A viral Washington Post story about State Department resignations is very misleading

It gives the mistaken impression that top State Department leaders resigned to protest Trump.

Trump's global abortion gag rule goes much further than any previous administration

The policy now affects all global health organizations that receive US government funding.

You're more likely to be killed by your own clothes than by an immigrant terrorist

The odds of being killed by a refugee terrorist? One in 3.6 billion.

Yes, Trump could bring back torture. Here’s how.

Torture is terrible. Yet a draft of a new executive order suggests Trump might bring it back anyway.

Why Trump’s "Muslim ban" won’t stop the terrorism threat

Most of the terrorists who’ve carried out attacks in the US were Americans.

A new study shows American democracy is getting weaker. And not because of Trump.

America used to be a "full democracy." It’s just been downgraded to a "flawed" one.

India banned 86 percent of its cash in November. It's causing suffering for the poor.

India’s experiment with rooting out corruption has come at a cost.

The mystery that is Rex Tillerson

What will Rex Tillerson do as secretary of state? It’s really hard to say.

Most Viewed

  1. A viral Washington Post story about State Department resignations is very misleading

  2. Today in Obamacare: Rand Paul's replacement is out. And it's … not great for sick people.

  3. Donald Trump is the sole reliable source of truth, says chair of House Science Committee

  4. Read leaked drafts of 4 White House executive orders on Muslim ban, end to DREAMer program, and more

  5. Democrats are putting up a tougher fight than liberals realize

With Marco Rubio’s vote in the bag, Rex Tillerson’s confirmation is all but assured

A confirmation fight that shows how Trump neuters the neocons.

700 years of Western inequality, in one chart

Only the Black Plague and the world wars disrupted the rise of inequality in Europe.

Israel just approved hundreds of new settlement homes in East Jerusalem

"I was told to wait until Trump takes office," the deputy mayor of Jerusalem told Israel Radio.

6 different agencies have come together to investigate Trump's possible Russia ties

New reports indicate it’s been going on since last spring.

Trump’s inaugural address showed that he’s serious about his radical foreign policy

"America First" is more than just a slogan.

Extraditing El Chapo was a good sign — for both Mexico and the US

Mexico sent the US one of its worst people ... to preserve law and order.