Trump: 'don't worry' about 'tough' Turnbull phone call

President Donald Trump abruptly ended a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull after condemning a ...
President Donald Trump abruptly ended a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull after condemning a refugee deal with the country and telling Turnbull "this was the worst call by far" he has had with a world leader.

Donald Trump has told Americans "don't worry" about his "tough" phone calls with world leaders such as Malcolm Turnbull and accused Australia of "terribly taking advantage of us" on an Obama-era refugee deal.

Australia's Ambassador to the United States Joe Hockey later visited the White House to smooth over relations with two of Donald Trump's top officials, after news broke of a firey weekend exchange between the President and Prime Minister.

Mr Hockey met on Thursday afternoon in Washington with chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon.

"Mr Priebus and Mr Bannon had a productive meeting with the Australian ambassador at the White House," a White House official said. "They conveyed the President's deep admiration for the Australian people."

Republican Senator John McCain critised Donald Trump for the "unnecessary and frankly harmful" phone chat.
Republican Senator John McCain critised Donald Trump for the "unnecessary and frankly harmful" phone chat. AP

Republican colleagues on Capitol Hill rebuked the President overnight and sought to assure Australians about the crucial bilateral alliance after reports of his disrespectful conversation with the Prime Minister about the planned transfer of 1250 refugees on Pacific Island processing centres.

The heated Trump-Turnbull phone call, first revealed by The Washington Post and confirmed by The Australian Financial Review, dominated US media coverage on Thursday.

Mr Trump reportedly told Mr Turnbull "this is the worst deal ever" and "this was the worst call by far" after speaking to four other world leaders including Russia's Vladimir Putin on Sunday. He accused Australia of seeking to export the "next Boston bomber".

Mr Trump, at a White House meeting of Harley-Davidson executives and other manufacturers, digressed to wade back into spat, arguing that he was negotiating properly, even with "countries that are allies, people taking advantage of us."

"We had one instance in Australia. I have a lot of respect for Australia, I love Australia as a country but we had a problem," Mr Trump said.

Joe Hockey, Australia's ambassador to the US, received a letter from Senator McCain.
Joe Hockey, Australia's ambassador to the US, received a letter from Senator McCain.

The new President said Mr Obama agreed to take "probably well over a thousand illegal immigrants who were in prisons".

"I said why, why are we doing this?"

"What's the purpose? So we'll see what happens. When the previous administration does something, you have to respect that, but you can also say, why are we doing this?"

Underlining the domestic political pressure on Mr Trump from immigration hardliners, Senate judiciary committee chairman Chuck Grassley wrote to the Trump administration on Thursday demanding it make public the details of a "secret agreement" between Mr Obama and Australia.

Senator Lindsey Graham said Trump should tweet less and sleep more.
Senator Lindsey Graham said Trump should tweet less and sleep more. Bloomberg

Again, on Friday morning, Mr Turnbull insisted the deal would be honoured, telling reporters outside his home the President and the administration had given several commitments.

"Our concern was that thed eal, the refugee resettlement deal that we done with President Obama would be continued under President Trump. It's obviously a deal he wouldn't have done. He's expressed his views about it," Mr Turnbull said.

"But he has committed to doing it. So from my point of view, acting in Australia's interests, we secured the commitment from the US President that we wanted and that we sought and we thank him for making that commitment."

The shaky agreement to transfer the refugees from Papua New Guinea and Nauru appears set to be honoured, subject to "extreme vetting" the White House said.

Former US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich said Mr Trump was "poking the eye of a good friend".
Former US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich said Mr Trump was "poking the eye of a good friend". Rohan Thomson

Chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee Bob Corker was among the senior lawmakers to speak to Mr Hockey to express the "important and long-lasting alliance between our two countries."

Earlier, veteran Republican Senator and Vietnam war prisoner John McCain said the phone dispute was "unnecessary and frankly harmful", recounting how more than 500 Australians died in the Vietnam war, Darwin's hosting of US marines and the sharing of top secret intelligence.

Senator McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee telephoned and wrote to Australia's Mr Hockey, to express his "unwavering support" for the US-Australia alliance that he said was "more important than ever" in the Asia Pacific and to combat Islamist terrorism.

After Mr Trump tweeted last night that he planned to review the "dumb deal" , Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said, "I wish he would sleep more and tweet less.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Australia should not be worried and the alliance was strong.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said Australia should not be worried and the alliance was strong. AP

"You're still President of the United States and there's probably better ways to handle this," Senator Graham said.

Prime Minister Turnbull said on Thursday the US alliance was strong, but voiced subtle displeasure about the White House leaking details of the conversation.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer insisted the President and Prime Minister had a "very cordial" conversation, but that Mr Trump was "unbelievably disappointed" with the Obama administration's deal that was a "threat to national security".

"He has tremendous respect for the Prime Minister and the Australian people and has agreed to continue to review that deal," Mr Spicer said.

He reiterated that the refugees - many from the Muslim-majority countries on the President's travel-ban list - would be subject to "very, very extreme vetting".

The State Department updated a statement to say out of respect for "our Australian ally and friend" the US would honour the agreement to accept "referrals" of the refugees. "Any refugees coming to US shores would only come to the United States in accordance with the recently signed executive order."

President Obama's former ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, said the US had "no better friend" in the world than Australia, citing its cooperation on defence, intelligence, counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency and stopping the trafficing of people and narcotics.

"It's just a needless poking the eye of a good friend," Mr Bleich said of Mr Trump's reported abrupt phone call.

"The reason this is significant is that people in Australia were already nervous about this change," he added, alluding to Mr Trump's presidency.

Polling realised by the Lowy Institute for International Policy last June uncovered the lowest level of support for the The Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty alliance since 2007.

The number of Australians who agreed the alliance is "very" or "fairly" important for Australia's security dropped nine percentage points since 2015 to 71 per cent.

Australia has fought alongside America in every major military conflict since World War II and is currently a major contributor in the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as well as the war on terrorism in Afghanistan.

The most powerful Republican in Congress who hosted Mr Turnbull in September, House Speaker Paul Ryan, said Australia will continue to be a "very important and central ally".

"I think it's important that presidents and prime ministers, heads of state, are able to have candid and private conversations," Mr Ryan said.

"I don't think Australia should be worried about its relationship with our new President or our country for that matter."

It was also reported by CNN that on a call a day earlier with Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto, Mr Trump complained that Mexico had some "pretty tough hombres" that need to "be knocked out".

Earlier Mr Trump told worshippers at a national prayer breakfast on Thursday in Washington the world was in trouble and he was going to "straighten it out".

"When you hear about the tough phone calls I'm having, don't worry about it. Just don't worry about it. They're tough. We have to tough. It's time we're going to be a little tough folks. We're taken advantage of by every nation in the world virtually. It's not going to happen anymore," Mr Trump said.

Correction: The President had talks with four other world leaders the same day as his conversation with Turnbull: Shinzo Abe of Japan, Angela Merkel of Germany, François Hollande of France and Russia's Vladimir Putin.