Guillermo Del Toro Thinks Silent Hills' Cancellation 'Makes No Fucking Sense'

Guillermo Del Toro Thinks Silent Hills' Cancellation

Don't worry, Guillermo. You are not alone.

The movie director had teamed up with game creator Hideo Kojima for what seemed like a truly interesting video game.

But, as we've known for a while, Konami has officially canned Silent Hills. This spring, Del Toro said, "It's not gonna happen and that breaks my greasy heart."

In a recent interview with website Bloody Disgusting (via Gaming Bolt), Del Toro was asked what his experience on Silent Hills was like. His reply:

It was curious.

We had a great experience and had great story sessions with hundreds upon hundreds of designs. Some of the stuff that we were designing for Silent Hills I've seen in games that came after, like The Last of Us, which makes me think we were not wrong, we were going in the right direction.

The thing with Kojima and Silent Hills is that I thought we would do a really remarkable game and really go for the jugular.

We were hoping to actually create some sort of panic with some of the devices we were talking about and it is really a shame that it's not happening. When you ask about how things operate, that makes no fucking sense at all that that game is not happening.

Makes no fucking sense at all. That's the randomness that I was talking about.

"Makes no fucking sense at all" sums up what seems to be apparently happening over at Konami.

You can read the full interview over on Bloody Disgusting.

Top photo: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP


    They were obviously onto something, especially when you consider that you have people falling over themselves trying to recreate what was basically their TECH DEMO.

    As interesting as PT was I think it barely even scratched the surface of what the final game would be in terms of feel and gameplay, which really, really sucks.


      In all seriousness, that's probably actually the logic, here. They aren't far wrong, either.

      Pachinko is really big business. Shitting out a new machine design takes very little work and the Konami owned parlours make serious bank.

      Basically, they looked at the balance sheet and found that games don't always make profit and when they do, it's a massive outlay with a 3-5 year turnaround on investment. They can throw out a half dozen new programs for existing pachinko machines every year, make money back pretty much immediately and keep the popular machines in rotation for years where they are a constant cash stream. it's one tenth the work for ten times the profit.

        Reminds me of a mate I have that works in the gaming industry. He's worked on several AAA titles, made his own very successful mobile game and now works for a very successful mobile gaming making company. He said to me that mobile games were the way of the future because they're way easier to pump out, have way less risk and have just as much potential to make super big $$$.

        This actually sickened me because it hit me that by working in the industry he had forgotten what makes the industry so great. The fact that he thinks churning out mobile games is the way of the future for gaming still makes me sick to the stomach to think about... Because yes, from a developer point of view I can understand it, but as someone who has loved and has been very passionate about gaming for nearly about 28 years now, it was just horrifying to hear.

          Even if you consider video games as art, the reality is that art is a commodity. Some of the greatest artworks of history are loveless cash-ins from artists who would have loved to be doing pretty much anything else. Money makes the world go round.

    F* KONAMI~

    Use to love them for Castlevania, Contra, Suikoden, Winning Eleven/PES and many more. Now they are just another trash company. pffft no more AAA titles...

    Last edited 16/10/15 10:00 am

      Hey now, they still have soccer.

        This is true and admittedly... its very good this year. I'm just letting my emotions run wild a bit... >:O

          It's good? Even though the Steam version uses PS4 screenshots while the actual engine is the PS3 version?

          lol, that's what comments sections are for ;)

      You look at the past and you remember all those great games, and than you look at what they do now and it's obvious the suits have taken over and it's money at the expense of creativity.

        it's obvious the suits have taken over and it's money at the expense of creativity.

        They'll end up with neither one.

        The suits were always there. They are always there. The difference is that back in the day, videogames were relatively inexpensive to make (bunch of underpaid programmers, one sound guy, one or two pixel artists that more often than not were the same programmers) and both the novelty and the lack of significant competition meant that the margins were quite decent.

        Nowadays games are million-dollar investments with long cooking time and high risk. Suits of the world are recoiling in horror from the industry.

          I understand that once a single programmer could crank out a game a year and make the company massive profits, and I get that what used to be an office of guys has ballooned into teams of hundreds. And despite my love for Contra/Probotector and Castlevania I'm well aware that if it's not COD, GTA or comes with a ton of figurines (They aren't Toys) you are risking a lot.

          But I also look at other people in the industry working hard on creativity instead of profit. And they seem to be getting both.

          Is there a reason you can't make a Castlevania game that competes with GTA? Your a bad arse Vampire hunter, imagine if you had a Sandbox style Castlevania it could be awful or it could be fantastic. Allow players to kill a sparkly vampire and watch people buy it to hate Twilight.

          I'd be happy with 2D games again because we can really make them look fantastic these days.

    Poor Guillermo, tries to get a couple of games going and sh*t happens. He probably never wants to help with a game ever again in fear of it getting canceled.

      He said that in an interview a few weeks ago. For the good of the gaming industry he'll become a martyr and avoid any kind of production.

    Someone recruit him for Allison Road plz

      Was just thinking that. I still have hope that with Allison Road now being picked up by Team 17 that they actually have Kojima hiding in the shadows helping the game along.

    Why can't they just team up now, call the game something different, change some of the models from what they did and just go from there.

      Because Konami will sue them into the ground for daring to create something that isn't a Pachinko machine.

      They will use some flimsy excuse about thoughts people have while working for Konami are owned by Konami to be used in future gambling machines.

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