
Thousands could miss out on Commonwealth Games volunteer spots

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Thousands of Queenslanders will likely miss out on spots to volunteer at the Commonwealth Games as organisers embark on the "biggest recruitment program in Australia".

Applications open Monday for about 15,000 volunteer spots for the 2018 Games and chairman Peter Beattie is urging people to move fast.

But on Sunday he and dual international rugby player Mat Rogers, the volunteer engagement manager, warned there had already been 35,000 expressions of interest and some people would likely miss out.

"We know we only need 15,000, although that's a lot of people nevertheless, and at the end we may end up with more applications than perhaps there are positions," the former Premier said.

"But I just say to those queenslanders who don't succeed in the end, and we hope you all do, there will be other opportunities."

Volunteers are needed for roles ranging from drivers and VIP escorts to those with medical experience and must have their own accommodation.


They get a uniform, training and public transport but don't get paid.

Mr Beattie said the Games, in April next year, would be the "biggest shot in the arm for tourism in a decade".

"What we need is Queensland smiley faces," the man famous for his own grin said.

"We need people who are warm, who love people, who want to embrace the games, embrace this opportunity to promote Queensland.

"They will be, the volunteers will be the lifeblood of the games."

Mr Beattie also confirmed drones would be used for security and to crackdown on any ambush marketers, which he threatened on Friday would be "kicked to death".

Volunteer applications open 9am on Monday to people aged 16 and older at this website.

Most roles are based on the Gold Coast but those from Brisbane and interstate can also apply.