4 February 2017

Trump issues orders to roll back bank regulations

By Barry Grey, 4 February 2017

Nothing could more clearly expose the farce of Trump's pretensions to be a champion of the American worker than his drive to lift all restraints on the financial oligarchy.

US defence secretary threatens North Korea with “overwhelming” force

By Peter Symonds, 4 February 2017

Mattis’s threat only has one meaning: the obliteration of North Korea’s regime, as well as its military, industry and infrastructure, with the loss of countless lives.

Democrats back Trump administration’s new sanctions against Iran

By Joseph Kishore, 4 February 2017

The sanctions are part of an aggressive shift of the new administration and follow the declaration of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn that Iran was being put “on notice.”

Washington’s war threat against Iran

EU summit marks escalation of conflict between Europe and US

By Johannes Stern, 4 February 2017

At the EU summit in Malta, several European heads of state, including the German chancellor and the French president, sharply criticized the policies of the Trump administration.

German Chancellor Merkel meets Erdogan ahead of EU summit in Malta

By Johannes Stern, 4 February 2017

Trump threatens to send US troops to Mexico in conversation with Peña Nieto

By Clodomiro Puentes, 4 February 2017

The US head of state threatened to send US troops south of the border because of the Mexican military’s supposed reluctance in prosecuting a bloody “war on drugs.”

More on the Trump presidency »

FBI secret manuals allow for warrantless stalking of journalists

By Zaida Green, 4 February 2017

More than 1,000 pages of FBI guidelines obtained by The Intercept detail the expansion of the agency’s spy powers under the Obama administration, now inherited by Trump.

Protests continue against corruption in Romania

By Peter Schwarz, 4 February 2017

Behind the protests lies a power struggle within the ruling elite that has been raging for years over foreign policy orientation and the allocation of plum positions.

Theresa May’s White Paper offers no plan for post-Brexit Britain

By Robert Stevens, 4 February 2017

The government promises the best of all possible worlds for British imperialism, with no means of achieving this ambitious goal.

British government secures vote to proceed with Brexit

More on the UK Brexit referendum »

London’s Haringey Labour council launches £2 billion privatisation

By Thomas Scripps, 4 February 2017

Most residents of Haringey’s Council housing estates slated for destruction under the HDV are entirely unaware of what is being planned.

Corruption allegations undermine French presidential candidate François Fillon

By Alice Laurençon, 4 February 2017

While demanding that the working class endure draconian austerity measures, the ruling elite is able to procure hundreds of thousands of euros of public funds for their own benefit.

Australian prime minister’s speech points to growing political crisis

By Mike Head, 4 February 2017

Donald Trump’s election as US president has sent shockwaves through the parliamentary elite and accelerated the global turn to trade war and war.

Trump dresses down Australian prime minister

Australian Greens put forward nationalist trap for anti-Trump sentiment

Bangladesh government continues repression of apparel workers

By Sarath Kumara, 4 February 2017

International retail corporations are concerned that the government’s actions will spark industrial struggles and impact on investor profits.

Pittsburgh community college students and staff speak on hunger

By Evan Winters, 4 February 2017

Food banks have proliferated across college and university campuses, with cuts to food assistance in 22 states in 2016 exacerbating the problem, particularly for part-time students.

GM Canada slashes CAMI workforce in Ontario

By Carl Bronski, 4 February 2017

The announcement exposes the lying claims of Unifor and its President Jerry Dias that the latest round of concessions contracts would secure the Detroit Three’s Canadian “footprint.”

New in Russian

Первая неделя администрации Трампа: Правительство войны и социальной реакции

Джозеф Кишор, 2 февраля 2017 г.

Когда будущие историки станут рассматривать этот период, они неизбежно обратят внимание на то, что ему предшествовало — на политические, социальные, экономические и культурные факторы, на основе которых выросло президентство Трампа.

Значение успеха ИМССР на выборах в Берлинском университете имени Гумбольдта

Интернациональная молодежь и студенты за социальное равенство, 2 февраля 2017 г.

На выборах в студенческий парламент ИМССР получила больше голосов, чем студенческие группы, связанные с Христианско-демократическим союзом, партией «Зеленых» и Левой партией.

New in French

La menace de guerre de Washington contre l’Iran

Par Bill Van Auken, 4 février 2017

Ce serait une erreur dangereuse de croire que les actions de la Maison Blanche de Trump soient le résultat d’un simple improvisation ou impulsion. Elles font plutôt partie d’un plan précis.

Les allégations de corruption menacent la candidature de Fillon

Par Alice Laurençon, 4 février 2017

Un peu plus d’une semaine après la publication initiale des allégations de corruption contre François Fillon, la publications d'éléments supplémentaires accablants fait monter la pression sur lui.

Un dirigeant des Verts allemands demande que l’Europe “grandisse en termes de politique de puissance”

Par Peter Schwarz, 4 février 2017

Répondant à la politique nationaliste du président américain Donald Trump, l’ancien ministre Vert des Affaires étrangères Joschka Fischer a réclamé un réarmement massif de l’Allemagne et de l’Europe.

Françoise David, porte-parole de Québec solidaire, quitte la politique

Par Louis Girard, 4 février 2017

Le parcours de Françoise David reflète celui de toute une couche issue des classes moyennes qui s’est radicalisée dans les années 60 et 70, avant de virer à droite pour s’intégrer pleinement à l’establishment.

New in Spanish

Las protestas anti-Trump y el rol del Partido Demócrata

Por Bill Van Auken, 3 febrero 2017

Mientras que cientos de miles de personas marchan en EE.UU. y el resto del mundo contra el veto a musulmanes y refugiados implementado por Trump, el Partido Demócrata se ha enfocado en las preocupaciones estratégicas del imperialismo estadounidense.

Las amenazas nacionalistas de Trump y la respuesta de la burguesía europea

Por Alex Lantier, 3 febrero 2017

Ante las amenazas proteccionistas de Trump y sus críticas contra el euro, Alemania y sus aliados más cercanos están preparando sus fuerzas armadas y policiales para un conflicto con Washington.

New in German

Washington droht dem Iran mit Krieg

Von Bill Van Auken, 4. Februar 2017

Es wäre eine gefährliche Illusion zu glauben, dass das Weiße Haus unter Trump nur improvisiert oder impulsiv handelt. Es folgt einem ganz bestimmten Plan.

EU-Gipfel verschärft Konflikt zwischen Europa und den USA

Von Johannes Stern, 4. Februar 2017

Auf dem informellen EU-Gipfel in Malta übten zahlreiche europäische Staatschefs scharfe Kritik an der Politik der neuen US-Regierung.

EU-Gipfel beschließt Abschottung des Mittelmeers

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 4. Februar 2017

Die EU will die libysche Küstenwache aufrüsten und Internierungslager in Nordafrika einrichten, um Flüchtlinge abzuwehren.

Trump brüskiert australischen Premierminister

Von Mike Head, 4. Februar 2017

Trumps rücksichtsloses Verhalten gegenüber Turnbull hat für Unruhe in der australischen Regierung und den Medien gesorgt.

Proteste gegen Korruption in Rumänien

Von Peter Schwarz, 4. Februar 2017

Bei den Protesten geht es nur vordergründig um Korruption. Dahinter steht ein Machtkampf, der sich um die Aufteilung von Pfründen sowie die außenpolitische Orientierung dreht.

Hundert Studierende protestieren in Bremen gegen Jörg Baberowski

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 4. Februar 2017

Am Donnerstag kamen etwa einhundert Studierende an der Universität Bremen zusammen, um den Allgemeinen Studierendenausschuss (Asta) gegen eine Klage Jörg Baberowskis zu unterstützen.

Großrazzia in Hessen

Von Marianne Arens, 4. Februar 2017

In einer massiven Polizeirazzia durchsuchten 1100 Polizisten über fünfzig Objekte im Rhein-Main-Gebiet.

Tausende beteiligten sich an Warnstreiks im öffentlichen Dienst der Länder

Von Dietmar Henning, 4. Februar 2017

Die Warnstreiks und Proteste dienen dazu, die Wut der Beschäftigten abzulassen. Am Ende wird für die meisten wie in den letzten Tarifrunden wieder ein ernüchternder Abschluss stehen.

New in Arabic

مقمة كتاب الرفيق دافيد نورث
بناء حزب المساواة الاشتراكية (فرنسا)
البيان التأسيسي للقسم الفرنسي للجنة الدولية للأممية الرابعة 2016

١٤ تشرين الثاني نوفمبر ٢٠١٦

قامت اللجنة الدولية للأممية الرابعة بإنشاء حزب المساواة الاشتراكية كفرع لها في فرنسا.

Other Languages


Trump browbeats Australian “ally”

4 February 2017

Just two weeks in office, Trump’s aggressive “America First” economic nationalism and militarism are sending political shockwaves around the world.

Earlier Perspectives »


Why is the New York Times promoting the “black bloc”?

By Bill Van Auken, 4 February 2017

The Times’ attempt to build up the anarchist groups, which draw together demoralized petty-bourgeois elements and police undercover agents, smacks of a political provocation.

Trump threatens UC Berkeley funding cut after protest against fascistic provocateur

The Obamas prepare to cash in

By David Walsh, 3 February 2017

Raid kills 30 civilians in Yemen, including eight-year-old daughter of US citizen assassinated by Obama

By Shelley Connor, 2 February 2017

Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine amid continued NATO buildup against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 2 February 2017

Amid trade war rhetoric from White House, Fed holds interest rates steady

By Barry Grey, 2 February 2017

Further observations on social inequality and the politics of the pseudo-left

Wealth distribution in the United States and the politics of the pseudo-left


Black Mirror: A murky reflection

By Carlos Delgado, 4 February 2017

The science fiction television series purports to show its viewers the dark side of modern technology.

Lion: A former homeless child searches for his town

By George Morley, 3 February 2017

American painter Kerry James Marshall’s retrospective, Mastry

By Clare Hurley, 2 February 2017


Hundreds attend IYSSE rallies to defend immigrant rights in New York and San Diego

By our reporters, 3 February 2017

IYSSE demonstrations in New York, San Diego, New Orleans and Chicago
Unite the working class against the attack on immigrants and refugees!

“This situation is bad for democracy”
New York University students and workers support IYSSE campaign in defense of immigrants

Successful IYSSE meeting on Trump at Ruhr University in Bochum

By our reporters, 3 February 2017

An attack on democratic rights: Sociologist Andrej Holm fired from Humboldt University

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

4 February 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Protests in Mexico continue against gas price hike, water privatization

By Clodomiro Puentes, 31 January 2017

“It’s not the fault of Mexican or Chinese workers”
1,200 GM workers laid off at Lordstown plant in Ohio

By Jerry White, 31 January 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017

A specter is haunting world capitalism: the specter of the Russian Revolution. This year marks the centenary of the world-historical events of 1917, which began with the February Revolution in Russia and culminated in October with the conquest of political power by the Bolshevik Party, under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky.

The End of the USSR

By David North, 30 December 2016

On January 4, 1992, David North, national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), delivered a report which explained the historical background and significance of the end of the USSR. To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of this critical event, the World Socialist Web Site is posting North's report.

The Trump Presidency

US Congress begins repeal of anti-pollution regulations

By Patrick Martin, 3 February 2017

Federal employees resist administration attempts to impose media gags

By Bryan Dyne, 3 February 2017

Harley-Davidson execs, union leaders meet with Trump at the White House

By Jerry White, 3 February 2017

Senate confirms former ExxonMobil CEO as secretary of state

By Patrick Martin, 2 February 2017

Draft White House orders would accelerate deportation of low-income immigrants

By Eric London, 2 February 2017

The right-wing record of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch

By Tom Carter, 2 February 2017

The protests against Trump's Muslim ban and the conflict within the state

By Barry Grey, 31 January 2017

The Trump-Bannon government: Rule by decree

Trump orders military to prepare for world war

Sanders backs Trump’s “America First” economic nationalism

The inauguration of Donald Trump: An event that will live in infamy

More on the Trump presidency »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE public meetings
The fight against the Trump administration: The way forward

23 January 2017

The SEP and IYSSE begin nationwide meetings on the significance and implications of the Trump election

By a WSWS reporting team, 27 January 2017

The way forward in the fight against Trump

25 years ago: Venezuelan constitution suspended following coup attempt

The government of President Carlos Andres Perez announced its suspension of the Venezuelan constitution February 4, 1992, as it continued operations aimed at suppressing an abortive military coup that began the night before.

More »

50 years ago: Reuther resigns from AFL-CIO council

On February 3, 1967, labelling the AFL-CIO as “complacent” and a “custodian of the status quo,” UAW President Walter Reuther resigned from the Executive Council and other important posts in the federation.

More »

75 years ago: German Afrika Korps retakes Benghazi

At noon on January 30, 1942, General Erwin Rommel’s German Afrika Korps recaptured control of the eastern Libyan coastal city of Benghazi.

More »


100 years ago: Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare

On January 31, 1917, the German government announced that it was resuming unlimited submarine warfare, using U-boats, and targeting all shipping in the war zone of the eastern Atlantic.

More »

New in Arabic

Arabic translation of “Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the November 16, 2016 statement: Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!. This was adopted as the historical and political basis for the founding of the Parti de l’égalité socialiste, the French section of the International Committee of the Fourth International.

Arabic translation of the preface to A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

Mehring Books

The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy
New pamphlet from Mehring Books

25 January 2017

The demonstrations against Trump foreshadow the eruption of class struggle in the US on a massive scale.

100 Years since the Russian Revolution
Mehring Books announces centenary edition of landmark documentary, Tsar to Lenin


Seventy-five years since the Wannsee Conference

By Clara Weiss, 25 January 2017

Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism

By David North and Vladimir Volkov, 5 December 2016

Book Review

J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy: Right-wing propaganda in the guise of personal memoir

By Henry Seward, 25 January 2017

Book review
Lessons from the 1937 Little Steel strike in the US
The Last Great Strike: Little Steel, the CIO, and the Struggle for Labor Rights in New Deal America, by Ahmed White

By Tom Mackaman, 23 January 2017

Security and the Fourth Internaional

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two
Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?