
Leonard French leaves 'treasure trove' of unexhibited paintings

Many visitors to the National Gallery of Victoria have lain under the enchanting stained glass roof of the Great Hall, bathed in its bright, fractured colours in wonder. It's the biggest stained glass ceiling in the world.

It took Leonard French five years (with a team of helpers) to finish the masterpiece, which was installed in 1968 when the gallery opened at St Kilda Road. 

On Tuesday, family, friends and admirers celebrated his life and art underneath that roof.

Yet it was painting, not sculpture or glassmaking, to which French – who died last month – dedicated his life. And now they are calling for a retrospective of his work, much of which has never been exhibited in public.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s French rose to become one of Australia's most prominent artists. But by the mid-1980s he had all but disappeared from the public eye.

Art critic and historian Sasha Grishin​ wrote that during research for his 1995 book about French, "people would frequently remark that they thought that he was no longer making art, had retired to a vineyard, or simply had died".


According to French's daughter Lisa (one of seven children from three marriages), even a staff member at the Australian Tapestry Workshop once said they could not work with French, because – assuming he was long gone – the organisation only worked with living artists.

He did in fact establish a vineyard at Mount Ida in the late 1970s, and moved into an old flour mill at Heathcote in rural Victoria. But while French retreated from the art world and the public eye, he continued to paint – some 12 hours a day – into his 80s.

"He was a much greater artist than he'd been given credit for," says Lisa. "Dad just got disinterested [in keeping up appearances]. He just wanted to go and make the work."

The death of French's art dealer Rudy Komo​n in 1982 may have contributed to his slide into obscurity.

"He didn't have the sort of marketing behind him once he lost the relationship with Rudy," says Lisa. "I think in some ways Len didn't have the heart for it after that."

The family has not yet counted the number of unexhibited artworks French produced, but Lisa describes the collection as "a massive unseen treasure".

"The family would really like to see a major retrospective," she says. "Potentially his greatest artworks haven't been seen. There is so much really amazing work and I believe the public would like to see it as well."

On Tuesday the family displayed a photograph of his last "epic" work, Chaos: a three-panel painting completed in 2004 that features a skeleton walking on a tightrope above a chaotic scene. It has never been exhibited.

"It captures this idea of the cyclical nature of time," says daughter Sarah French. "I have always interpreted the skeleton as a symbolic substitute for dad as the artist, who mocks the darkness below. However his own position is highly precarious – he must carefully maintain his balance lest he should fall and become swept up in the destruction."

Major galleries from Bendigo to Queensland have reportedly resurrected French's works from their store rooms and put them proudly on display after news of his death.

A spokesperson for the National Gallery of Victoria says the gallery has no current plans for a Leonard French retrospective.