Hey, @realDonaldTrump, did you hear that your Muslim ban was suspended by a Washington judge? If the order is struck down, what will you do?pic.twitter.com/6VULmFDvqS
I don't mean to rub it in or anything,
@realDonaldTrump, but numerous states have sued over your order's unconstitutionality. Your thoughts? -
You think you're making us safer
@realDonaldTrump, but your ban wouldn't have stopped any of the recent tragedies. That's just the sad fact. -
This is my problem with your nationalism,
@realDonaldTrump. From my first book: http://a.co/eTwcCOL pic.twitter.com/U8MUV3y8am -
Here you go,
@realDonaldTrump, a quote from a fellow republican. Brought to you by the Party of Reason and Progress (@TheOfficialPORP).pic.twitter.com/3OYOnwPvQV -
And here's another relevant one,
@realDonaldTrump, also from@TheOfficialPORP. We are an organization dedicated to science and facts in law!pic.twitter.com/FPuzqAhmKw - Mostra'n més
@realDonaldTrump: America is a nation of laws. Your#muslimban was a violation of the constitution. Try again.https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/827864176043376640 … -
@evanoconnell@realDonaldTrump his EO was not unconstitutional. Read the constitution. Try again. -
@imhomela@realDonaldTrump take it up with federal Judge James Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, who found it unconstitutional. -
@evanoconnell@imhomela@realDonaldTrump I was stupid like that when I was 18 also, then I read the American Constitution -
@SeekWisdomToday@imhomela@realDonaldTrump if you read the US constitution you'd know the Muslim ban violates the 1st and 14th amendments. -
@evanoconnell@SeekWisdomToday@imhomela@realDonaldTrump It's not a Muslim ban. Did you even read the f'ing thing? It IS constitutional! -
@TheMindflavor@SeekWisdomToday@imhomela@realDonaldTrump I think I'll trust federal judges over random twitter trolls, thxkbye - Mostra'n més
@realDonaldTrump A sweeping statement that doesn't appear to be rooted in fact, finished with an equally generalised sentiment. Sad. -
@josh_withey@realDonaldTrump I wish you could spell Mr. Fact finder. -
@Sexybeast1223@realDonaldTrump where's the mistake? I'm intrigued. -
@Sexybeast1223@realDonaldTrump generalised can be spelt in the American (with a z) or with an s (the British spelling). Thanks for playing. -
@josh_withey@Sexybeast1223@realDonaldTrump well learn to spell American or take the next lorry to hell. ;) -
@ChefCoreyWilson@Sexybeast1223@realDonaldTrump You didn't really think that one through, did you? Better luck next time.pic.twitter.com/7IET5bbigw -
@josh_withey ;) winky face meant satire/sarcasm/dry British wit. Do try to keep up ;) - Mostra'n més
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