
It might be a blanket ban but lawyers say outlawing camping is 'ridiculous'

A drastic proposal to outlaw camping in Melbourne that could "ban homelessness" in the city has been condemned as a sad return to old vagrancy laws.

Legal experts have savaged the proposal from City of Melbourne officials to introduce an outright ban on public camping, saying the planned reforms were a "ridiculous waste of resources" that could put people in danger.

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Amendment to camping law comes under fire

A proposed plan to keep rough sleepers off Melbourne streets is already coming under fire as legal experts say the change will cause more harm than good.

While the council insists it is not banning homelessness, lawyers who examined the draft amendment say it could have exactly that effect, preventing people from sheltering in swags or blankets.

Under currently laws, camping is only illegal if people use a vehicle, tent, caravan or other structure.

"If you're not in a tent or a vehicle or a structure you are effectively laying on the streets," said Lucy Adams, manager and principal lawyer at Homeless Law.

"Local areas often turn to law enforcement when they don't know what else to do and there is a lot of public pressure.


" We know it isn't an effective response to homelessness."

There are also fears a camping ban would push homeless people into other parts of the inner-city and force them to sleep in unsafe, unlit and hidden-away places such as under bridges.

Criminal law specialist Melinda Walker was joined by the chief executive of Inner Melbourne Community Legal, Dan Stubbs, in describing the camping ban as even worse than old vagrancy laws that allowed the imprisonment of those found by police to have "no lawful means of support".

They said modern decision makers should know better.

"This is criminalising the homeless instead of trying to do something about homelessness," Mr Stubbs said.

"It is making homeless people into the problem rather than recognising that we have a housing crisis."

Ms Walker, a co-chair of the  Law Institute of Victoria's Criminal Law Section said there was a perception it was "unsavoury" to be homeless "when in actual fact it's a terrible tragedy".

There has been a huge rise in homelessness in central Melbourne in recent years, with 247 people recorded sleeping in the CBD in June last year, an unprecedented 74 per cent increase in two years.

A young woman begging in the middle of the city on Friday, who asked not to be named or photographed because she recently escaped a violent relationship, said the council "didn't understand".

"They don't want us on the street but where are we supposed to sleep?" she asked.

"They've boarded up all the squats and we're not allowed here so where are we meant to go?"

Scottish-born "Bobby" keeps a tidy camp outside a vacant shop on King Street.

Bobby agrees that homeless people should be moved on if they do not keep their area neat, but was angered at the news of the camping ban. He said it does not address the cause of the problem.

"Before they move people why don't they find out why the person is homeless?" he said. 

"I don't give a f--k what the council says. I'm not going anywhere."

It is likely Melbourne lord mayor Robert Doyle will have the support to pass the proposed motion on Tuesday.

Cr Doyle asked that changes be made to the draft proposal following a request from Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.

Council sources have suggested that the expanded definition for camping is intended only to be used "with discretion" to address large camps such as the one seen at Flinders Street – and that penalties would not be enforced against homeless people.

Those found illegally camping could face a $250 infringement fine, or a court fine of up to $2000.

A council spokeswoman said "we don't want to see people setting up camps that affect the safety, amenity and accessibility for everyone using public spaces".

If the motion is endorsed by councillors on Tuesday, the public will be given at least 28 days to make submissions on the plan before a final decision is made on whether changes should be made to local laws.