[ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Saturday Night Live mocks Donald Trump's phone call to Malcolm Turnbull: 'Australia sucks'

Date: February 5 2017

Aja Styles

It was the mockery Australia had been waiting for.

Saturday Night Live kicked off with Alec Baldwin in his usual role of President Donald Trump and a very Grim Reaper-looking chief strategist, aka Steve Bannon.

"I've had a long day, I'm tired and cranky and feel like I could just freak out on somebody," Baldwin's Trump says.

"Then maybe you should call Australia," Bannon replies.

Trump: "What could go wrong? Let's do it!"

Calls a slightly balding, ocker Malcolm Turnbull (played by Beck Bennett), who is all politeness.

"I hear there's been a lot of blow-back over that Muslim ban," our Prime Minister says.

"No there wasn't, everyone loves it," Trump replies. 

"We had to do it because of that huge massacre at Bowling Green," Trump says, referring to aide Kellyanne Conway's defence of the ban, citing two Iraqi refugees as being the masterminds behind a non-existent "Bowling Green Massacre". 

"It was horrible - so many people died but actually they're the lucky ones because they don't have to see how bad The Apprentice has gotten."

On being thanked for taking Australia's refugees based on the Obama administration agreement, Trump was quick to react.

"No, no refugees. America First. Australia sucks, your reef is failing, prepare to go to war."

Trump hangs up.

Baldwin's Trump then turns to Bannon for reassurance over whether he messed up.

"No, it was just according to plan," the skeleton-faced Bannon replies.

"That's enough fun for tonight." #SNL pic.twitter.com/6pJeCJaV6U

— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) February 5, 2017

Baldwin's Trump also phoned German chancellor Angela Merkel (played by Kate McKinnon), who excitedly answered the phone with: "Barack Obama, I miss you."

But it was special guest Melissa McCarthy, who stole the show as White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

"I'm here to swallow gum. And I'm here to take names." #SNL pic.twitter.com/bS6XdX1N7i

— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) February 5, 2017

In answering questions from the press, McCarthy's Spicer had this to say on the Muslim ban to a New York Times journalist: "It's not a ban, it's not a ban. The travel ban is not a ban, which makes it not a ban."

When Trump's tweet using the term "ban" is given as evidence that it was a ban, Spicer continues: "You just said that. He's quoting you. It's your words. He's using your words, when you use the words and he uses them back it's circular using of the word and that's from you."

All other ban-related questions and Bannon's role in the decision are quickly shot down, with McCarthy's Spicer resorting to giving a visual demonstration, with props.

"When it comes to these decisions, the Constitution gives our president lots of power and Steve Bannon is the key ad-visor," McCarthy says, as she waves a visor hat.

"OK? And our president will knot (holding a rope) be de-turd (holding a fake poo) in his fight against radical Moose-lambs."

Radical Moose lamb IM DONE @nbcsnl 😂😂😂👊👏👏 pic.twitter.com/cLpn0GIi3r

— Jasmine Shea (@SheaDiamond) February 5, 2017

Kristen Stewart hosted the episode.