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Finally CFLF is back!

We have taken this site over and will be happy to continue the fantastic job Michael and Co was doing over nine years. We hope to continue to collect plenty of posting material as a monumental document of the “Zeitgeist” of living. Best...

What If They Threw A War On Re...

Sorry, Santorum-lovers — Religion Dispatch‘s Sarah Posner is right: when it comes to the so-called ‘war on religion’ there’s no ‘there’ there....

Could it be…?

This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country – the United States...

Morning Maddow: “This Is...

A sincere mea culpa for the lack of content over the last several days. Was a holiday weekend in my neck of the tubes, so yrs truly decided to go all-in with some R&R time. Anyway, we are back and, baby, the Republicans are still fucking bat-shit. With the...

Morning Maddow: Aspirin ain...

Yep — a picture indeed says a thousand words.  With GOP culture-warriors going all-in against contraception (apart from Bayer Aspirin — am I right, ‘gals’?) one is again struck by just how far beyond the contemporary 21st century mainstream the...

Morning Maddow: “Constru...

Oh, look — yet another statement regarding Planned Parenthood services that apparently was not intended to be factual. This time it was purportedly Serious GOP Senate vet Orrin Hatch of Utah who decided to give facts the finger and proudly let his bull-feces...

“Welcome to the 2nd deca... During the Bush administration, Democrats often boasted that — unlike the president and his aides, who were consumed by millenarian dreams of remaking the Middle East in the image of American democracy —...

Morning Maddow: Mama Said Wonk...

Get your wonk on, kiddies — sitting in for our hero is WaPo columnist and supreme numbers nrrrd Ezra Klein, crunching Obama’s proposed 2013 budget with former OMB Director Peter Orszag. WATCH IT: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news...

Monday Upper: Shorter USCCB &#...

Not much to say: Last week, Obama offered a deft political compromise to the resurgent birth control debate (yes, I just wrote that). Despite this, US Catholic officials refused to budge from their hardline, pro-forced pregnancy position (RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!) So why...

“What? Knickers? I Can S...

Your AM dose of vicarious embarrassment, courtesy Raw Story: And no, this isn’t the first time Outer Wingnuttia has tried to go where no ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Real American should ever dare venture: The last time conservatives attempted to induce rapping...
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recent from 1970 Tightening Whose Belts?
Pres. Obama said this in his weekly radio address: Government has to start living within its means, just like families do. We have to cut the spending we can’t afford so we can put the economy on sounder footing, and give our businesses the confidence they need to grow and create jobs. Mouthing right-wing...
recent from 3744 Obligatory Karen Handel Komen Resignation Post
Shorter: Fuck you, fuck you, yr kewl, fuck YOU. *drops mic, walks off stage* Yep. Straight from the Komen Foundation boardroom to a  cushy future Fox News contract. C’mon, you know it’s gonna happen — the defiant, almost Nixonian delusion and naked martyr-posing is catnip for savvy...
recent from 59 Lucky Duckies May Get Their Wings Clipped By Top Hat GOP Congress
Simon Johnson on the vindictive absurdity of Republican plans to slash unemployment benefits: The jobs crisis was caused by recklessness in the financial sector, made possible by irresponsible deregulation (including a period when Republicans controlled Congress and the White House) and resulting in...
recent from 1854 0-3 For Romney
Tomorrow morning team Romney is going to wake up with a really bad headache and ask themselves “what the just happened?”.  In one day that frontrunner status that he thought he reclaimed went up in a poof of smoke.  Ya they knew they were going to have a rough day, but Romney lost by 30 points...