This Rooster Called 'Cluck Norris' Pretty Much Thinks He's A Kangaroo

Meet the Aussie Babe. Really.

03/02/2017 1:59 PM AEDT | Updated 03/02/2017 4:07 PM AEDT
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It doesn't get more Australian than this.

A family driving along the dry countryside of the Northern Territory find a rooster lost on the highway. They chuck him in the car and drop him off at the next roadhouse, and the managers take him in, of course, because you can't leave a rooster running loose on the highway.

He's soon put in the garden out the back, but destroys that, so the next logical option is the kangaroo enclosure. In the rooster goes and before you can say Babe he's happy as Larry hanging with his new best mates who just happen to be double his size and furry.

But his name isn't Larry. It's 'Cluck Norris' (yes, like you didn't love this story enough) and he's an absolute superstar at the Erldunda Roadhouse.

If you haven't heard of the Erldunda Roadhouse, we don't really blame you, but it's about 200 kilometres south of Alice Springs.

This is Cluck Norris, and here are his mates.

Ross David West is the Manager there who named the rooster Cluck Norris because he likes to kick, like the 'roos and the actor. Some of his best mates are named after actors, too. Of the four rescue kangaroos there's Roo Jackman, Roo Grant, Skippy Long Stocking and Bobo.

"He just hangs out with the kangaroos and it seems like he's becoming one of them," West told The Huffington Post Australia.

"He's sort of at the bottom of the pecking order, and sometimes they have a bit of a fight but it always sorts itself out."

Both the roos and Cluck Norris enjoy a muesli treat every now and then.

Cluck Norris gets different feed to the kangaroos, but doesn't mind sneaking some of the 'roo pellets along with the muesli.

"We give the 'roos muesli as a bit of a treat, and he loves that," West said.

But all good stories must come to an end, and this one's bittersweet. Cluck Norris is getting some new mates, as the Erldunda Roadhouse expects a few hens in three weeks' time. West is yet to decide whether the hens will join Cluck Norris in the 'roo enclosure or whether Cluck Norris will move out, into a separate enclosure with the hens.

"We'll see how we go," West said.

Time will tell where Cluck Norris belongs.

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