Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 Gets An Extremely NSFW Glitch

[Image: Tecmo Koei]

In DOAX3's recently released VR mode, it appears that if you stick your head underwater while looking at a character, here Marie Rose, her bathing suit vanishes. Note: This article contains content some readers might find objectionable.

It's unclear how widespread the issue is, but glitches and bugs aren't new to this game.

This also seems to make characters have shaved heads, which is somewhat similar to a previous shadow glitch.

Last March when the game was originally released in Japan, there were also texture problems with in-game bathing suits. In the clip below, Marie Rose once again looks like she's missing her bikini.

In case you missed them, check out Kotaku's Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 impressions right here.


    Sure. Because it's DoA, it's more likely to be a feature to get more preteen boys to buy, as that's their number 1 market.

    Last edited 04/02/17 12:46 pm

      Preteen boys are all into bald chicks these days?

        Pre-teen? You surely don't think a voracious interest in T&A stops at 13?

        *edit* sorry a comment for @madadam81

        Last edited 05/02/17 11:35 am

          This confuses me :P
          A comment for madadam?

            yes. I'm on mobile and the formatting was messed up and I made a mistake. I'll reedit my post

    How is this objectionable? There is nothing underneath it; are we 13 years old now?

      Apparently the guy above you thinks it is.

      We will have to rename the PC crowd to the PG crowd.

      Last edited 04/02/17 1:02 pm

        Bah.. We'll just reoppropriate PC from PC Gamer from meaning Personal Compter to Politically Correct!

      Yeah, well, Marie Rose certainly looks like a 13 year old sex doll once the bikini comes off...

        Without genitalia? I don't understand how you could come to that conclusion. There are parts of the body that are not even modelled inside thigh is literally see through in part.

        Reaching pretty hard.

          That's even worse. Inside thigh not even modelled. Great. So now they're promoting unrealistic body standards as well.

          I so offended I can't even type right now. Think I need a chamomile tea and a lie down whilst I work out exactly how to format my internet survey to measure how offended everyone else is.


            Do you find this content objectionable? Please select the answer that describes you/your feelings...

            1. No, because I'm a filthy pervert who hates women and eats babies.
            2. Yes, because I'm normal.


              But which do I choose if I'm a normal person who eats babies?

              Nice. I like it. So relevant. So contemporary.

              Maybe we can add pictures as well? Put a total devo next to option nr 1, just to really paint that picture.

          Some people will find it objectionable, some people will not.

          humanity has a wide variety of opinions...

    All i find disturbing is fully developed and of age woman behaving like 3 year old girls splashing around in the water.... This is borderline paedophillia to me.

    maybe i am not the target audience, but then, who is and why are they watching/playing.....

    Last edited 05/02/17 1:15 am

      Splashing around in in the pool/beach is restricted to children?

        Some folks must have very boring pool parties =P

    Note: This article contains content some readers might find objectionable.

    I wish Buzzfeed would take a friggin' lesson and use this as their click bait header ....

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