Daily Life

Your stars with Lilith: what to expect in the Year of the Rooster

Cockadoodledoo! Let's hear it for the Eastern New Year of the Red Fire Rooster, flamboyant cock of the walk whose flashy, dashing antics ensure an amusing, abrasive, outrageous 12 months coming up…

ARIES: In Fire Rooster time people are temperamental, easily offended, argumentative and inclined to operate by their own rules – sound like anyone you know? Add in forthright, telling it like it is, take it or leave it, and ruffling feathers, then fluffing up and strutting off to where your leadership abilities and managerial skills are appreciated …

TAURUS: Rooster represents punctuality, purpose and hard work, because its early alarm wakes people to start the day. Tried and tested methods are believed to succeed best in a Rooster year – which is also considered a time of overindulgence, even major weight gain. But then again, it's only 12 months, right?

GEMINI: The efficient precision of Rooster Year helps Geminis narrow focus from myriad schemes and dreams to the most workable, making impressive achievements not only possible but highly likely. Pitfalls? Fast talking, socially curious Rooster tends to be gossip central – but this year it's crucial to establish what's your business and what's not.

CANCER: Cancerians are the zodiac's most security-conscious sign, so be assured the Rooster fossicks successfully for necessities, even in belt-tightening times when pickings are poor. Rooster Year also brings a greater degree of outspokenness – which may not be to your advantage, if Snappy Crab starts nipping and sniping at sensitive areas.

LEO: Like Roosters, Lions love praise and are allergic to criticism. But Leo personalities get a boost from the year of the swaggering, swashbuckling chanticleer who still takes care of daily business with diligence and application. You'll shake your tail feathers this year like the bossy barnyard monarch, and in tight spots and emergencies you'll shine.

VIRGO: Virgo commonsense and persistence fares well this year, with your discretion winning excellent friends and support. Expect some reversals, and as one door slams shut, be checking out that window of opportunity elsewhere. The Rooster can be unreasonable about details, so keep your inner perfectionist on a tight leash. And don't forget to have fun...


LIBRA: A busy, hustle-bustle year for Librans as the Big Chicken's influence stiffens up those wavering scales in favour of faster decision-making, and turns you sensitive Venusians into iron butterflies with enough grit and grunt (elegant, colour-coordinated grunt, of course) to surf even the curviest turns on life's highway.

SCORPIO: Rooster Year can bring mega-successes and equally big failures. When the going gets tough, Scorpios get tougher, but don't let the year's escalations and deflations get you in no-more-Mr/Ms-nice-guy mode. Things won't be as dire as you think. Smile, and you'll find there's really plenty to go round.

SAGITTARIUS: This year your aim is true – which combined with Rooster's bluntness makes the fine art of self-censorship essential. Rooster Year brings meteoric rises, along with some unexpected plummets. But on those occasions when Lady Luck hurts and deserts you, that charming, cheerful gift of the gab will soon have you flying high again.

CAPRICORN: In a Rooster Year Capricorns are best being bantams: sinewy and resilient. And because appearances really do matter this year, dress to impress and get your swagger on. More importantly, stay flexible, calm and friendly. Remember there are many goat tracks to the mountain top, and don't get stuck in just one groove.

AQUARIUS: Big Boss Bird Year is tuned to future trends, which suits your expansive Aquarian overview. But while grandiose offers are exciting, stay rational and practical. Above all, don't be lured by unethical enterprises, shady speculations or dodgy ventures, because centuries of Oriental wisdom suggest that this year they'll go belly up.

PISCES: The outspoken tactlessness of Rooster Year is bound to occasionally shrivel your sensitive fish fins. But being comfortable with change, you'll quickly adapt and adjust to Rooster's now-you-have-it, now-you-don't fluctuations. Providing something that people need is guaranteed to reward you with enormous satisfaction this year.