

Yes, you're seeing that correctly. That is the cockpit pod of a TIE Fighter with some X-Wing foils strapped around it. I don't know whether to think that it's rad or be personally offended at my beloved X-Wings being used in such a state. Probably a bit of both.


DC's Young Animals imprint is giving us some of the weirdest, most enjoyable books around lately — Doom Patrol, Cave Carson, Shade the Changing Girl, the list goes on. The latest book heading to Gerard Way's imprint is equally weird, but it's a pull back far into the wonderful mind of the legendary Jack Kirby. Forager the Bug returns!


Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent have got their own comic now, thanks to this week's arrival of Super Sons. It's everything you want out of a team-up from one of the most delightful little shits in DC comics, and the perfect straight man in the form of the kid of steel himself — in fact, it might even be a better team up than Bats and Supes themselves.