Cabinet shakeup as Gladys Berejiklian resets for 2019

Gladys Berejiklian has unveiled a cabinet to fight the 2019 election in the face of a revitalised Labor opposition and a rising minor party vote in the regions, including a resurgent One Nation.

Ms Berejiklian and Deputy Premier and Nationals leader John Barilaro announced the new line-up at Queanbeyan, in the regional seat of Monaro held by Mr Barilaro on a margin of just 2.5 per cent.

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Gladys Berejiklian explains why she's added a new role as part of a cabinet shake-up. (Video courtesy: ABC News 24)

The unusual decision follows the Nationals' disastrous loss in last year's Orange byelection to the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party, which has pledged to target other regional seats.

In a reshuffle designed to "reset" the government for 2019, four ministers have been dumped from cabinet: Nationals Adrian Piccoli who had education; Duncan Gay who held roads; and Leslie Williams who had early childhood education and Aboriginal affairs. Also out of cabinet is Liberal MLC John Ajaka, who was minister for ageing, disability services and multiculturalism. However, Mr Ajaka is set to become President of the Legislative Council.

In strategic appointments with an eye on the crucial electoral battleground of western Sydney, two new MPs from the area, Mulgoa's Tanya Davies and Castle Hill MP Ray Williams, have been elevated to cabinet.

Ms Berejiklian has also created the new portfolio of minister for WestConnex, to be held by Penrith MP Stuart Ayres, who is also minister for western Sydney.


The move is being seen as an attempt to reset the discussion about the $16.8 billion road project from complaints about the disruption of inner-Sydney communities to the benefits it will bring commuting western Sydney families.

Another surprise announcement is the new position of minister for counter terrorism which Ms Berejiklian said was necessary "unfortunately due to the circumstances our world is in".

Liberal MP David Elliott – a leader of the centre-right faction that supported Ms Berejiklian's election as Liberal leader and premier after the retirement from politics of former premier Mike Baird – adds the role to his existing portfolio area of corrections.

It will involve liaising with state, Commonwealth and international counter terrorism bodies.

Unveiling the new cabinet, Ms Berejiklian repeated the pledge that her government would listen, consult and act and "wants to make sure every single community across NSW gets its fair share".

Mr Piccoli will be replaced in education by Rob Stokes, whose planning portfolio will be taken over by former industry and energy minister Anthony Roberts.

Mr Roberts, a leader of the right faction whose numbers also supported Ms Berejiklian's election, also becomes special minister of state.

Nationals MP for Oxley Melinda Pavey enters cabinet to take over the roads portfolio from Mr Gay, while her party colleague Sarah Mitchell has been promoted to the ministry to take on early childhood education and Aboriginal affairs.

Among the biggest winners are two of Ms Berejiklian's strongest supporters in her own left faction: former Legislative Council president Don Harwin and Hornsby MP and former parliamentary secretary Matt Kean.

Mr Harwin comes into cabinet as energy and resources minister and minister for the arts.

He has also been appointed leader of the government in the Legislative Council. Mr Kean enters cabinet as minister for innovation and better regulation.

Mr Harwin and Mr Kean were key to engineering the numbers to have Ms Berejiklian elected leader.

In other Nationals promotions Adam Marshall will head tourism and major events, which has been taken from Mr Ayres.

Deputy Nationals leader and primary industries and water minister Niall Blair picks up the trade portfolio from Mr Ayres and the key jobs portfolio of industry from Mr Roberts.

Former deputy premier and Nationals leader Troy Grant has held onto police and adds emergency services to his responsibilities.

Former local government minister Paul Toole becomes minister for lands and forestry as well as racing.

Pru Goward moves from mental health and women to her former portfolio of family and community services. She remains minister for the prevention of domestic violence.

Veteran Liberal MP Brad Hazzard will move from family and community services to health following Jillian Skinner's decision to quit politics after being told she could not remain in the portfolio.

Cronulla MP Mark Speakman, a senior barrister, moves from environment to attorney-general, replacing Vaucluse MP Gabrielle Upton who takes over environment.

Ms Upton has also been handed the challenging local government portfolio amid unrest over forced mergers including from Woollahra Council in her electorate. Victor Dominello moves from innovation and better regulation to finance.

Andrew Constance remains Transport and Infrastructure Minister and Deputy Liberal leader Dominic Perrottet will move from finance to become treasurer as expected.

Opposition leader Luke Foley said the reshuffle "is not about serving the interests of the people of NSW".

"It's about serving the interests of the backroom operators and lurk merchants of the Liberal Party to whom Ms Berejiklian is beholden to." 

The winners and losers.