Mark Austin admits he told his anorexic daughter to starve

Newsreader Mark Austin, 58, has revealed that he once told his daughter Maddy, now 22, (pictured with her father) to 'starve to death' after failing to understand her anorexia. He said that he struggled to come to terms with the fact that it was a mental illness and said he once thought of it as 'crass, insensitive, selfish and pathetic'.

Police probe cancer sufferer after he is accused of faking

Police are investigating a claim that teenage cancer patient Eli Stewart (pictured and inset) told lies about his stomach and lung cancer. Alan Crossan, founder of The Clutha Trust, made the allegations to the police after the charity gave him a £1,000 guitar and allowed him to perform at the Clutha pub in Glasgow. He has also been accused of failing to pay another charity after staging a gig for them at Ivory Blacks nightclub in Glasgow. Police have confirmed they are investigating the claim.

Victoria Cross recipient Johnson Beharry was delayed for three hours at JFK Airport, New York as staff scrutinsed his passport. He was going to a charity event where he was to be guest of honour.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

The un-named celebrity secured a court order against a Sunday newspaper to prevent details of their personal and professional life from being brought into the public domain.

Barry Pring, 47, was mysteriously killed in a high speed, hit-and-run while flagging down a taxi on a motorway in Kiev in 2008, following dinner with his internet bride, former lap dancer Ganna Ziuzina.

Reddit users have revealed the secrets they would never share with their parents. From covering up jail time to losing family heirlooms, people have shed light on their most embarrassing cover ups.

Pinterest crowns winners of first ever UK food awards

Pinterest held its first ever UK Food Awards, handing out prizes for best recipes in categories including best brunch. Recipes from the Hemsley sisters (top centre) and Fearne Cotton (top right) were among winners. Six winners have shared their recipes with FEMAIL for you to try at home, including (top left to right): chicken tikka masala, one-pan English breakfast, goji berry bars and (bottom left to right) travelling noodles, no-bake chocolate fruit pizza and spiced butterflied lamb.

The Met Office warned freezing temperatures - plummeting as low as -4C overnight in the south - and a frosty, foggy start could cause dangerous conditions on the roads for many across the UK.

Soaring immigration means that Britain will need to accommodate as many as 243,000 new households each year for the next 22 years, the government has said.

Team Beckham call in police over 'Beckileaks' email hack

The former England captain has seen his reputation tarnished after damning emails between the superstar and his team of advisors were leaked. The emails allegedly showed how desperate Becks was to ensure he was made 'Sir David' - and the lengths to which he would go to achieve his goal, even using his charity work. When his campaign failed, he allegedly lashed out with an expletive-littered outburst. Police officers have launched a probe in Portugal, where 18.6million emails and documents were hacked from servers of Doyen Global, the firm run by Beckham's PR chief and friend Simon Oliveira. Team Beckham is now said to be worried that more private correspondence between Oliveira, Becks and his confidant and close friend David Gardner, who served as best man at the Beckham wedding in 1999. It is thought the private messages include 'banter' about several well-known figures.

Britain vulnerable to attack after defence blunders

The Ministry of Defence was criticised last night for leaving Britain vulnerable to attack due to a series of equipment blunders. Rear Admiral Chris Parry described the navy's Type 45 destroyers (left), which cost £1billion each, as sounding like 'a box of spanners' underwater, meaning they can be heard 100 miles away by Russian submarines. It also emerged that the Ajax tank (right) is too big to be transported by an aircraft without being dismantled and potential new P-8 drones (inset) have problems with their censors.

If you don't want to feel betrayed, disappointed and as sick as a parrot, definitely don't read Becks's private emails and - as they say on the News before Match of the Day - look away now.

LIZ JONES: We cannot win, Kylie, we over-achieving older women. I understand, I really do. The world is your oyster, but you have no one to share it with.

Nigel Farage is sharing his £4m pad with French politician

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage is sharing a secret £4 million bachelor pad with an attractive French politician at the centre of a probe into illegal funding of his party. Laure Ferrari, who is 15 years younger than the married Brexit campaigner, moved in with Mr Farage in a grand Georgian house in an upmarket area of West London (inset) last week. She was photographed outside the property early on Friday morning, dressed in tracksuit bottoms and putting out the bins (centre), shortly before Mr Farage left in his chauffeur-driven Land Rover (right). Mr Farage (left) last night confirmed that Miss Ferrari had been living at his Chelsea house but said it was 'crackers' to suggest they were having an affair. He said he 'knew her well' but was just helping her out with somewhere to stay. Miss Ferrari and Mr Farage first met a decade ago when she was a waitress and he got her a job in the European Parliament.

Police said the 18-year-old was in a vehicle outside the Ship Inn at Llandedrog, near Pwllheli, Gwynedd. Four people have been arrested following the shooting, North Wales Police said.

Turkish police have arrested 400 suspected ISIS jihadis in a major nation-wide anti-terror clampdown, with an estimated 60 detained in the capital, Ankara, file photograph.

DO look down! Heart-stopping moment a diver somersaults off a 55ft platform into the deepest pool on a cruise ship in the world

Cesilie Carlton, a 35-year-old American high diver, is seen leaping headfirst from a 55ft high platform aboard the Harmony of the Seas cruise ship as the fast-moving ocean churns past below her. Cesilie, who is also currently a Red Bull cliff diver, has amassed more than 250,000 views on Instagram since the footage was posted last week.

From Asian action movies to baseball films, the list allows you to access thousands of sub-genres on the streaming service. All you have to do is change the code on the end of the 'genre' URL.

Goncalo Amaral is said to be putting the finishing touches to his second book about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann as her parents were told they could not sue him for libel.

Women who are DESPERATE to get married confess all

While the vast majority of women are happy to let their relationships develop at their own pace - there are apparently quite a few who feel the total opposite. Dozens of women have taken to secret-sharing site Whisper to reveal how they REALLY feel about waiting to get engaged... and it's not good. It appears for most of these women, marriage is the ultimate goal - and some seem pretty offended that their boyfriend has yet to pop the question.From the woman who refuses to spend her life as 'just the girlfriend' from the one who's planning to split from her long-term partner because seeing other friends get engaged 'breaks her heart' - these ladies are not holding back.

As this new infographic reveals, Saudi Arabia has banned Valentine's Day altogether, but there does exist a black market for red roses; and in Japan, its customary for women to give gifts to men only.

Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey launched the scathing attack at an immigration tribunal by a Rochdale sex grooming gang attempting to overturn attempts to deport them.

Rebel Tories are plotting with pro-EU Labour, Liberal Democrat and cross-bench peers to water down the EU Bill and delay our departure from the bloc.

Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured) faces a Conservative revolt after Tories threaten to back a Commons move to give MPs the power to reject a so-called 'cliff-edge' Brexit outcome.

Court of Appeal rejects bid to reinstate Trump travel ban

As a furious legal battle erupted over the president's controversial immigration executive order, a defiant Trump declared his team will win 'for the safety of the country' while attending a ritzy Florida gala on Saturday night. He was attending the annual gala of the American Red Cross at his Florida club's ballroom with First Lady Melania during the height of the legal tug of war battle. The 45th president looked stony-faced and said he was confident the Department of Justice would win its recent appeal against the Seattle court ruling that temporarily suspended his foreign traveler ban. Trump's policy, which was only in place for a week, sparked worldwide protests before it was swiftly undone by one federal judge on Friday. The president was at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and seemed furious his celebratory weekend was interrupted by the ruling as demonstrators protested him nearby in Palm Beach (inset).

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey accused protesters of 'reprehensible' behaviour that could 'damage the fabric of democracy' - and said he would be happy to take dinner with Mr Trump.

New documents confirm Donald Trump retains ties to his business interests through a revocable trust now being overseen by his son Donald Trump Jr. and an executive of Trump Organization.

President Donald Trump's supporters are vowing to never drink Budweiser beer after parent company Anheuser-Busch rolled out its Super Bowl commercial retelling the immigrant tale of its co-founder.

Donald Trump 'avoids holding Melania's hand in public because he wants to look like a presidential alpha,' says body language expert

The president and first lady had an awkward hand-hold Friday on the tarmac of the Palm Beach International Airport, when Donald Trump appeared to let go of Melania's hand twice. He had just arrived on Air Force One for a visit to his Mar-A-Lago resort. Trump and Melania were holding hands when he first got off the plane (upper left). But the president abruptly let go to clap with the well-wishers who were there to greet him (upper right). Melania reached for his hand again, at which point he brought her hand up towards him, gave it two pats (bottom left) - and dropped it once more (bottom right). 'I think he's been saying, "I want to be seen as the president on my own", which is very much alpha,' body language expert Patti Wood told the She has noticed a shift in the couple's body language since Trump began his presidential race.

The celebrity hairdresser was quizzed by Thames Valley Police last month as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star's life before he died at his Oxfordshire home, aged 53.

The Queen (pictured) cheered herself up as she battled her illness over the Christmas period by watching old Laurel and Hardy films and Keeping Up Appearances, it was revealed today.

Stars attending next weekend's Grammys might be left disappointed by the contents of the $30,000 goody bags, which contain some bizarre items including a personal CPR kit, crayons and adult bibs.

Tory backbencher Johnny Mercer, who is leading a parliamentary inquiry into Ihat, said he believed a 'rotten core' of civil servants had warped the purpose of the process.

BMW driver rescued after getting trapped in RIVER 

A stricken BMW had to be winched to safety after he followed his sat nav into a river. Emergency services raced to the scene in Carmarthen, South Wales, to rescue the motorist when his car became almost completely submerged. Fortunately the man escaped with his life - but police are now warning drivers of the dangers of using sat navs.

Wednesday's vote to trigger Article 50 - a vote that passed with the formal endorsement of the Labour Party and its leader - will go down in the history books as Jeremy Corbyn's Iraq.

The Mail on Sunday today reveals evidence that the organisation that is the world's leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming.

Harriet Harman has backed Labour's Brexit spokesman Sir Keir Starmer (pictured) to succeed Jeremy Corbyn - and admitted it was a 'miserable time for Labour' at a private meeting.

A man died after a fight broke out in a club in Stroud, Gloucestershire, this morning. Police were called to the Warehouse club at around 2am this morning following reports of an incident.

Man tasked with finding his partner her dream home

Daniel Thatcher, 40, and Shantelle Ma, 31, (left) from Kent have put their wedding on hold to find a dream home, but the bride-to-be won't live too far away from her very demanding sisters (bottom right). They couple appear on the Watch show Honey I Bought the House (top right) and will get £15,000 towards their deposit if Dan can find them a property all by himself in just three weeks. But he has a list of demands to meet from Shantelle and her siblings who call themselves the Kardashians of Kent.

The singer is looking to adopt twins Esther and Stella Mwale, 4, from a Malawi orphanage. Mercy James's uncle Peter Banet told their family: 'It will be as if your children have died.'

Oxford University director, Carl Frey, has revealed the high paying jobs most likely to become obsolete because of the march of technology. Middle class roles such as loan officers could soon disappear.

Tyler Daniels, 21, (pictured) from Essex, claims he has been locked out of his accounts while Barclays conducts an investigation after he noticed the unusual bank statement.

The pupil, who has not been named, is believed to have started experiencing difficulties while eating lunch in the dining hall at Anlaby Primary School in Hull on Friday.

Medical school of terror

As many as 22 British students from the same university in Sudan have fled to Syria to join ISIS. The University of Medical Sciences and Technology (inset) in Khartoum has been exposed as a hotbed of extremism for British medics studying abroad. Its dean admitted that 27 of its students and graduates have tried to join ISIS and 22 of these are British citizens or residents with family in the UK. Among them are Tarik Hassane (left), who was jailed in 2014 for plotting terror in the UK, and Ahmad Kheder, 25, and his sister, Nada, 22 (both right).

An inquest into the death of wealthy IT consultant Barry Pring, 47, in a road accident in Ukraine has raised fresh questions over the role of his internet bride - former stripper Anna Ziuzina, 38.

Brain tumours are going undiagnosed in teenagers because symptoms like mood swings and tiredness are mistaken for adolescent angst or exam stress, says a Nottingham University professor.

Terrorists can follow every movement of the Prime Minister's official aircraft live by using a £2.49 mobile app - even as she flew into the terror hotspot of Turkey, the Mail on Sunday can reveal

BREAKING NEWS: Huge fire at a recycling centre in Stoke sends plume of poisonous smoke into the air that can be seen for miles 

Firefighters are hurrying to extinguish a huge fire that has broken out at a plastics recycling centre. Dramatic images show thick plumes of black smoke, which can be seen from four miles away, billowing out of the centre in Milton, Stoke-on-Trent. Residents have been advised to stay indoors while Staffordshire Fire and Rescue attempt to control the flames and potentially toxic smoke.

Experts have created a voice for Jason Liversidge, of Scarborough, who has been battling Motor Neurone Disease since 2014. His new voice was created from recordings of him speaking.

Emma Studley and Amy Allen (right) have accused Jordan Walters (pictured with girlfriend Emma Horseman) of staying silent over the near-fatal shooting of their son, Harry in Bristol last year.

The adage 'older and wiser' certainly rings true for these women, who have taken to parenting website Mumsnet to share the things they didn't learn in life until they were past 35..

Romania's prime minister has announced that the government will repeal the contentious decree after the biggest protests in the country since the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989.

Princess Beatrice attends wedding with other royal guests

Princess Beatrice attended a lavish wedding ceremony along with other royals from around the world as socialites Filippos Lemos and Marianna Goulandris got married in London (inset). The 28-year-old (left) looked happy wearing a black and white dress as she spent the day celebrating the stylish wedding in the capital. She was at the ceremony which took place at the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sophia near Hyde Park, west London. The bride wore a traditional white wedding dress and looked glamorous as she walked out of the cathedral (main image). Other royals who attended the wedding included Queen Maxima of Netherlands (left, inset) and King Constantine II of Greece. After the ceremony, the newlyweds got into a silver Mercedes-Benz (bottom right) - which had gull-wing doors - and drove off together (top right).

Neighbours Robin Waistell and Stephen Williams took on the rail giant after the plant, growing on a railway embankment next to their bungalows, spread into the foundations of their South Wales homes.

Fitness monitors use an accelerometer to arm movements, which can be deceptive. Researchers from the University of Ireland, Galway, found all devices counted 'false positive' steps.



Fisherman left his master's fortune is living in poverty

Glen House, the St Lucian home of Lord Glenconner, is now a decaying mansion as a bizarre legal battle goes on between Kent Adonai, his manservant who he left it to, and his grandson. Six years ago Glenconner - known to friends and staff alike as Colin Tennant, the name he bore before inheriting his title - shocked his family by bequeathing his entire £20million estate to his West Indian manservant, deliberately cutting his own children out of his will. Despite being, in theory, a property multi-millionaire, Kent cannot afford to repair the decaying mansion at the centre of his inheritance. Indeed, he refuses even to enter it.

Marks and Spencer's line of handbags are dead ringers for Gucci and Prada designs but come at a fraction of the price. A black Prada tote costs £1,780, but a M&S; knockoff is just £39.50.

While the two-time Oscar nominee was married to his second wife Donna, he offered Lesley-Ann Jones £100,000. He admitted to her that he was desperate for a daughter and was 'fascinated' by girls.

Black activist says Winston Churchill's mother protstitute

A black power activist has labelled Sir Winston Churchill a whore's son during a speech in the House of Commons. Omowale Rupert of the Pan-African Society Community Forum claimed that Great Britain's wartime Prime Minister was conceived after his father visited an African prostitute's bondage den. Rupert told attendees of the talk, which was arranged by former shadow equalities minister Dawn Butler, how Churchill was really the son of an infamous London prostitute called Agnes Bronte.The controversial Rupert also lambasted William Wilberforce, the MP who was part of the campaign to abolish, slavery, calling him a 'junkie.'

Speaker John Bercow is at the centre of a row over a move to end one of Parliament's ancient customs - the wearing of wigs by clerks in the Commons. Pictured is Lord Rogers.

BLACK DOG: Husband and wife ex-Tory MPs Sir Nicholas and Ann Winterton quit the Commons in disgrace after this newspaper exposed how they bought a second home on MPs' expenses.

Sick and elderly patients are being given the wrong drugs, overdoses, or no medication at all. 92 per cent of carers have made at least one potentially serious mistake, according to researchers.

Foreign criminals were handed £2m last year after complaining they were locked up for too long. Another £2m was given to illegal immigrants who claimed they were unlawfully detained.

New guide lists mad must-have services for the super rich

There's never been a trickier time to be one of the stinking rich. Take poor old Johnny Depp. Last week, legal papers lodged by his former management company revealed he got through a staggering £21 million in the past year alone - including £24,000 a month on wine, £159,000 a month on private planes and £238,600 a month maintaining his staff of 40. But then today's super-rich need far more help than a chauffeur and a butler or two. This is where Spear's can help. The magazine and research company publishes a directory of 500 advisers, consultants, agents and managers for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs) - and this year's entries are so eclectic they'll stretch your credulity, as well as your wallet. Just don't query what they cost. As they say, if you need to ask you can't afford it. Here's our pick of the most peculiar...

The Swiss International flight from Zurich to California on Wednesday made an emergency landing at Iqaluit Airport in Canada after one of the engines stopped working.

Oliver Colvile, the Conservative MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, has been granted a debate in Parliament next week on seagulls in coastal towns and cities.

A 50-year-old man living in Spain was today questioned on suspicion of the murder of notorious criminal John 'Goldfinger' Palmer (pictured). He was interviewed this morning at a UK police station.

Sheridan Smith's schoolgirl abduction drama branded 'sick'

June and Gordon Matthews described BBC drama The Moorside as a disgrace. The two-part series dramatises the abduction of their granddaughter Shannon, by their daughter Karen. Shannon, then nine, was found 24 days later drugged and tethered beneath a bed. Karen, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was jailed for eight years in 2008 but was released in 2012 after serving half her sentence. Sheridan Smith stars in the drama as neighbour Julie Bushby.

Tessa Dunlop, a BBC Coast presenter, opens up about her experience with equine therapy in Grange Farm, Chapel-Y-Fin on the Welsh borders, that helps her cope with her grief after the loss of her baby.

Doctors have welcomed the introduction of a £40 kit which allows expectant mothers to test themselves for Group B Strep, which is harmless in adults but can trigger deadly illnesses in children.

Little Freddie Hunt from Hampshire suffers up to 80 fits a day and doctors warned his parents he was a 'ticking timebomb' after a brain scan revealed a tumour the size of a fist in his head.

Shoppers in the UK are being stopped from bulk-buying vegetables such iceberg lettuce and courgettes due to a growing fresh produce shortage caused by extreme weather in Spain.

The A-list couples bonding with their best-friend exes

Who says divorce means the end of a relationship? These A-list ex-couples have proved not only that they can remain friends, but they can even bond with their former partners' new lovers. Brad and Angelina, take note! (Pictured clockwise from top left: Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Sheen, Kate Beckinsale and Sarah Silverman, Miranda Kerr, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom and Demi Moore, Bruce Willis and Emma Heming.)

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid (pictured) has been accused by a former Cabinet Minister of bringing politicians into 'disrepute' by failing to protect the 'sacrosanct; Green Belt.

We learn from media leaks that two politically correct women, Cressida Dick and Sara Thornton, are on the final shortlist for the post of Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

The frozen food giant uses WhatsApp to share information about shoplifters and thugs who assault staff. But the Information Commissioner's Office called the groups illegal.

Rick Parfitt's dying wish almost ruined by ex

Rick Parfitt (pictured) had his dying wish denied when his third wife Lyndsay took his beloved guitar days before the rockstar's funeral, it is claimed. The Status Quo guitarist wanted his white Fender Telecaster to be front and centre at his funeral service - but instead a replica had to be made.

Police in Colombia have arrested a 17-year-old drug gang leader accused of carrying out more than 30 murders. Authorities are identifying the teenage killer only by his nickname of 'Frijolito' or 'Little Bean'.

Hit and stun! Incredible moment Met Police deliberately ram a stolen moped and send its two riders flying before setting the dogs on them (and boast it's all entirely legal)

Helicopter footage shows the police car making 'tactical contact' with the moped in Merton, south west London, on Friday. After being thrown off the moped, two men can be seen running away from officers. Both men have now been arrested on suspicion of theft. The footage was shared on Twitter by the Metropolitan Police's Roads & Transport Policing Command.

Former Lords Speaker Baroness D'Souza said 'many' peers did no work and one arrived by taxi, then left the House of Lords in the same vehicle ten minutes later.

A senior paramedic opens up anonymously about the back-breaking work every day working in the British ambulance services and what lies in store for the future with the increasing pressure on our NHS.

'This is wizard!' 100-year-old woman who flew spitfires during the Second World War celebrates her centenary by getting behind the controls again 

Mary Ellis, who was in a select gang of female pilots known as the 'Ata-girls' (inset) who flew during World War II, celebrated her 100th birthday by flying over West Sussex (left). And over her shoulder was one of the actual Spitfires she flew during her 1,000 flights as a First Officer with the Air Transport Auxiliary (top right). Mary was handed the controls of the 275mph twin-seater as it swooped over West Sussex. After about 15 minutes, she turned for home, and told her co-pilot Matt Jones: 'Goodwood on the nose, you have control...'. Then she settled back to enjoy the ride back to base. Mrs Ellis toasted a glass of champagne with co-pilot Matt Jones, managing director of Boultbee Flight Academy (bottom right).

Systems like Slendertone that slimmers use to target muscle groups could be more effective that compression stockings for poor leg circulation, a study by London hospitals shows.

Formed in the 1920s, the 30-strong display team from the Royal Corps of Signals is viewed by senior officers as not representative of today's high-tech Armed Forces, according to insiders.

Snowman in Dubai causes Twitter storm

A snowman, pictured, clad in traditional Arab headgear has attracted attention on Twitter after the normally scorching United Arab Emirates was hit by a freak blast of snowstorms. Temperatures plummeted to -2.9 degrees Celsius in the mountainous region of the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, inset, according to the UAE's National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology. The UAE is usually known for scorching sunny weather all year round - but puzzled locals have spent the weekend sledging.

Doctors in Germany and Austria interviewed patients about to have surgery about their fear and anxiety and asked if they regularly watched medical TV shows.

Set in the glorious Cych Valley, Wales, lies n elegant Georgian manor house, once a recording home for Genesis, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin to be inspired by the freedom of the country.

BBC show draws on REAL Nazi plans for life under... SS GB

The so-called 'alternate history' is a nightmare come true and the basis of a gripping new five-part BBC drama series, SS-GB, which is due to start later this month. But it could never have happened, could it? As far-fetched as the idea seems, Len Deighton, on whose 1978 novel the drama is based, used secret German plans prepared for the post-invasion administration of the UK as source material for his bestseller. In reality, the invasion, codenamed Operation Sealion, never took place because Hitler dithered and his Luftwaffe was beaten by the RAF over the skies of Kent and Sussex in 1940. But that didn't stop the efficient German armed forces from planning for the occupation of the UK.

Drug dealer Stuart Walsh from Wythenshawe, Manchester has been jailed for three years after he tried to blackmail landlord of the Firbank Pub and Kitchen Simon Delaney.

A bishop with links to Prince Charles has been freed from prison after half his sentence for sex offences. Peter Ball (pictured) served only 16 months for molesting aspiring young monks.


Today's hottestfashion finds

  • Margot

    Shoot for the stars in Margot's dress by Realisation

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  • Kate

    Be bold in a blue maxi skirt like Kate in Wolf & Wake

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  • Kim

    Dare to bare in a sheer white maxi dress like Kim

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  • Lateysha

    Go for nude like Lateysha Grace in Simmi London

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David Sassoon on how he helped Diana become a fashion icon

As an exhibition celebrates the life and wardrobe of the late Princess of Wales, David Sassoon - one of her favourite designers and confidants - reveals how he helped her become a fashion icon. He is the designer who, as one half of Bellville Sassoon, the label of choice among privileged young ladies in the late 1970s, took Lady Di from junior Sloane ranger - all floaty skirts, cashmere cardigans and pie-crust collars - and discreetly steered her in the direction of fully fledged fashion icon. Diana's loyalty to him was absolute: he designed more than 70 gowns for her over nearly two decades. (Pictured: Diana in some of his creations and his initial sketches.)

The number of claims of child sex offences made by people under 18 has nearly doubled to over 9,000 in four years, according to a Freedom of Information request by Barnardo's. (Stock image)

Sophie Gregoire Trudeau ecounted her struggle with bulimia at an event on Thursday in Ottawa, Canada, during the country's Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

Theresa May will seek to avoid a revolt in the Tory shires by promising that new homes will not be built on the green belt unless all other options have been 'exhausted'.



Lion siblings pictured battling fiercely in Zimbabwe

These spectacular images show lion siblings seemingly trying to rip each other part - but moments later they're once again best pals. The snaps were taken at Antelope Park in Zimbabwe by Irish photographer David Jenkins. He said: 'It was very exciting and fast - a real challenge to try to catch with a camera. After the fight, they were exhausted (bottom right) and just collapsed on top of each other before catching a much needed catnap.'

Mum is a real life Robocop: Daughter's delight as her paralysed policewoman mother walks her to school again thanks to £100,000 bionic legs 

Nicki Donnelly, from Birmingham, was a rising star of the police force with six bravery commendations when a car crash paralysed her from the waist down, but now she walks again. A heart-breaking birthday wish from daughter Eleanor when she was five, for mummy to walk again, gave her renewed determination to recover and now, thanks to £100,000 state-of-the-art bionic legs, she can walk again. Mother and daughter were both in floods of tears as she walked after just seven weeks with the legs.