South America

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"Southern America" redirects here. For the region of the United States, see Southern United States. For the botanical continent defined in the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, see Southern America (WGSRPD).
South America
South America (orthographic projection).svg
Area 17,840,000 km2
(6,890,000 sq mi)
Population 410,013,492 (2015, 5th)
Pop. density 21.4/km2 (56.0/sq mi)
Demonym South American
Countries 12
Dependencies 3
Languages Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Dutch, Quechua, Caribbean Hindustani, and many other native languages
Time zones UTC-2 to UTC-5
Largest cities List of cities in South America
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Buenos Aires

South America is a continent located in the western hemisphere, mostly in the southern hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the northern hemisphere. It is also considered a subcontinent of the Americas,[1][2] which is the model used in nations that speak Romance languages. The reference to South America instead of other regions (like Latin America or the Southern Cone) has increased in the last decades due to changing geopolitical dynamics (in particular, the rise of Brazil).[3]

It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela), a part of France (French Guiana), and a non-sovereign area (the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory though this is disputed by Argentina). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America.

South America has an area of 17,840,000 square kilometers (6,890,000 sq mi). Its population as of 2005 has been estimated at more than 371,090,000. South America ranks fourth in area (after Asia, Africa, and North America) and fifth in population (after Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America). Brazil is by far the most populous South American country, with more than half of the continent's population, followed by Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru.[4] In recent decades Brazil has also concentrated half of the region's GDP and has become a first regional power.[3]

Most of the population lives near the continent's western or eastern coasts while the interior and the far south are sparsely populated. The geography of western South America is dominated by the Andes mountains; in contrast, the eastern part contains both highland regions and large lowlands where rivers such as the Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná flow. Most of the continent lies in the tropics.

The continent's cultural and ethnic outlook has its origin with the interaction of indigenous peoples with European conquerors and immigrants and, more locally, with African slaves. Given a long history of colonialism, the overwhelming majority of South Americans speak Portuguese or Spanish, and societies and states commonly reflect Western traditions.


A composite relief image of South America.

South America occupies the southern portion of the Americas. The continent is generally delimited on the northwest by the Darién watershed along the Colombia–Panama border, although some may consider the border instead to be the Panama Canal. Geopolitically and geographically[5] all of Panama – including the segment east of the Panama Canal in the isthmus – is typically included in North America alone[6][7][8] and among the countries of Central America.[9][10] Almost all of mainland South America sits on the South American Plate.

South America is home to the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela; the highest single drop waterfall Kaieteur Falls in Guyana; the largest river (by volume), the Amazon River; the longest mountain range, the Andes (whose highest mountain is Aconcagua at 6,962 m [22,841 ft]); the driest non-polar place on earth, the Atacama Desert;[11][12][13] the largest rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest; the highest capital city, La Paz, Bolivia; the highest commercially navigable lake in the world, Lake Titicaca; and, excluding research stations in Antarctica, the world's southernmost permanently inhabited community, Puerto Toro, Chile.

Cuernos del Paine in Chile (left) and Serra dos Órgãos in Brazil (right) serve to illustrate the diversity of landscapes in South America. Click to enlarge.

South America's major mineral resources are gold, silver, copper, iron ore, tin, and petroleum. These resources found in South America have brought high income to its countries especially in times of war or of rapid economic growth by industrialized countries elsewhere. However, the concentration in producing one major export commodity often has hindered the development of diversified economies. The fluctuation in the price of commodities in the international markets has led historically to major highs and lows in the economies of South American states, often causing extreme political instability. This is leading to efforts to diversify production to drive away from staying as economies dedicated to one major export.

South America is one of the most biodiverse continents on earth. South America is home to many interesting and unique species of animals including the llama, anaconda, piranha, jaguar, vicuña, and tapir. The Amazon rainforests possess high biodiversity, containing a major proportion of the Earth's species.

Brazil is the largest country in South America, encompassing around half of the continent's land area and population. The remaining countries and territories are divided among three regions: The Andean States, the Guianas and the Southern Cone.

Outlying islands[edit]

Traditionally, South America also includes some of the nearby islands. Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Trinidad, Tobago, and the federal dependencies of Venezuela sit on the northerly South American continental shelf and are often considered part of the continent. Geo-politically, the island states and overseas territories of the Caribbean are generally grouped as a part or subregion of North America, since they are more distant on the Caribbean Plate, even though San Andres and Providencia are politically part of Colombia and Aves Island is controlled by Venezuela.[8][14][15]

Other islands that are included with South America are the Galápagos Islands that belong to Ecuador and Easter Island (in Oceania but belonging to Chile), Robinson Crusoe Island, Chiloé (both Chilean) and Tierra del Fuego (split between Chile and Argentina). In the Atlantic, Brazil owns Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martim Vaz, and the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, while the Falkland Islands are governed by the United Kingdom, whose sovereignty over the islands is disputed by Argentina. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands may be associated with either South America or Antarctica.[citation needed]


Map of South America according to Köppen climate classification.

The distribution of the average temperatures in the region presents a constant regularity from the 30º of latitude south, when the isotherms tend, more and more, to be confused with the degrees of latitude.[16]

In temperate latitudes, winters are milder and summers warmer than in North America. Because its most extensive part of the continent is located in the equatorial zone, the region has more areas of equatorial plains than any other region.[16]

The average annual temperatures in the Amazon basin oscillate around 27°C, with low thermal amplitudes and high rainfall indices. Between the Maracaibo Lake and the mouth of the Orinoco, predominates an equatorial climate of the type Congolese, that also includes parts of the Brazilian territory.[16]

The east-central Brazilian plateau has a humid and warm tropical climate. The northern and eastern parts of the Argentine pampas have a humid subtropical climate with dry winters and humid summers of the Chinese type, while the western and eastern ranges have a subtropical climate of the dinaric type. At the highest points of the Andean region, climates are colder than the ones occurring at the highest point of the Norwegian fjords. In the Andean plateaus, the warm climate prevails, although it is tempered by the altitude, while in the coastal strip, there is an equatorial climate of the Guinean type. From this point until the north of the Chilean coast appear, successively, Mediterranean oceanic climate, temperate of the Breton type and, already in Tierra del Fuego, cold climate of the Siberian type.[16]

The distribution of rainfall is related to the regime of winds and air masses. In most of the tropical region east of the Andes, winds blowing from the northeast, east and southeast carry moisture from the Atlantic, causing abundant rainfall. In the Orinoco lhanos and in the Guianas plateau, the precipitations go from moderate to high. The Pacific coast of Colombia and northern Ecuador are rainy regions. The Atacama Desert, along this stretch of coast, is one of the driest regions in the world. The central and southern parts of Chile are subject to cyclones, and most of the Argentine Patagonia is desert. In the pampas of Argentina, Uruguay and South of Brazil the rainfall is moderate, with rains well distributed during the year. The moderately dry conditions of the Chaco oppose the intense rainfall of the eastern region of Paraguay. In the semiarid coast of the Brazilian Northeast the rains are linked to a monsoon regime.[16]

Important factors in the determination of climates are sea currents, such as the current Humboldt and Falklands. The equatorial current of the South Atlantic strikes the coast of the Northeast and there is divided into two others: the current of Brazil and a coastal current that flows to the northwest towards the Antilles, where there it moves towards northeast course thus forming the most Important and famous ocean current in the world, the Gulf Stream.[16][17]



The prehistoric Cueva de las Manos, or Cave of the Hands, in Argentina.

South America is believed to have been joined with Africa from the late Paleozoic Era to the early Mesozoic Era, until the supercontinent Pangaea began to rift and break apart about 225 million years ago. Therefore, South America and Africa share similar fossils and rock layers.

South America is thought to have been first inhabited by humans when people were crossing the Bering Land Bridge (now the Bering Strait) at least 15,000 years ago from the territory that is present-day Russia. They migrated south through North America, and eventually reached South America through the Isthmus of Panama.

The first evidence for the existence of the human race in South America dates back to about 9000 BC, when squashes, chili peppers and beans began to be cultivated for food in the highlands of the Amazon Basin. Pottery evidence further suggests that manioc, which remains a staple food today, was being cultivated as early as 2000 BC.[18]

By 2000 BC, many agrarian communities had been settled throughout the Andes and the surrounding regions. Fishing became a widespread practice along the coast, helping establish fish as a primary source of food. Irrigation systems were also developed at this time, which aided in the rise of an agrarian society.[18]

South American cultures began domesticating llamas, vicuñas, guanacos, and alpacas in the highlands of the Andes circa 3500 BC. Besides their use as sources of meat and wool, these animals were used for transportation of goods.[18]

Pre-Columbian civilizations[edit]

The Inca estate of Machu Picchu, Peru is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World

The rise of plant growing and the subsequent appearance of permanent human settlements allowed for the multiple and overlapping beginnings of civilizations in South America.

One of the earliest known South American civilizations was at Norte Chico, on the central Peruvian coast. Though a pre-ceramic culture, the monumental architecture of Norte Chico is contemporaneous with the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Norte Chico governing class established a trade network and developed agriculture then followed by Chavín by 900 BC, according to some estimates and archaeological finds. Artifacts were found at a site called Chavín de Huantar in modern Peru at an elevation of 3,177 meters. Chavín civilization spanned 900 BC to 300 BC.

In the central coast of Peru, around the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, Moche (100 BC – 700 AD, at the northern coast of Peru), Paracas and Nazca (400 BC – 800 AD, Peru) cultures flourished with centralized states with permanent militia improving agriculture through irrigation and new styles of ceramic art. At the Altiplano, Tiahuanaco or Tiwanaku (100 BC – 1200 AD, Bolivia) managed a large commercial network based on religion.

Around 7th century, both Tiahuanaco and Wari or Huari Empire (600–1200, Central and northern Peru) expanded its influence to all the Andean region, imposing the Huari urbanism and tiahuanaco religious iconography.

The Muisca were the main indigenous civilization in what is now Colombia. They established the Muisca Confederation of many clans, or cacicazgos, that had a free trade network among themselves. They were goldsmiths and farmers.

Other important Pre-Columbian cultures include: the Cañaris (in south central Ecuador), Chimú Empire (1300–1470, Peruvian northern coast), Chachapoyas, and the Aymaran kingdoms (1000–1450, Western Bolivia and southern Peru).

Holding their capital at the great city of Cusco, the Inca civilization dominated the Andes region from 1438 to 1533. Known as Tawantin suyu, and "the land of the four regions," in Quechua, the Inca civilization was highly distinct and developed. Inca rule extended to nearly a hundred linguistic or ethnic communities, some 9 to 14 million people connected by a 25,000 kilometer road system. Cities were built with precise, unmatched stonework, constructed over many levels of mountain terrain. Terrace farming was a useful form of agriculture.

The Mapuche in Central and Southern Chile resisted the European and Chilean settlers, waging the Arauco War for more than 300 years.

European colonization[edit]

Portuguese arrival in Brazil in the Colonial era.
The Inca–Spanish confrontation in the Battle of Cajamarca left thousands of natives dead.

In 1494, Portugal and Spain, the two great maritime European powers of that time, on the expectation of new lands being discovered in the west, signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, by which they agreed, with the support of the Pope, that all the land outside Europe should be an exclusive duopoly between the two countries.

The treaty established an imaginary line along a north-south meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands, roughly 46° 37' W. In terms of the treaty, all land to the west of the line (known to comprise most of the South American soil) would belong to Spain, and all land to the east, to Portugal. As accurate measurements of longitude were impossible at that time, the line was not strictly enforced, resulting in a Portuguese expansion of Brazil across the meridian.

Beginning in the 1530s, the people and natural resources of South America were repeatedly exploited by foreign conquistadors, first from Spain and later from Portugal. These competing colonial nations claimed the land and resources as their own and divided it in colonies.

European infectious diseases (smallpox, influenza, measles, and typhus) – to which the native populations had no immune resistance – caused large-scale depopulation of the native population under Spanish control. Systems of forced labor, such as the haciendas and mining industry's mit'a also contributed to the depopulation. After this, African slaves, who had developed immunities to these diseases, were quickly brought in to replace them.

The Spaniards were committed to convert their native subjects to Christianity and were quick to purge any native cultural practices that hindered this end; however, many initial attempts at this were only partially successful, as native groups simply blended Catholicism with their established beliefs and practices. Furthermore, the Spaniards brought their language to the degree they did with their religion, although the Roman Catholic Church's evangelization in Quechua, Aymara, and Guaraní actually contributed to the continuous use of these native languages albeit only in the oral form.

Eventually, the natives and the Spaniards interbred, forming a mestizo class. At the beginning, many mestizos of the Andean region were offspring of Amerindian mothers and Spanish fathers. After independence, most mestizos had native fathers and European or mestizo mothers.

Many native artworks were considered pagan idols and destroyed by Spanish explorers; this included many gold and silver sculptures and other artifacts found in South America, which were melted down before their transport to Spain or Portugal. Spaniards and Portuguese brought the western European architectural style to the continent, and helped to improve infrastructures like bridges, roads, and the sewer system of the cities they discovered or conquered. They also significantly increased economic and trade relations, not just between the old and new world but between the different South American regions and peoples. Finally, with the expansion of the Portuguese and Spanish languages, many cultures that were previously separated became united through that of Latin American.

Guyana was first a Dutch, and then a British colony, though there was a brief period during the Napoleonic Wars when it was colonized by the French. The country was once partitioned into three parts, each being controlled by one of the colonial powers until the country was finally taken over fully by the British.

Plaza of San Francisco in the Historic Center of Quito, Ecuador, is one of the largest, least-altered and best-preserved historic centers in the Americas.[19]

Slavery in South America[edit]

Indigenous peoples of the Americas in various European colonies were forced to work in European plantations and mines; along with African slaves who were also introduced in the proceeding centuries. The early explorers of African slavery were the portuguese and the spanyards bringing from Africa slaves to work in the plantations next to the natives enslaved. It was called Atlantic slave trade primarily, South American colonies, since 1502.[20] The main destinations of this phase were the Caribbean colonies and Brazil, as European nations built up economically slave-dependent colonies in the New World. Nearly 40% of all African slaves trafficked to the Americas went to Brazil.[21]

While the Portuguese, French and French settlers enslaved mainly African blacks, the Spaniards became very disposed of the natives. In 1750 Portugal abolished native slavery in the colonies because they considered them unfit for military service and began to import even more African slaves. Slaves were brought to the mainland on so-called slave ships, under subhuman conditions and ill-treatment, and those who survived were sold into the slave markets.

After independence, all South American countries maintained slavery for some time. The first South American country to abolish slavery was Chile in 1823, while the last country to abolish slavery was Brazil in 1888 only.

Independence from Spain and Portugal[edit]

Coronation of Pedro I as 1st Emperor of Brazil.
Bernardo O'Higgins swear officially the independence of Chile.

The European Peninsular War (1807–1814), a theater of the Napoleonic Wars, changed the political situation of both the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. First, Napoleon invaded Portugal, but the House of Braganza avoided capture by escaping to Brazil. Napoleon also captured King Ferdinand VII of Spain, and appointed his own brother instead. This appointment provoked severe popular resistance, which created Juntas to rule in the name of the captured king.

Many cities in the Spanish colonies, however, considered themselves equally authorized to appoint local Juntas like those of Spain. This began the Spanish American wars of independence between the patriots, who promoted such autonomy, and the royalists, who supported Spanish authority over the Americas. The Juntas, in both Spain and the Americas, promoted the ideas of the Enlightenment. Five years after the beginning of the war, Ferdinand VII returned to the throne and began the Absolutist Restoration as the royalists got the upper hand in the conflict.

The independence of South America was secured by Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) and José de San Martín (Argentina), the two most important Libertadores. Bolívar led a great uprising in the north, then led his army southward towards Lima, the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Meanwhile, San Martín led an army across the Andes Mountains, along with Chilean expatriates, and liberated Chile. He organized a fleet to reach Peru by sea, and sought the military support of various rebels from the Viceroyalty of Peru. The two armies finally met in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where they cornered the Royal Army of the Spanish Crown and forced its surrender.

In the Portuguese Kingdom of Brazil, Dom Pedro I (also Pedro IV of Portugal), son of the Portuguese King Dom João VI, proclaimed the independent Kingdom of Brazil in 1822, which later became the Empire of Brazil. Despite the Portuguese loyalties of garrisons in Bahia, Cisplatina and Pará, independence was diplomatically accepted by the crown in Portugal in 1825, on condition of a high compensation paid by Brazil mediatized by the United Kingdom.

Nation-building and fragmentation[edit]

The Thirty-Three Orientals proclaiming the independence of Cisplatine Province.
Battle of Fanfa, battle scene in Southern Brazil during the Ragamuffin War.

The newly independent nations began a process of fragmentation, with several civil and international wars. However, it was not as strong as in Central America. Some countries created from provinces of larger countries stayed as such up to modern day (such as Paraguay or Uruguay), while others were reconquered and reincorporated into their former countries (such as the Republic of Entre Ríos and the Riograndense Republic).

The first separatist attempt was in 1820 by the argentine province of Entre Ríos by a caudillo.[22] In spite of the "Republic" in its title, General Ramírez, it' caudillo, never really intended to declare an independent Entre Rios. Rather, he was making a political statement in opposition to the monarchist and centralist ideas that back then permeated Buenos Aires politics. The "country" was reincorporated at the United Provinces in 1821.

In 1825 the Cisplatine Province declared it's independence from the Empire of Brazil, which led the Cisplatine War between the imperials and the argentine from the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata to control the region. Three years later, the United Kingdom intervened in question by proclaiming a tie and creating in the former Cisplatina a new independente country: The Oriental Republic of Uruguay which was the only separatist province that maintained its independence.

Later in 1836, while Brazil was experiencing the chaos of the regency, Rio Grande do Sul proclaimed its independence motivated by a tax crisis. This was the longest and most bloody separatist conflict in South America. With the anticipation of the coronation of Pedro II to the throne of Brazil, the country can stabilize and fight the separatists, which the province of Santa Catarina had joined in 1839. The Conflict came to an end with the total defeat of both Riograndense Republic and Juliana Republic and their reincorporation as provinces in 1845.[23][24]

The Peru–Bolivian Confederation, a short-lived union of Peru and Bolivia, was blocked by Chile in the War of the Confederation (1836–1839) and again during the War of the Pacific (1879–1883). Paraguay was virtually destroyed by Argentina and Brazil in the Paraguayan War.

Wars and conflitcs[edit]

Imperial Navy and army troops during the Siege of Paysandú, 1865.
The Uruguayan Army at the Battle of Sauce, 1866.
The Imperial Brazilian Army during a procession in Paraguay, 1868.
The Chilean Army in the battlefield of the Battle of Chorrillos, 1883.
A german submarine under attack by Brazilian Air Force PBY Catalina, 31 July 1943.

The South-American history in early 19th century was built almost exclusively in wars. Despite the Spanish American wars of independence and the Brazilian War of Independence, quickly the new nations began to suffer with internal conflicts and wars among themselves.

In 1825 the proclamation of independence of Cisplatina led to the Cisplatine War between the historical rivals Empire of Brazil and the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, Argentina's predecessor. The result was a stalemate by the british with the independence of Uruguay. Soon after, the another brazilian province proclaimed it's independence leading to the Ragamuffin War which Brazil won.

Between 1836 and 1839 the War of the Confederation broke out between the short-lived Peru-Bolivian Confederation and Chile, with the support of the Argentine Confederation. The war was fought mostly in the actual territory of Peru and ended with a Confederate defeat and the dissolution of the Confederacy and annexation of many territories by Argentina.

Meanwhile the Argentine Civil Wars beat Argentina since it's independence. The conflict was mainly between those who defended the centralization of power in Buenos Aires and those who defended a confederation. During this period it can be said that "there were two Argentines"; the first was the Argentine Confederation, and the second the Argentine Republic. At the same time the political instability in Uruguay led to the Uruguayan Civil War among the main political factions of the country. All this instability in the platine region interfered with the politics and goals of other countries such as Brazil, which was soon forced to take sides and intervene to put an end to this situation. In 1851 the Brazilian Empire supporting the centralizing unitarians and the uruguayn governemnt invaded Argentina in what was known as the Platine War and deposed the caudillo Juan Manuel Rosas that ruled the confederation with iron hand, which although it did not put an end to the political chaos and civil war in Argentina, but brought temporary peace to Uruguay where the Colorados faction supported by the Brazilian Empire, British Empire, French Empire and the Unitarian Party of Argentina won.[25]

A peace that lasted little, because in 1864 the Uruguayan factions faced each other again in the Uruguayan War. The Blancos supported by Paraguay start to attack brazilian and argentine farmers in the borders. The Empire made an initial attempt to settle the dispute between Blancos and Colorados without success. In 1864 after a Brazilian ultimatum was refused the imperial government declared that Brazil's military would begin exacting reprisals. Brazil declined to acknowledge a formal state of war, and for most of its duration, the Uruguayan–Brazilian armed conflict was an undeclared war which led to the deposition of the Blancos and the rise of the pro-Brazilian Colorados to power again, which angered the Paraguayan government, which even before the end of the war broke out and invaded Brazil, beginning the biggest and deadliest war in both South American and Latin American histories: the Paraguayan War.

The Paraguayan War begin when the paraguayan dictator Francisco Solano López ordered the invasion of the brazilian provinces of Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul. His attempt to cross argentinian territory without the argentinian approval led the pro-Brazilian argentine government into the war. Also the pro-Brazilian uruguayan government show it's support by sending troops. In 1865 the three countries signed the Treaty of the Triple Alliance against Paraguay. At the beginning of the war the Paraguayans took the lead with several victories, until the Triple Alliance organized to repel the invaders and fight effectively. This was the second total war experience in the world after the American Civil War, was also demanded the greatest war effort in the history of all participating countries and took almost 6 years in duration with the complete devastation of Paraguay at the end of the war. The country lost 40% of its territory to Brazil and Argentina and had 60% of its population dead, including 90% of the men. The dictator Lopez was killed in battle and a new government was instituted in alliance with Brazil, which maintained occupation forces in the country until 1876.[26]

The last war to broke out in this century was the War of the Pacific between the allied Bolivia and Peru against Chile. In 1879 the war begin the Bolivia declaring war on Chile. Peru remained neutral, ignoring it's secret treaty of alliance with Bolivia, so Chile declared war upon them both. The war lasted for 4 years until 1883 with the War of the Pacific defeating completely the bolivians in 1880 Wand occupying Lima in 1881. The peace was signed with Peru in 1883 while a truce was signed with Bolivia in 1884. Chile annexed territories of both countries leaving Bolivia with no way out for the sea.[27]

In the new century, as wars became less violent and less frequent. Brazil entered into a small conflict with a Bolivia for the possession of the Acre, which was acquired by Brazil in 1902. In 1917 Brazil declared war on the Central Powers and join the allied side in the World War I, sending a small fleet to the Mediterranean Sea and some troops to integrate the British and French troops. It was the only South American country to fought this war.[28][29] Later in 1932 Colombia and Peru entered a short armed conflict for possession in the Amazon. In the same year Paraguay declared war on Bolivia for the possession of the Chaco, in a conflict that had three years later with a victory of Paraguay. Between 1941 and 1942 Peru and Ecuador fought decisively for territories claimed by both that were annexed by Peru, removing from Ecuador its frontier with Brazil.[30]

Also in this period the first naval battle of the World War II was fought in the continent, in the Rive Plate, between British forces and the German submarines.[31] The Germans still made numerous attacks on Brazilian ships on the coast, causing Brazil to declare war on the Axis powers in 1942, being the only South American country to fight in this war and in both World Wars. Brazil has sent naval and air forces to combat German and Italian submarines off the continent and throughout the South Atlantic, in addition to sending a expeditionary force to fight in the Italian Campaign.[32][33][34]

The last war to be fought on South American soil was the Falkland War between Argentina and the United Kingdom for the possession of the islands of the same name, with Argentina defeated in 1982.

Rise and fall of military dictatorships[edit]

Argentine soldiers during the Falklands War.

Wars became less frequent in the 20th century, with Bolivia-Paraguay and Peru-Ecuador fighting the last inter-state wars. Early in the 20th century, the three wealthiest South American countries engaged in a vastly expensive naval arms race which was catalyzed by the introduction of a new warship type, the "dreadnought". At one point, the Argentine government was spending a fifth of its entire yearly budget for just two dreadnoughts, a price that did not include later in-service costs, which for the Brazilian dreadnoughts was sixty percent of the initial purchase.[35][36]

The continent became a battlefield of the Cold War in the late 20th century. Some democratically elected governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay were overthrown or displaced by military dictatorships in the 1960s and 1970s. To curtail opposition, their governments detained tens of thousands of political prisoners, many of whom were tortured and/or killed on inter-state collaboration. Economically, they began a transition to neoliberal economic policies. They placed their own actions within the US Cold War doctrine of "National Security" against internal subversion. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Peru suffered from an internal conflict.

Argentina and Britain fought the Falklands War in 1982.

Colombia has had an ongoing, though diminished internal conflict, which started in 1964 with the creation of Marxist guerrillas (FARC-EP) and then involved several illegal armed groups of leftist-leaning ideology as well as the private armies of powerful drug lords. Many of these are now defunct, and only a small portion of the ELN remains, along with the stronger, though also greatly reduced FARC. These leftist groups smuggle narcotics out of Colombia to fund their operations, while also using kidnapping, bombings, land mines and assassinations as weapons against both elected and non-elected citizens.

Presidents of UNASUR member states at the Second Brasília Summit on 23 May 2008.

Revolutionary movements and right-wing military dictatorships became common after World War II, but since the 1980s, a wave of democratization came through the continent, and democratic rule is widespread now.[37] Nonetheless, allegations of corruption are still very common, and several countries have developed crises which have forced the resignation of their governments, although, in most occasions, regular civilian succession has continued.

International indebtedness turned into a severe problem in late 1980s, and some countries, despite having strong democracies, have not yet developed political institutions capable of handling such crises without resorting to unorthodox economic policies, as most recently illustrated by Argentina's default in the early 21st century.[38][neutrality is disputed] The last twenty years have seen an increased push towards regional integration, with the creation of uniquely South American institutions such as the Andean Community, Mercosur and Unasur. Notably, starting with the election of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela in 1998, the region experienced what has been termed a pink tide – the election of several leftist and center-left administrations to most countries of the area, except for the Guianas and Colombia.

Countries and territories[edit]

Arms Flag Country or
territory with flag
(km²)[39] (sq mi)
(July 2015 est.)[39]
Population density
per km2 (per sq mi)
Insigne Argentinum.svg Argentina Argentina 2,766,890 km2 (1,068,300 sq mi) 43,417,000 14.3/km² (37/sq mi) Buenos Aires
Insigne Bolivicus.svg Bolivia Bolivia 1,098,580 km2 (424,160 sq mi) 11,410,651 8.4/km² (21.8/sq mi) La Paz and Sucre[40]
Coat of arms of Brazil.svg Brazil Brazil 8,514,877 km2 (3,287,612 sq mi) 206,440,850 22.0/km² (57/sq mi) Brasília
Chilean Air Force roundel.svg Chile Chile[41]   756,950 km2 (292,260 sq mi) 18,006,407 22/km² (57/sq mi) Santiago
Insigne Columbum.svg Colombia Colombia 1,141,748 km2 (440,831 sq mi) 49,034,411 40/km² (103.6/sq mi) Bogotá
Insigne Aequatorium.svg Ecuador Ecuador   283,560 km2 (109,480 sq mi) 16,144,000 53.8/km² (139.3/sq mi) Quito
Insigne Falklandiae.svg Falkland Islands Falkland Islands (United Kingdom)[42]    12,173 km2 (4,700 sq mi) 3,140[43] 0.26/km² (0.7/sq mi) Stanley
BlasonGuyane.svg French Guiana French Guiana (France)    91,000 km2 (35,000 sq mi) 250,109[44] 2.7/km² (5.4/sq mi) Cayenne (Préfecture)
Insigne Guianae.svg Guyana Guyana   214,999 km2 (83,012 sq mi) 735,909 3.5/km² (9.1/sq mi) Georgetown
Coat of arms of Paraguay.svg Paraguay Paraguay   406,750 km2 (157,050 sq mi) 6,783,272 15.6/km² (40.4/sq mi) Asunción
Insigne Peruviae.svg Peru Peru 1,285,220 km2 (496,230 sq mi) 31,151,640 22/km² (57/sq mi) Lima
Insigne Georgiae Australis et Insularum Sandvich Australium.svg South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (United Kingdom)[45]     3,093 km2 (1,194 sq mi) 20 0/km² (0/sq mi) King Edward Point[46]
Insigne Surinamiae.svg Suriname Suriname   163,270 km2 (63,040 sq mi) 573,311 3/km² (7.8/sq mi) Paramaribo
Insigne Uraquariae.svg Uruguay Uruguay   176,220 km2 (68,040 sq mi) 3,427,000 19.4/km² (50.2/sq mi) Montevideo
Insigne Venetiolae.svg Venezuela Venezuela   916,445 km2 (353,841 sq mi) 31,416,930 30.2/km² (72/sq mi) Caracas
Total 17,824,513 410,013,492 21.5/km²


Headquarter of the UNASUR in Quito, Ecuador.

Historically, the hispanic countries was founded as republican dictatorships led by caudillos, while Brazil was the only exception, being a constitutional monarchy for it's first 67 years of independence, until a coup d'ètat proclaim the republic. In late 19th century, the most democratic countries was the Empire of Brazil,[47] Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.[citation needed]

In the interwar period, nationalism grown stronger in the continent influenced by countries like Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. A serie of authoritarian rules brok out in south american countries with views bringing the closer to the axis power,[48] like Quasi-Fascist Brazil of Getúlio Vargas or the Perón's Argentina. In the late 20th century, during the Cold War, many countries became military dictatorships in attempt avoid the communism. The most proeminent dictator was Augusto Pinochet of Chile.[49] After the fall of the communism, these countries became democratic republics.

During the first decade of the 21st century, South American governments have drifted to the political left, with leftist leaders being elected in Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Most South American countries are making an increasing use of protectionist policies, helping local development.

Recently, an intergovernmental entity has been formed which aims to merge the two existing customs unions: Mercosur and the Andean Community, thus forming the third-largest trade bloc in the world.[50] This new political organization known as Union of South American Nations seeks to establish free movement of people, economic development, a common defense policy and the elimination of tariffs.

Ethnic demographics[edit]

Former president of Brazil Lula and members of the Italo-Brazilian community during the Grape Festival.
A Japanese-Brazilian Miko during a festival in Curitiba.
Peruvian woman and her son of indigenous descent.

Genetic studies[edit]

Genetic admixture occurs at very high levels in South America. In Argentina the European influence accounts for 65%–79% of the genetic background, 17%–31% of the Amerindian and 2%–4% of sub-Saharan African. In Colombia the European genetic background varied from 46% to 79% depending on the region. In Peru European ancestries ranged from 1% to 31%, while the African contribution was only 1% to 3%.[51] The Genographic Project determined the average Peruvian from Lima had about 28% of European ancestry, 68% of native American and 2% of sub-Saharan Africa.[52]

Ethnic groups[edit]

Descendants of indigenous peoples, such as the Quechua and Aymara, or the Urarina[53] of Amazonia make up the majority of the population in Bolivia (56%) and, per some sources, in Peru (44%).[54][55] In Ecuador, Amerindians are a large minority that comprises two-fifths of the population. The native European population is also a significant element in most other former Portuguese colonies.

South America is also home to one of the largest populations of Africans. This group is also significantly present in Guyana, Brazil, Colombia, Suriname, French Guiana, Venezuela and Ecuador. Mestizos (mixed European and Amerindian) are the largest ethnic group in Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia (49%)[56] and Ecuador and the second group in Peru. East Indians form the largest ethnic group in Guyana and Suriname. Brazil followed by Peru also have the largest Japanese, Korean and Chinese communities in South America.[57]

The demographics of Colombia include approximately 37% native European descendants,[56][58] while in Peru, European descendants are the third group in importance (15%).[59] Compared to other South American countries, the people who identify as of primarily or totally European descent, or identify their phenotype as corresponding to such group, are more of a majority in Argentina,[60] Chile[61][62] and Uruguay,[61] and are about half of the population of Brazil.[63][64][65] In Venezuela, according to the national census 42% of the population is primarily native Spanish, Italian and Portuguese descendants.[66]

Indigenous people[edit]

In many places indigenous people still practice a traditional lifestyle based on subsistence agriculture or as hunter-gatherers. There are still some uncontacted tribes residing in the Amazon Rainforest.[67]


Trading panel of the São Paulo Stock Exchange, the 2nd biggest in the Americas and 13rd in the world.
Finalcial center of Santiago, Chile.
Refinery of Brazilian state-owned Petrobras in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Chuquicamata, the largest open pit mine in the world, near the city of Calama in Chile.
KC-390, the largest military transport aircraft produced in South America by the brazilian company Embraer.

South America relies less on the export of both manufactured goods and natural resources than the world average; merchandise exports from the continent were 16% of GDP on an exchange rate basis, compared to 25% for the world as a whole.[68] Brazil (the seventh largest economy in the world and the largest in South America) leads in terms of merchandise exports at $251 billion, followed by Venezuela at $93 billion, Chile at $86 billion, and Argentina at $84 billion.[68]

The continent experienced, since 1930, a remarkable growth and diversification in most of the economic sectors. Most agricultural and livestock products are destined for local consumption and for the domestic market. However, the export of agricultural products is essential for the balance of trade in most countries.[69]

The main agrarian crops are export crops, such as soy and wheat. The production of staple foods such as vegetables, corn or beans is large, but focused on domestic consumption. Livestock raising for meat exports is important in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Colombia. In tropical regions the most important crops are coffee, cocoa and bananas, mainly in Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. Traditionally, the countries producing sugar for export are Peru, Guyana and Suriname, and in Brazil, sugar cane is also used to make ethanol. On the coast of Peru, northeast and south of Brazil cotton is grown. Fifty percent of the South American surface is covered by forests, but timber industries are small and directed to domestic markets. In recent years, however, transnational companies have been settling in the Amazon to exploit noble timber destined for export. The Pacific coastal waters of South America are the most important for commercial fishing. The anchovy catch reaches thousands of tons, and tuna is also abundant, of which Peru is a major exporter. The capture of crustaceans is remarkable, particularly in northeastern Brazil and Chile.[69]

Only Brazil and Argentina are part of the G20 (industrial countries), while only Brazil is part of the G8+5 (the most powerful and influential nations in the world). In the tourism sector, a series of negotiations began in 2005 to promote tourism and increase air connections within the region. Punta del Este, Florianópolis and Mar del Plata are among the most important resorts in South America.[69]

The most industrialized countries in South America are Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela and Uruguay respectively. These countries alone account for more than 75 percent of the region's economy and add up to a GDP of more than US$ 3.0 trillion. Industries in South America began to take on the economies of the region from the 1930s when the Great Depression in the United States and other countries of the world boosted industrial production in the continent. From that period the region left the agricultural side behind and began to achieve high rates of economic growth that remained until the early 1990s when they slowed due to political instabilities, economic crises and neoliberal policies.[69]

Since the end of the economic crisis in Brazil and Argentina that occurred in the period from 1998 to 2002, which has led to economic recession, rising unemployment and falling population income, the industrial and service sectors have been recovering rapidly, mainly in Chile, In Argentina, and in Brazil, which grow at an average of 5% per year. All of South America after this period has been recovering fast and showing good signs of economic stability, with controlled inflation and exchange rates, continuous growth, a decrease in social inequality and unemployment, factors that favor the industry.[69]

The main industries are: electronics, textiles, food, automotive, metallurgy, air, naval, clothing, beverage, steel, tobacco, timber, chemical, among others. Exports reach almost US$ 400 billion annually, with Brazil accounting for half of this.[69]

The economic gap between the rich and poor in most South American nations is larger than in most other continents. The richest 10% receive over 40% of the nation's income in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay,[70] while the poorest 20% receive 3% or less in Bolivia, Brazil, and Colombia.[71] This wide gap can be seen in many large South American cities where makeshift shacks and slums lie in the vicinity of skyscrapers and upper-class luxury apartments; nearly one in nine in South America live on less than $2 per day (on a purchasing power parity basis).[72]

Country GDP (nominal)
in 2017
in 2017
per capita
in 2017

($bn), 2011[68]
in 2014

Percent with
less than
$2 (PPP)
per person
per day[72]
 Argentina 594,975 924,481 20,971 83.7 0.836 2.6
 Bolivia 39,795 83,154 7,511 9.1 0.662 24.9
 Brazil 1,953,861 3,217,986 15,495 250.8 0.755 10.8
 Chile 242,641 454,344 24,710 86.1 0.832 2.7
 Colombia 300,988 724,167 14,687 56.5 0.720 15.8
 Ecuador 98,107 181,306 10,806 22.3 0.732 10.6
 Falkland Islands[75] (UK) 165 165 55,400 0.1
 French Guiana[76] (France) 4,456 4,456 19,728 1.3
 Guyana 3,691 6,477 8,394 0.9 0.636 18.0
 Paraguay 28,581 67,875 9,761 9.8 0.679 13.2
 Peru 192,619 435,881 13,695 46.3 0.734 12.7
 Suriname 4,442 8,774 15,447 1.6 0.714 27.2
 Uruguay 58,145 76,423 22,223 8.0 0.793 2.2
 Venezuela 314,103 457,134 14,543 92.6 0.762 12.9
Total 3,836,569 6,642,623 18,097 669.1 0.729 11.3

Economically largest cities 2010[edit]

Rank City Country GDP in Int$ bn[77] Population (mil)[78] GDP per capita
1 São Paulo  Brazil $458 20,186,000 $19,221
2 Buenos Aires  Argentina $362 13,639,000 $26,542
3 Rio de Janeiro  Brazil $201 12,043,000 $16,690
4 Bogotá  Colombia $140 12,218,062 $15,891
5 Santiago  Chile $120 6,015,000 $19,950
6 Brasília  Brazil $110 2,362,000 $46,571
7 Lima  Peru $109 9,121,000 $11,950
8 Caracas  Venezuela $99 5,965,000 $15,646
9 Belo Horizonte  Brazil $61 5,523,000 $11,045
10 Medellín  Colombia $50 3,686,000 $13,565


Tourism has increasingly become a significant source of income for many South American countries.[79][80] Historical relics, architectural and natural wonders, a diverse range of foods and culture, vibrant and colorful cities, and stunning landscapes attract millions of tourists every year to South America. Some of the most visited places in the region are Iguazu Falls, Recife, Olinda, Machu Picchu, the Amazon rainforest, Rio de Janeiro, São Luís, Salvador, Fortaleza, Maceió, Buenos Aires, Florianópolis, San Ignacio Miní, Isla Margarita, Natal, Lima, São Paulo, Angel Falls, Brasília, Nazca Lines, Cuzco, Belo Horizonte, Lake Titicaca, Salar de Uyuni, Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos, Los Roques archipelago, Gran Sabana, Patagonia, Tayrona National Natural Park, Santa Marta, Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena, Perito Moreno Glacier and the Galápagos Islands.[81][82]

In 2016 Brazil hosted the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Iguazu Falls on the border between Argentina and Brazil, are one of the New Seven World Natural Wonders.


Tango show in Buenos Aires, typical argentine dance.
Carmen Miranda, Luso-Brazilian Actress helped popularize samba internationally.
Teatro Solis, Uruguay.

South Americans are culturally influenced by their indigenous peoples, the historic connection with the Iberian Peninsula and Africa, and waves of immigrants from around the globe.

South American nations have a rich variety of music. Some of the most famous genres include vallenato and cumbia from Colombia, pasillo from Colombia and Ecuador, samba, bossa nova and música sertaneja from Brazil, and tango from Argentina and Uruguay. Also well known is the non-commercial folk genre Nueva Canción movement which was founded in Argentina and Chile and quickly spread to the rest of the Latin America. People on the Peruvian coast created the fine guitar and cajon duos or trios in the most mestizo (mixed) of South American rhythms such as the Marinera (from Lima), the Tondero (from Piura), the 19th century popular Creole Valse or Peruvian Valse, the soulful Arequipan Yaravi, and the early 20th century Paraguayan Guarania. In the late 20th century, Spanish rock emerged by young hipsters influenced by British pop and American rock. Brazil has a Portuguese-language pop rock industry as well a great variety of other music genres.

The literature of South America has attracted considerable critical and popular acclaim, especially with the Latin American Boom of the 1960s and 1970s, and the rise of authors such as Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Márquez in novels and Jorge Luis Borges and Pablo Neruda in other genres. The Brazilians Machado de Assis and João Guimarães Rosa are widely regarded as the greatest Brazilian writers.

Because of South America's broad ethnic mix, South American cuisine has African, South American Indian, Asian, and European influences. Bahia, Brazil, is especially well known for its West African–influenced cuisine. Argentines, Chileans, Uruguayans, Brazilians, Bolivians, and Venezuelans regularly consume wine. Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and people in southern Chile, Bolivia and Brazil drink mate, a herb which is brewed. The Paraguayan version, terere, differs from other forms of mate in that it is served cold. Pisco is a liquor distilled from grapes in Peru and Chile. Peruvian cuisine mixes elements from Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, African, Arab, Andean, and Amazonic food.


Languages in South America

Spanish and Portuguese are the most spoken languages in South America, with approximately 200 million speakers each. Spanish is the official language of most countries, along with other native languages in some countries. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Dutch is the official language of Suriname; English is the official language of Guyana, although there are at least twelve other languages spoken in the country, including Portuguese, Chinese, Hindustani and several native languages.[83] English is also spoken in the Falkland Islands. French is the official language of French Guiana and the second language in Amapá, Brazil.

Indigenous languages of South America include Quechua in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile and Colombia; Wayuunaiki in northern Colombia (La Guajira) and northwestern Venezuela (Zulia); Guaraní in Paraguay and, to a much lesser extent, in Bolivia; Aymara in Bolivia, Peru, and less often in Chile; and Mapudungun is spoken in certain pockets of southern Chile and, more rarely, Argentina. At least three South American indigenous languages (Quechua, Aymara, and Guarani) are recognized along with Spanish as national languages.

Other languages found in South America include, Hindustani and Javanese in Suriname; Italian in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela and Chile; and German in certain pockets of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. German is also spoken in many regions of the southern states of Brazil, Riograndenser Hunsrückisch being the most widely spoken German dialect in the country; among other Germanic dialects, a Brazilian form of Pomeranian is also well represented and is experiencing a revival. Welsh remains spoken and written in the historic towns of Trelew and Rawson in the Argentine Patagonia. There are also small clusters of Japanese-speakers in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Arabic speakers, often of Lebanese, Syrian, or Palestinian descent, can be found in Arab communities in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and in Paraguay.[84]


Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is the most iconic stadium of the world.
Panorama of the interior of the Maracanã stadium during the closing ceremony of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Atucha I Nuclear Power Plant, the the first sotuh-american nuclear power plant, in Argentina.

A wide range of sports are played in the continent of South America, with football being the most popular overall, while baseball is the most popular in Venezuela.

Other sports include basketball, cycling, polo, volleyball, futsal, motorsports, rugby (mostly in Argentina and Uruguay), handball, tennis, golf, field hockey and boxing.

South America hosted its first Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016 and will host the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2018.

South America shares with Europe the supremacy over the sport of football as all winners in FIFA World Cup history and all winning teams in the FIFA Club World Cup have come from these two continents. Brazil holds the record at the FIFA World Cup with five titles in total. Argentina and Uruguay have two titles each. So far four South American nations have hosted the tournament including the first edition in Uruguay (1930). The other three were Brazil (1950, 2014), Chile (1962), and Argentina (1978).

South America is home to the longest running international football tournament; the Copa América, which has been regularly contested since 1916. Uruguay have won the Copa América a record 15 times, surpassing hosts Argentina in 2011 to reach 15 titles (they were previously equal on 14 titles each during the 2011 Copa América). The continent has produced many of the most famous and most talented players including Diego Maradona, Pelé, Alfredo Di Stéfano, Lionel Messi, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Teófilo Cubillas, Mario Kempes, Gabriel Batistuta, César Cueto, Juan Sebastián Verón, Arsenio Erico, Alberto Spencer, Carlos Valderrama, Elias Figueroa, Marcelo Salas, Juan Arango, Neymar, and Luis Suárez.[citation needed]

Also, in South America, a multi-sport event, the South American Games, are held every four years. The first edition was held in La Paz in 1978 and the most recent took place in Santiago in 2014.



Due to the diversity of topography and pluviometric precipitation conditions, the region's water resources vary enormously in different areas. In the Andes, navigation possibilities are limited, except for the Magdalena River, Lake Titicaca and the lakes of the southern regions of Chile and Argentina. Irrigation is an important factor for agriculture from northwestern Peru to Patagonia. Less than 10% of the known electrical potential of the Andes had been used until the mid-1960s. [Citation needed]

The Brazilian Highlands has a much higher hydroelectric potential than the Andean region and its possibilities of exploitation are greater due to the existence of several large rivers with high margins and the occurrence of great differences, forming huge cataracts, such as those of Paulo Afonso, Iguaçu and others little. The Amazon River system has about 13,000 km of waterways, but its possibilities for hydroelectric use are still unknown.

Most of the continent's energy is generated through hydroelectric power plants, but there is also an important share of thermoelectric and wind energy. Brazil and Argentina are the only South American countries that generate nuclear power, each with two nuclear power plants. In 1991 these countries signed a peaceful nuclear cooperation agreement.

Panoramic view of the Itaipu Dam, the largest of the world in energy production.


strech of the Pan-American Highway in Argentina.
The Port of Callao in Peru.
Santiago metro in the capital of Chile.

South American transportation systems are still deficient, with low kilometric densities. The region has about 1 700 000 km of highways and 100 000 km of railways, which are concentrated in the coastal strip, and the interior is still devoid of communication.

Only two railroads are continental: the Transandina, which connects Buenos Aires, in Argentina to Valparaíso, in Chile, and the Brazil-Bolivia Railroad, which makes it the connection between the port of Santos in Brazil and the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Bolivia. In addition, there is the Pan-American Highway, which crosses the Andean countries from north to south, although some stretches are unfinished.[85]

Two areas of greater density occur in the railway sector: the platinum network, which develops around the Platine region, largely belonging to Argentina, with more than 45,000 km in length; And the Southeast Brazil network, which mainly serves the state of São Paulo, state of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Brazil and Argentina also stand out in the road sector. In addition to the modern roads that extend through northern Argentina and south-east and south of Brazil, a vast road complex aims to link Brasilia, the federal capital, to the South, Southeast, Northeast and Northern regions of Brazil.

The Port of Callao is the main port of Peru. South America has one of the largest bays of navigable inland waterways in the world, represented mainly by the Amazon basin, the Platine basin, the São Francisco and the Orinoco basins, Brazil having about 54 000 km navigable, while Argentina has 6 500 km and Venezuela, 1,200 km. [Citation needed]

The two main merchant fleets also belong to Brazil and Argentina. The following are those of Chile, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia. The largest ports in commercial movement are those of Buenos Aires, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Bahía Blanca, Rosario, Valparaiso, Recife, Salvador, Montevideo, Paranaguá, Rio Grande, Fortaleza, Belém and Maracaibo.

In South America, commercial aviation has a magnificent expansion field, which has one of the largest traffic density lines in the world, Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo, and large airports, such as Congonhas, São Paulo-Guarulhos International and Viracopos (São Paulo), Rio de Janeiro International and Santos Dumont (Rio de Janeiro), Ezeiza (Buenos Aires), Confins International Airport (Belo Horizonte), Curitiba International Airport (Curitiba), Brasilia, Caracas, Montevideo, Lima, Bogotá, Recife, Salvador, Salgado Filho International Airport (Porto Alegre), Fortaleza, Manaus and Belém.

The main public transport in major cities is the bus. Many cities also have a diverse system of metro and subway trains. The Santiago subway[86] is the largest network in South America, with 103 km, while the São Paulo subway is the largest in transportation, with more than 4.6 million passengers per day[87] and was voted the best in the Americas. In Rio de Janeiro was installed the first railroad of the continent, in 1854. Today the city has a vast and diversified system of metropolitan trains, integrated with buses and subway. Recently it was also inaugurated in the city a Light Rail System called VLT, a small electrical trams at low speed, while São Paulo inaugurated its monorail, the first of South America.[88] In Brazil, an express bus system called Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which operates in several cities, has also been developed.

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]

Content notes[edit]

^ Continent model: In some parts of the world South America is viewed as a subcontinent of the Americas[89] (a single continent in these areas), for example Latin America, Latin Europe, and Iran. In most of the countries with English as an official language, however, it is considered a continent; see Americas (terminology).


  1. ^ "South America". Encyclopædia Britannica. 
  2. ^ "Map And Details Of All 7 Continents". Retrieved September 2, 2016. In some parts of the world students are taught that there are only six continents, as they combine North America and South America into one continent called the Americas. 
  3. ^ a b ""Unveiling the South American Balance" in Estudos Internacionais, 2(2): 215-232. | Luis L Schenoni". 1970-01-01. Retrieved 2016-12-08. 
  4. ^ "South American countries by Population 2015". 2015-03-27. Retrieved 2016-12-08. 
  5. ^ Cohen, Saul Bernard. 2003. "North and Middle America" (Ch. 5). Geopolitics of the World System, ISBN 0847699072
  6. ^ "Americas" Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49), United Nations Statistics Division
  7. ^ "North America". Atlas of Canada. 2003-11-14. Archived from the original on March 3, 2008. Retrieved 2012-05-21. 
  8. ^ a b North America Atlas National Geographic
  9. ^ "Panama". 1999-12-31. Retrieved 2012-05-21. 
  10. ^ "Panama". CIA – The World Factbook. Retrieved 2012-05-21. 
  11. ^ "Parts of Chile's Atacama Desert haven't seen a drop of rain since recordkeeping began. Somehow, more than a million people squeeze life from this parched land". National Geographic Magazine. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  12. ^ "Driest Place | Driest Desert Atacama Desert". 2007-01-25. Archived from the original on April 8, 2009. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  13. ^ McKay, C. P. (May–June 2002). "Two dry for life: The Atacama Desert and Mars" (PDF). Ad Astra. 14 (3): 30. 
  14. ^ South America Atlas National Geographic
  15. ^ "United Nations Statistics Division- Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49)". 2011-09-20. Retrieved 2012-05-21. 
  16. ^ a b c d e f O CLIMA. In: Atlas Mundial. São Paulo: Cia. Melhoramentos de São Paulo, 1999, p. 20-21 ISBN 85-06-02889-2
  17. ^ [1]
  18. ^ a b c O'Brien, Patrick. (General Editor). Oxford Atlas of World History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. pp. 25
  19. ^ "City of Quito – UNESCO World Heritage". Retrieved 2010-04-30. 
  20. ^ Anstey, Roger: The Atlantic Slave Trade and British abolition, 1760–1810. London: Macmillan, 1975, p. 5.
  21. ^ Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson, and David Eltis, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, Harvard University. Based on "records for 27,233 voyages that set out to obtain slaves for the Americas". Stephen Behrendt (1999). "Transatlantic Slave Trade". Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience. New York: Basic Civitas Books. ISBN 0-465-00071-1. 
  22. ^ "Caudillo". 
  23. ^ Day, Peter (17 December 1997). "Ragamuffin War". Brasil Escola. Retrieved 27 March 2007. 
  24. ^ Souza, Rainer (20 January 2002). "Ragamuffin Revolution". RioGrande. Retrieved 2007-03-27. 
  25. ^ Latin America’s Wars
  26. ^ "Paraguayan War". 
  27. ^ "War of the Pacific". 
  28. ^ Woodard, James P. "A Place in Politics: São Paulo, Brazil; From Seigneurial Republicanism to Regionalist Revolt" Duke University Press 2009 Chapter 3 "War and the Health of the State" especially from the end of Page 77 to p.81 visualization on Google Books
  29. ^ Conniff, Michael L. and McCann, Frank D. "Modern Brazil, Elites and Masses in Historical Perspective" University of Nebraska Press 1991 ISBN 0803263481 page 168 visualization on Google Books
  30. ^ Uppsala Conflict Data Program Conflict Encyclopedia, General Conflict Information, Conflict name: Ecuador – Peru, In depth, viwed on 2013-07-15,
  31. ^ Churchill 1948, pp. 525–526.
  32. ^ Ibidem Maximiano, Bonalume, Ricardo N. & Bujeiro, 2011.
  33. ^ Frank D. MacCann – 'Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe', vol. 6, No. 2, 1995.
  34. ^ Ibidem Maximiano, Bonalume, Ricardo N. & Bujeiro, 2011.
  35. ^ Richard Hough, The Big Battleship (London: Michael Joseph, 1966), 19. OCLC 8898108.
  36. ^ Robert Scheina, Latin America: A Naval History, 1810–1987 (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1987), 86. ISBN 0-87021-295-8. OCLC 15696006.
  37. ^ "The Cambridge History of Latin America", edited by Leslie Bethell, Cambridge University Press (1995) ISBN 0-521-39525-9
  38. ^ Leslie Bethell (1995). Bibliographical Essays. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-39525-0. 
  39. ^ a b Land areas and population estimates are taken from The 2008 World Factbook which currently uses July 2007 data, unless otherwise noted.
  40. ^ La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia; Sucre is the judicial seat.
  41. ^ Includes Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, a Chilean territory frequently reckoned in Oceania. Santiago is the administrative capital of Chile; Valparaíso is the site of legislative meetings.
  42. ^ Claimed by Argentina.
  43. ^ "Falkland Islands: July 2008 population estimate". Retrieved 2012-05-21. 
  44. ^ (January 2009) INSEE, Government of France. "Population des régions au 1er janvier" (in French). Retrieved 2009-01-20. 
  45. ^ Claimed by Argentina; the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in the South Atlantic Ocean are commonly associated with Antarctica (due to proximity) and have no permanent population, only hosting a periodic contingent of about 100 researchers and visitors.
  46. ^ [2][dead link]
  47. ^ Lira 1977, Vol 2, p. 9.
  48. ^ Dennison de Oliveira, "Os soldados alemães de Vargas" Portuguese [Germans against Hitler; "The German soldiers of Vargas" ] 1st Chapter, Jurua print. 2008 ISBN 85-362-2076-7
  49. ^ "Country profile: Chile". BBC News. 16 December 2009. Retrieved 31 December 2009. 
  50. ^ "". 2008-10-29. Retrieved 2010-10-24. 
  51. ^ Salzano, FM; Sans, M (2014). "Interethnic admixture and the evolution of Latin American populations". Genet. Mol. Biol. 37: 151–70. doi:10.1590/s1415-47572014000200003. PMC 3983580Freely accessible. PMID 24764751. 
  52. ^ "Your Regional Ancestry: Reference Populations". Retrieved 31 December 2016. 
  53. ^ Dean, Bartholomew 2009 Urarina Society, Cosmology, and History in Peruvian Amazonia, Gainesville: University Press of Florida ISBN 978-0-8130-3378-5 [3]
  54. ^ "Peru". CIA World Factbook. CIA. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  55. ^ "Bolivia". CIA World Factbook. CIA. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  56. ^ a b Bushnell, David & Rex A. Hudson (2010) "The Society and Its Environment"; Colombia: a country study: 87. Washingtion D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress.
  57. ^ Nakamura, Akemi (January 15, 2008). "Japan, Brazil mark a century of settlement, family ties". Japan Times. [dead link]
  58. ^ "White Colombians" (PDF). Retrieved 28 May 2013. 
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External links[edit]