Burqa Ban, Pre-Nups, Tax Reform: Pauline Hanson Reveals Her Vision For Australia

The One Nation leader has opened up about her blueprint for the nation.

05/02/2017 11:24 AM AEDT | Updated 1 hour ago
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Pauline Hanson has outlined a range of policies she would pursue as PM.

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson has revealed the key policies she would pursue as Prime Minister, including big changes to tax, family law and immigration.

The national blueprint from One Nation comes as the party gears up for a big tilt at the upcoming Queensland state election where it plans to run candidates in 36 seats. It's the latest evidence of the conservative party's resurgence after it picked up four senate seats at the 2016 federal election.

Outlining her priorities for an Australia with One Nation at the helm, Hanson told NewsCorp Australia that social, economic and law reform would top the list.

According to NewsCorp, among the key changes Hanson wants are for couples to enter into compulsory pre-nuptial agreements to help ease pressure on the Family Court. She also would ban the burqa in public and scrap the GST, replacing it with a flat two per cent tax.

Hanson would reportedly also push to nationalise critical Australian assets owned by foreign corporations and set up a royal commission into Islam.

Reaching out to economically marginalised voters, Hanson's vision is said to also include funding a plan to get young people into apprenticeships, while manufacturers would receive tax breaks to boost local jobs.

"The cost of living is out of hand for the average Australian. Our standard of living has dropped. I don't think Liberal or Labor (politicians) understand," she told NewsCorp.

"If (major parties) think the only way to get this country going is to bring in migrants, they are fools."

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