Trump-Turnbull Phone Call Gets SNL Treatment

'America First. Australia sucks, your reef is failing, prepare to go to war.'

05/02/2017 6:20 PM AEDT | Updated 8 hours ago
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After a week that saw a single phone call torch U.S and Australian diplomatic relations, it's unsurprising Saturday Night Live has featured our very own Prime Minister Malcolm Trumbull Turnbull.

The skit parodies the real-life call that the Washington Post claims Trump ended by hanging up after just 25 minutes -- it was meant to last an hour. Trump reportedly told Turnbull an agreement to take refugees on Manus Island and Nauru the "the worst deal ever" and "I don't want these people".

Alec Baldwin assumes his usual character as Donald Trump and is accompanied by Steve Bannon as the Grim Reaper.

"Hi Steve, you look rested," Baldwin said.

"I'm tired and cranky, I could just freak out on someone."

Queue the ill-fated phone call with Malcolm Turnbull -- played by Beck Bennett.

The skit broke down the refugee deal and included an apt reference to the Great Barrier Reef.

"President Obama said America would accept 1200 refugees, your country's compassion will not be forgotten," Bennet said, as Turnbull.

"No, no refugees. America First. Australia sucks, your reef is failing, prepare to go to war," Baldwin, aka Trump, said.

In the same episode SNL satirised phone calls with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, German chancellor Angela Merkel and president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.

Melissa McCarthy made a guest appearance as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who this week became an internet favourite in Australia after pronouncing Turnbull, "Trumbull", not once but three times.


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