Washington breathes a sigh of relief as whirlwind Trump flies out to join First Lady Melania at Mar-a-Lago at the end of another white-knuckle week (but of course he still has Twitter . . .)

  • Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago after a whirlwind week in Washington and was met by his wife Melania
  • Melania Trump has made no public appearances since the inauguration
  • The Palm Beach Daily News is reporting that they will attend the Red Cross Ball on Saturday
  • Some guests are paying up to $50,000 for the soiree, with six ambassadors on the guest list 
  • The Red Cross charity has been assisting people affected by Trump's immigration halt 
  • His week has featured clashes with Mexico, Iran, and Australia, a new Supreme Court pick, and a series of executive actions
  • The White House says it will be 'shifting operations' to Mar-a-Lago, and that Trump will hold meetings and calls while staff 'plan for another big week of action on behalf of the American people'
  • 'I told you I'd win that election,' he told a crowd that welcomed him in Palm Beach
  • He was joined on Air Force One by Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman 

President Donald Trump reunited with First Lady Melania Trump on Friday afternoon for his first weekend getaway from the White House after a whirlwind week which left Washington – and the world – reeling.

'I told you I'd win that election,' he told a crowd that welcomed him in Palm Beach after a flight aboard Air Force One.

The first lady gave him a kiss at the bottom of the stairs he used to exit the presidential aircraft after the flight from outside Washington. 

Traveling with the president aboard Air Force One was Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, who chairs a panel of business CEOs for the president.

The first lady has had no public appearances since the inauguration. She has been at the couple's Trump Tower home in New York while their 10-year-old son Barron attends school.

The first couple will be attending the white tie Red Cross ball held at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's 'winter White House,' the Palm Beach Daily News reported. The event is considered a highlight of the Palm Beach social season.

US President Donald Trump and wife Melania make their way across the tarmac to greet well-wishers upon arrival at Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach

REUNITED: President Donald Trump and wife Melania make their way across the tarmac to greet well-wishers upon arrival at Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach

First lady Melania Trump greets President Donald Trump as he walks down the stairs of Air Force One

U.S. President Donald Trump walks with his wife Melania Trump on the tarmac after he arrived on Air Force One at the Palm Beach International Airport for a visit to his Mar-a-Lago Resort

First Lady Melania Trump arrives to welcome U.S. President Donald Trump (not pictured) at West Palm Beach International airport

First Lady Melania Trump rejoined her husband, after being in New York during the first days of his administration

Up to 700 guests are expected to attend. The Trump's have been frequent attendees at the event over the last decade.

Among those expected are six ambassadors to the United States, those from Switzerland, Italy, Colombia, Afghanistan, Peru, and Jordan, according to the publication. The U.S. has bilateral trade agreements with Colombia and Peru, and maintains a military presence in Afghanistan that is propping up the government.

Royals are also among those expected, with Prince Charles and Princess Camilla of the Italian dynasty Bourbon-Two Sicilies, the Duke and Dutchess of Marlborough, Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, Princess Clotilde d’Orleans, Prince Charles Philippe and Princess Diana d’Orleans, according to the publication.

Some of the best locations inside the luxury property that Trump purchased and rents as a club will go for $50,000. 

The party itself is expected to cost $400,000, according to a permit filed with the town, the Palm Beach Post reported. It expects to raise $950,000, with an in-kind contribution of $200,000.  

UPGRADE: Trump arrived at West Palm Beach International airport aboard Air Force One, and was greeted by First Lady Melania Trump

First lady Melania Trump left Washington after her husband's inauguration

NEXT STOP MAR-A-LAGO: President Donald Trump walks with his wife Melania Trump on the tarmac after he arrived on Air Force One at the Palm Beach International Airport for a visit to his Mar-a-Lago Resort for the weekend

President Donald Trump tosses a sharpie pen that he was using for autographs back to the group that greeted him after arriving on Air Force One

President Donald Trump pauses to speak to media as he walks from White House to the South Lawn on his way to Palm Beach for the weekend

President Donald Trump walks up the steps of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, Md

President Donald Trump walks up the steps of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

BUSTED: President Donald Trump chats with reporters on board Air Force One before departing from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland

First Lady Melania Trump is rejoining her husband at Mar-a-Lago, where the couple are expected to attend the annual Red Cross ball

President Donald Trump walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House

President Donald Trump makes his way to board Air Force One before departing from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland

President Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up as he walks from White House in Washington

HAPPY HOUR: President Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up as he walks from White House in Washington, Friday afternoon to depart for Mar-a-Lago

SEE YOU IN A FEW WEEKS: First Lady Melania Trump went to New York immediately following her husband's inauguration

GETAWAY: Protests that erupted at U.S. airports following Trump's immigration order are expected to follow the president to Mar-a-Lago

LET'S DO THIS AGAIN: Then-President-elect Donald Trump arrives with his wife Melania for a New Year's Eve party December 31, 2016 at Mar-a-Lago

For the president, who must travel with a full compliment of security and technology, getting there won't be cheap. The trip will leave taxpayers on the hook for about $3 million, due to travel costs associated with bringing a full retinue of security and personnel wherever the president goes, Politico reported.

It's an issue Trump knows something about, having ridiculed President Obama for his own pricey trips to Hawaii and other locales. 

The ball is a fundraiser for an organization that has been dealign with the fallout from Trump's immigration order, which initially left immigrants stranded in airports.

A Red Cross spokeswoman told the Associated Press the group "will provide basic support to stranded travelers affected by the order, including providing food and water at ports of entry; blankets, toiletries and other aid; and health, mental health and spiritual care services." 

More than 1,000 protesters have indicated on Facebook that they will attend the "March to Mar-a-Lago for Humanity."

Miami resident and protest organizer Stephen Milo told the AP, "The Red Cross does good things, but there's some irony in having the fundraiser there, and I do want to shed light on that. Wait a minute — you're talking about alleviating human suffering and you're having this event here?"

The club recently drew media attention for doubling its dues to $200,000. Donald Trump Jr., who along with Eric Trump began running the Trump Organization when Donald Trump became president, is listed as the director in state business records.

According to the White House, 'This weekend the president will be shifting the operation of the White House to the Winter White House at Mar-A-Lago. While in Florida, he'll hold meetings and calls with advisers and staff and plan for another big week of action on behalf of the American people.' 

President Donald Trump’s week of insults, threats, attacks, and accomplishments 


Mocks Sen. Charles Schumer’s ‘fake tears’ and asks about his ‘acting coach’

Slashes small business regulations

Brags about shaving $600 million from the price of the F-35 fighter

Iran fires ballistic missile

Announces visit by Israeli prime minister amid fallout for failing to mention Jews in Holocaust remembrance statement

Sets off media frenzy by announcing he has ‘made my decision’ for Supreme Court


Slams Democrats for stalling attorney general nominee

Tells pharmaceutical CEOs to cut costs

Democrats walk out on confirmation hearings

Announces he’ll keep in place Obama LGBT policy

Shames Democrats for being hacked at cybersecurity meeting

Cancels Milwaukee visit amid protests

Announces Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court pick

Tweets about how a microphone didn’t work at a rally with Schumer and Nancy Pelosi


State Department dissent letter grows to 1,000 bureaucrats

Says it’s okay to call his immigration order a ‘ban’ (after press secretary disputed the term)

Taps evangelist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead higher education task force

Fumes at black history month event that reporters ‘'have to straighten out their act'

Says [the deceased] Frederick Douglass ‘is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice’

Tells Mitch McConnell to ‘go for it’ and exercise ‘nuclear option’ to forever end Senate filibusters of Supreme Court picks

Honors first military casualty of his presidency by meeting fallen SEAL's coffin - and takes Ivanka with him

Bluntly tells Mexican president to stop the 'bad hombres down there' or suggests he would send U.S. troops into Mexico

National security advisor puts Iran ‘on notice’

Goes after the ‘dumb deal’ Obama administration struck with Australia to accept refugees


Threatens to cut UC Berkeley's federal funding after violent protests broke out in response to planned speech by right-wing firebrand

Blasts Iran nuclear deal for providing ‘life-line’ to the regime

Seeks prayers for 'Apprentice' replacement Arnold Schwarzenegger at National Prayer Breakfast and mocks his TV successor’s ratings

Eases sanctions on Russian intelligence agency in ‘technical’ fix

Says NAFTA has been a ‘catastrophe’

Slams refugee deal with key U.S. ally Australia

White House flips and says Israeli settlements may not be helpful


Warns Iran it is ‘playing with fire’

Denies as ‘fake news’ an angry call with the Australian prime minister

Blasts Schwarzenegger again for his job as governor of California and his ratings

Says U.S. must ‘get smart’ after machete attack at the Louvre by ‘Islamic terrorist’

Says Iran is ‘not behaving’

Says ‘professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters’ are proving his supporters’ point

Signs executive order to roll back banking protections put in place after the financial crisis

Says he tried to get ‘corporate raiders’ on his executive council

Flies to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend – and brings his advisors with him

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