Daily Life

What I know about women...

Grant Show Actor, 54, married

I was born in Detroit, but grew up in northern California. Motown in the mid-'60s wasn't really happening any more. There wasn't a lot of work, so we moved. My parents almost migrated to Australia but we packed the car, followed Dad's brothers, and ended up in California. 

My mom, Kathleen, worked hard for us to afford a middle-class lifestyle. She was a systems analyst – a computer programmer. She is super smart and encouraged my older sister Kelly and me to get an education and understand the freedoms that come with having one.

I remember waking up to Mom making breakfast every morning. I'd find her at the kitchen table and soon after setting us up for the day, she'd be out the door and on her way to work. 

Mom always insisted on the importance of food and education. She believed money spent on either is money well spent. I continue to apply this today. I spend money on coaching and researching before an audition.

I knew both my grandmothers growing up. My maternal grandmother, Blanche, was doting. She mothered me more than anyone until I met my wife, Katherine LaNasa. My paternal grandmother, Elizabeth, was just the opposite. She was from Glasgow, a real Scottish ball-buster. We lived in a trailer park across from her. 

My father, Ed, worked as a mechanic and a cop. He and Mom split 25 years ago, and he died three years ago. Mom takes care of her significant other in Florida now. She is very giving and always brought in strays, so to speak.


My sister ran away from home when I was 10. She was gone for four years. She was a rough kid but managed to turn her life around. She's great now. She became a cop and is retired. Twenty years ago she got in a situation where she had to shoot a guy and decided that was enough. She didn't kill him – he survived – but it affected her.

I had a fifth-grade teacher, Mrs Brown, who was amazing. She really cared about her students. There were several of us who for one reason or another weren't doing so well and she really made an effort to tutor us after school. She did it out of love for her students and didn't get paid for it.

My first real kiss was with a girl called Lisa. I was about 14. I had to ask my sister for advice on what to do. She had moved back home and had a better idea than I did about kissing. I asked her if you stick your tongue in and feel around? It was awkward and scary but thrilling at the same time.

Melrose Place was my big career break. It was an amazing time. My co-star Heather Locklear was instrumental in helping me deal with the industry and fame. I met her on the show. She knew how to navigate that world really well.

It can be very blokey in showbiz. Some guys cross the line, but Heather knew how to deal with it without belittling the guy. She would say "You're funny", which was her way of telling the guy to shut the f… up. She's very savvy.

When I got a part in Melrose Place, in 1992, I was over the moon. I walked in to tell my grandmother Elizabeth and this little old lady grabbed me by the shoulders, walked me to the table and sat me down in a chair. She opened her sewing kit, pulled out the tape measure and put it around my head. That shows what she thought about me acting.

I dated actress Laura Leighton, who was also a star on Melrose Place, for three years. She's a talented actress and I found her acting and personality attractive. It's inevitable you end up dating people in the business.

I never thought I would marry the first time [with Pollyanna McIntosh, from 2004-11], or the second time. I guess love wins, right? It makes you blind. When I met Katherine, it felt right to get married again.

Katherine and I met while filming the TV series Big Love – a show about polygamists – in 2010. Her son's father, Dennis Hopper, had just died, and while I was attracted to her I thought it best to leave this one alone. 

We met again in Vancouver six months later and became friends. We started dating in LA about eight weeks after that and dated for a year before getting married in 2012. We have a daughter, Eloise, who is almost three.

Since becoming a father to a daughter, it's made me think I could have been a nicer guy to women in past relationships. I think that is something all men could learn. I thought I was a pretty good dude, but some situations were kind of shitty and I appreciate women more now than ever before.

My relationship with Katherine works because she understands the business. I have just spent four years on a show, Devious Maids, making out with a beautiful Latina woman and my wife had to deal with that. I know at the end of the day I am not going to run away with that woman. That's my job, and I trust my wife the same way. 

Grant Show was a guest of Mumm in Australia.