Daily Life

Private Sydney: Anthony Bell and Kelly Landry's joint affection quickly turns to animosity

The marital meltdown of Sydney's one and only celebrity accountant, champion Sydney to Hobart yachtsman Anthony Bell, the subject of an AVO to keep away from his estranged model wife Kelly Landry, certainly captured the attention of many this week as details of the split were splashed across front pages.

It was a particularly fascinating story because just weeks before they had appeared in public looking completely in love. The power couple proudly showed off their affection for all the world to see on Hobart's Constitution Dock on December 28 as Bell and his crew celebrated victory.

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Indeed the AVO, to which Bell's lawyer Chris Murphy told Waverley Local Court on Thursday that his client would agree to because he "never wants to see his wife again", while denying its substance, in order to avoid a "nasty" court case and cross examination, was in stark contrast to their picture-perfect public life filled with superyachts, happy snaps with the Prime Minister, cocktail soirees, celebrity friends and luxury mansions.

Landry had reportedly stayed with Bell over Christmas "for the sake of their kids", according to one of their close friends, despite years of unhappiness.

They are not the only high-profile couple to have found themselves in a loveless marriage, a concept well known to the British monarchy. For months the world watched as Princess Diana and Prince Charles put on a less than convincing performance as a happily married couple as their relationship unravelled behind the scenes.

And it wasn't so long ago that marriages of convenience were commonplace in Hollywood, where the likes of heartthrob Rock Hudson married an unknown secretary purely to conceal his gay life.


But none of those pressures would appear to apply to Bell and Landry, which begs the question, were they keeping up appearances for the benefit of  Sydney's vacuous social scene?

This is a city where marriage breakdowns, while sad, are not uncommon or necessarily scandalous. A wife taking out an AVO is an entirely different matter, though, and it was Murphy who rather ruthlessly suggested in court it was motivated by "celebrity deprivation".

It is true they were a winning combo who enjoyed ample exposure in the city's press, which soon elevated them to a quasi-celebrity status, ensuring their names appeared on all the right guest lists and at all the right events. Their circle of friends soon had a healthy smattering of VIPs, including Michael Clarke, Alan Jones, Larry Emdur, Russell Crowe and Karl Stefanovic.

And there they were again, at the end of December on Constitution Dock in Hobart.

That was just over two weeks ago, and just over a month after the alleged incident which resulted in Landry taking out an AVO against Bell, although Murphy claimed something else had occurred following the celebratory Sydney to Hobart dinner on December 28.

On Monday, Bell was adamant the couple were working towards "resolving" their issues. But by Thursday it was all out war, with claims and counter claims as a team of spin doctors and lawyers were brought in to to mitigate the fallout as the media circus descended on Waverley Local Court.

Suddenly their very Sydney fairytale had morphed into a very Sydney nightmare.