal for his prison radicalism and being in contact with the Anarchist Black Cross. Bowden has been recategorised, and moved to Warrenhill, a Catagory C Men’s prison.

John Bowden
HMP Warrenhill
Grove Road, Hollesley
Nr Woodbridge
IP12 3BF

He is writing something about this process but in the mean time he asked for his address to be circulated.

Please send a card or letter of solidarity to John to help break the bricks of isolation the authorities wish to impose on him as revenge for challenging them.

It is essential to defend the Anarchist Black Cross and the ability of prisoners to contact the organisation.

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‘Darko Mathers was not an Eco-Fascist’ by L

From: 325

“Indiscriminate violence by individuals tormented by social reality is becoming more common, rocks off overpasses, murder sprees, random ultraviolence – and shows the alienated and hopeless rage of imprisoned beings. In this existential absence others smile, arm their conscience and go into revolution. Some would rather aim their rage at those who are most responsible for their misery and at the infrastructure of the system they hate.”
“We participate in the social/class war as rebellious individuals with an interest in going beyond – forward into permanent revolt, anarchic revolution.”

Darko Mathers
Our Vessel is Revolution, Our Guiding Star is Anarchy

It’s been three years since my close friend and comrade Darko Mathers died, the last time I saw him we finished the collection of texts against civil anarchism and shortly after he was dead. It was not a shock to me. Many of my friends are dead or have gone to prison and as I’ve gotten older I value my experiences of them and our shared memories much more as those remembrances deepened and so I began living differently. I respect my memories of this young comrade and I strive against the conditions of his death.

When a dear friend and comrade dies suddenly, it causes all kinds of grief to happen, a lot of it can seem totally anti-social, those left behind often argue among themselves, depart, breakdown, problems occur, some sweetnesses too. In the end what remains are the fleeting traces in time, which reflect forwards into the future and back into the past, that the individual has left with those close and not so close ones. Continue reading

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Meanwhile in uncontrollable Exarcheia… ‘ACAB’ expropriate an OK supermarket

From: Act For Freedom Now!

Few days ago we decided to join the operations that are taking place around the area of Exarchia contributing as we want and we can to liberate our neighborhood from the presence of the capitalist super markets…. But at the same time we understand and we like all the attacks by our comrades. Against the suppression that we feel every day on our skin or in a psychological way..from the mercenaries of the called police. Against the gentrification of the area by luxury and expensive cafeterias etc..

We perceive Exarchia as a revolutionary field of resistance and we think that is unacceptable and a big contradiction to compromise with this situation.We are hostile to every form that is feeding capitalism. The gentrification is an indirect attack to corrupt,infiltrate and poison the characteristics of this area.. It happened many times, in many places in the past.. An example is Plaza de Sol in Madrid.. A square that from instructional environment turned into a lifestyle meeting point.

So stop the invasion of our squats, of our neighborhood and open your fucking capitalist spots somewhere else, or we will be every time more active in the resistance.





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Derry: Cops attacked with petrol bombs at annual bonfire

Poppy wreaths and anti-cop display torched on the bonfire

The PNSI (Cops used to put down those who rebel British imperial rule, used to be called RUC, renamed in a shit attempt to make a more human face of a repressive violent murderous assassins. No one is convinced by the re-branding!) got what they deserve after Republican youth who erected an annual bonfire attacked them with stones and molotovs.

The youth claim the cops invaded the Bogside area (infamous area that was the scene of massacre by British paratroopers of civil right marches in 1973 known as ‘Bloody Sunday’, also became an autonomous area controlled by the IRA) in an attempt to dismantle the bonfire at the request of local snitches and politicians, which has led to confrontations and attacks on local snitches who attempt to attack the bonfire as well.

Traditionally, a bonfire is torched on 15 August in Derry to mark a Catholic feast day. In modern times the fire has become a source of contention and associated with antisocial behaviour.  Last year, it was constructed in the middle of a main road, causing significant traffic disruption. This year the site has been moved to a nearby grassy bank off Lecky Road, below the city’s historic walls. But tensions remain high, with a group calling itself Bogside Republican Youth threatening to burn down the landmark Free Derry wall if wood from the bonfire site is removed. Continue reading

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Oxford: Car arson attacks on rich streets

A series of arson attacks on cars sending them into ‘balls of flame’, took place recently in the toft areas of Oxford. Six cars in total were torched on the most expensive streets of the university city, including one street which is considered the richest. Cops are trying to reassure the fearful bourgeois citizens that the spree was not aimed at the rich. Unfortunately someone has been arrested & accused of the arson spree.


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Staffordshire: Rail cable theft causes disruption for several weeks

Sabotaged wires caused by the thieves

Disruptive thieves have massive delays and damage to the rail network in Staffordshire over a several week theft rampage. Almost 2.26 miles of copper cable reaching the tens of thousands in worth has been removed over a period of a month along railway tracks in North Staffordshire. The wire which is used for signalling and communications has also caused massive delays to the passenger drones and goods being transported across the local network showing, unintentionally or not by the thieves, how much sabotage can be inflicted on the transport system on prison island despite the common belief that the technological-industrial society is beyond destruction.

Funny how some thieves can reveal the weaknesses, while trying to survive in this capitalist nightmare!

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Grimsby: Bored youth use ‘fire spray’ on arson spree

A new craze has begun in the north of prison island as youth bored of their grey surroundings have been using aerosol cans to torch anything they want to let their boredom and rage out on. The method of arson attack has been used in Cleethorpes park as bins and vehicles have been set alight. A gang of youths also decided to upgrade by liberating a nearby shop of firelighters stored outside and putting them into cars to torch them.

Alternative uses of ‘fire spray’, in others words ‘DIY Flame Thrower!’:

Why not burn racist red neck fascists as the amazing Antifa recently did in Charlottesville, USA?

And burn some cops while your at it as well just as the ‘encapuchados’ (masked) do in Mexico

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