The most important issue facing Trump’s transportation secretary? Robots.

Elaine Chao could shape the self-driving car and drone industries for decades.

Why Uber lost $2.2 billion in 9 months

The ride-hailing company may be prioritizing growth over profits the way Amazon did 20 years ago.

Why Amazon's Alexa is the future of computing

Amazon wants to provide the standard way you interact with everything from fridges to cars.

Why car and tech companies have different visions for self-driving cars

Car companies are touting their self-driving initiatives at the Consumer Electronics Show.

Why Google co-founder Larry Page is pouring millions into flying cars

Tiny electric airplanes could become mainstream sooner than you think.

How Amazon innovates in ways that Google and Apple can't

Google and Apple each thrive in one market. Amazon innovates in everything from cloud computing to retail stores.

3 ways Trump could bring back manufacturing jobs

Starting a trade war with China won’t bring back manufacturing jobs, but these ideas might.

The best Christmas movies aren't about Christmas

Sometimes they're just Christmas-adjacent.

Most Viewed

  1. A viral Washington Post story about State Department resignations is very misleading

  2. Today in Obamacare: Rand Paul's replacement is out. And it's … not great for sick people.

  3. Donald Trump is the sole reliable source of truth, says chair of House Science Committee

  4. Read leaked drafts of 4 White House executive orders on Muslim ban, end to DREAMer program, and more

  5. Democrats are putting up a tougher fight than liberals realize

The economic case against Christmas presents

It's the thought that counts, which is good because in economic terms, gift exchange is a disaster.

Google is launching a new self-driving car company called Waymo

Google is facing growing competition from other tech and car companies.

A key Trump donor could make a ton of money from Trump's housing policy

The feds bailed out Freddie and Fannie. Now Trump has to decide what to do with them.

Italy isn't quite on the verge of its own Brexit. But its Sunday referendum still matters a lot for Europe.

It could cause chaos in Europe’s political and economic scene.

OPEC hashes out a major deal to cut oil production — and prices surge worldwide

The oil cartel has had enough of cheap crude. And that’s a big deal for the global economy.

We live in the future AT&T; imagined in 1994

A series of AT&T ads from the early 1990s depict a futuristic world with video conferencing, e-books, and turn-by-turn directions.

The 2016 election pitted booming cities against stagnant rural areas

The counties Clinton won account for 64 percent of the economy.