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Fleur Morrison

Reader, writer, blogger at Readability Books

Fleur Morrison is a former journalist, public relations practitioner and radio producer who is now a stay-at-home mother of three. She tries to write and read whenever she gets a chance... which isn't often enough these days.

She has established Readability books blog to throw around some ideas about books and reading, and to try to put a stop to her habit of starting a book and only realising 20 pages in that she's already read it.

Fleur also runs copywriting and editing business The Word Store to help businesses and organisations communicate better.

Getty Images

The Problem With Book Clubs

An obligation to read is no kind of incentive to pick up a book, and it often has the opposite effect, rendering the intended reader incapable of turning off the television or logging off Facebook.
30/09/2016 11:45 AM AEST

Libraries Aren't A Source Of Silence, But An Escape From It

Modern libraries play an important role, not in upholding a sense of academic excellence and intellectual superiority among users, but in their inclusivity. They are places where people of all demographics can come together and enjoy the free use of a public space.
20/09/2016 2:29 PM AEST

Humour In Books Can Get Lost In Translation

There is a particular kind of humour to be found in the pages of a book. It is often subtle and unexpected, creeping up on the reader who didn't expect to laugh. After all, isn't reading considered qu...
15/09/2016 2:24 PM AEST
Jade Brookbank

The Fathers, They Are A-Changing

Just as Bob Dylan called on writers and critics to herald the future in his famous song 'The Times, They Are a-Changing', writers continue to play an important role in documenting change, including the evolution of the role of fathers.
31/08/2016 1:23 PM AEST
Alina Goncharova

If Your Baby Doesn't Like Books, Read Between The Lines

To my consternation -- given my hopeless devotion to books -- I found that my first child could not have been less interested in books. He fidgeted, then bawled. Perhaps there was something about the green sheep that just didn't appeal. He certainly didn't give a damn where it was.
09/08/2016 1:05 PM AEST

Why A Fall From Grace Is So Compelling

Is it envy or a distrust of power that we are exhibiting when we relish the stories of the failure or downfall of our powerful politicians or sportspeople? We even have a term for the phenomenon: the tall poppy syndrome. And when a tall poppy falls, we revel in it.
01/08/2016 9:14 PM AEST
Southern Star Entertainment

Aussie Kids Need Aussie Stories

I still love to read books set all around the world. I want to experience the lives of those far removed from my own, to visit bustling markets, stone castles and arid deserts in the pages of a book. But I will not dismiss the value of reading about my own country, in the words of those who know it best.
12/07/2016 1:43 PM AEST
Justin Case

Truth Is, Business Books Need More Fiction

And although the focus on empathy in the workplace and the new breed of business books is heartening, I wonder whether non-fiction is the best place for business managers and leaders to gain an understanding of empathy. I believe that Cloudstreet, Animal Farm or Harry Potter could be a better place to start.
06/07/2016 6:30 AM AEST
Columbia Pictures

The Rise Of The Literary Groupie

Some people swoon over Ryan Gosling in 'The Notebook'. Others prefer Brad Pitt in 'Thelma and Louise'. A twist of Mick Jagger's hips drives some people wild. Others can't get enough of Ricky Martin's rumba. But all it takes to pique my interest is an intricate plot and clever turn of phrase.
11/06/2016 6:30 PM AEST
Getty Images

Rereading A Book Is Twice As Nice

I want to gather and devour all of the books I can before I die, even if that means skimming over multi-layered brilliance and tasting a mere morsel of genius. But it is a children's series that has given me cause to reevaluate my approach to rereading.
03/06/2016 7:09 AM AEST