Turnbull Staffer Suspended For Offensive Trump Posts

It's the latest headache for the PM.

03/02/2017 3:07 PM AEDT | Updated 03/02/2017 3:50 PM AEDT
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A staffer in Malcolm Turnbull's office has been suspended.

A staffer in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's office has been suspended after posting inappropriate messages about U.S. President Donald Trump.

Radio station 2GB reports an executive assistant to Turnbull's chief-of-staff was suspended on Friday after a post appeared on the staffer's Facebook page, promoting a protest website which sells 'Voodoo Donald Dolls' and encourages buyers to destroy them.

Trump and Turnbull engaged in an abrupt phone call on Saturday over plans for the U.S. to take 1250 asylum seekers in Australia's care.

A spokeswoman for the Prime Minster confirmed with The Huffington Post Australia the staffer had been suspended.

"The employee accepts that these posts were inappropriate, and has deleted them from her account," the spokeswoman said.

"The chief of staff is suspending her employment while the matter is investigated further."

The staffer reportedly had a picture of a t-shirt with the words "Tuck Frump" on it, 2GB reports.

That photo reportedly linked to the Tuckfrump website, where the Voodoo Donald Doll is promoted and people are invited to take out their "murderous rage" on the toy.

A video advertisement for the Voodoo Donald Doll on shows the doll being used in different ways, including but not limited to being burned by molten metal, thrown from a plane, having pins stuck in it and thrown in a blender.

"Toy intended for humorous fun only," the ad, made prior to the U.S. election, reads.

"Get your anger out non-violently... vote."

The incident comes as senior U.S. politicians went into damage control over Saturday's controversial phone call between Trump and Turnbull.

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