Who needs a stunt double! Claire Danes is thrown back onto a mattress by explosion on Homeland set

It's exactly the kind of job for which stunt doubles exist.

But after six seasons of dodging terrorists in Homeland, Claire Danes is not afraid of a bit of action.

The actress was filmed doing her own stunts in a dramatic sequence of shots on the New York set of the hit HBO show on Friday.

Who needs a stunt double! Claire Danes is thrown back onto a mattress by explosion on Homeland set in New York on Friday

Who needs a stunt double! Claire Danes is thrown back onto a mattress by explosion on Homeland set in New York on Friday

Intrepid: The actress was filmed doing her own stunts in a dramatic sequence of shots

Intrepid: The actress was filmed doing her own stunts in a dramatic sequence of shots

The 37-year-old could be seen reacting to an explosion outside of a house surrounded by FBI agents. 

Claire was pulled backwards into a safety cushion as a reaction to the simulated detonation.

In contrast to the drama of the moment, her clothing was deliberately understated.

The mother of one wore a black jacket, pants and shoes.

Action hero: The 37-year-old could be seen reacting to an explosion outside of a house surrounded by FBI agents 

Action hero: The 37-year-old could be seen reacting to an explosion outside of a house surrounded by FBI agents 

Carrie, who has a four-year-old son, Cyrus, recently spoke about how she increasingly values her physical fitness over beauty.

She told Britain's Harper's Bazaar magazine: 'I like being healthy, I like being fit, I like being able to wear the clothes I want to wear, I like having a lot of choice in that respect but I don't know... I think my body is changing as I'm getting older and that's immediately liberating.

'I think of it in terms of managing my own anxiety of what's desirable. Because it's so easy to get into an obsessive loop.

'I just return to the basics, I have a partner who is attracted to me, I'm able to be expressive in my work and I'm physically able. That's so beyond good enough and the rest is just noise and nonsense.'

All went well: She was later seen off camera, smiling after the competition of her mission

All went well: She was later seen off camera, smiling after the competition of her mission


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