Posts Tagged ‘Poland’

Warsaw: Third Anti-Prison Days 27-30 October 2016 (Poland)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

Warsaw Third Anti-Prison Days 27-28-30


Warm up:

Thursday 27.10
ROD (Bartycka 26) reclaimthefieldspl.noblogs.org
20:00 benefit concert for the warsaw 3 wawa3.noblogs.org
Love Cans (psych garage blues) from Switzerland.

Friday 28.10

Cafe Kryzys / Syrena / Wilcza 30

from 12:00 at Cafe Kryzys:

vegan food
Writing to prisoners
tattoos (more info soon)

“Jestem z Zewnątrz” (I’m from the outside) / Beata Sosnowska / works of
female prisoners from Grochów Prison in Warsaw, PL (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgent appeal for financial solidarity – Warsaw 3 (Poland)

Friday, September 16th, 2016

Update: The 3 comrades have all been released on bail.

The Warsaw 3 have been arrested in May and kept since then in a high security jail with very limited contact to the outside and are facing severe sentences under the new anti-terrorist and anti-anarchist laws. They are still awaiting trial.

Today during a court hearing concerning the filed complaint for the prolonged arrest of the 3 anarchists, a decision was made to release them on bail. A fee of 20 thousand PLN (4600 euro) of bail was set for each of them. If the money is transferred in a weeks time (7 days from today [14/9], until 21st of September), the arrested will be released and kept under police surveillance instead. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Kraków: Banner in solidarity with the Warsaw Anarchist 3 (Poland)

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016


In the second half of August 2016 we hung a banner in solidarity with Tadek, Oskar and Michał – the Warsaw 3 anarchists arrested on suspicion of trying to set fire to a police car. This was a minimum gesture as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.

The democratic regime holds them in isolation within the prison, treating them as dangerous criminals, trying to break their souls and destroy their will to resist. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Warsaw 3: Imprisoned anarchist comrades continue to be held on remand (Poland)

Friday, August 19th, 2016

On the 18th of August, the court decided to continue to hold the three imprisoned anarchists for the next 3 months in custody. All of them are still in solitary confinement cells (‘N-type’ in Polish) and treated as “the most dangerous” prisoners. The trial dates are still unknown.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Repression report by Radical Allotment Garden project (Poland)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

… On May 23rd 2016 three anarchists from Warsaw were arrested and accused of terrorist activities. They face 6 months to 8 years of jail. The prosecution held them in custody for 3 months which may be automatically prolonged. All three are detained in isolation and denied the right to communicate with relatives. During the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer and there were signs of physical abuse on their bodies. more info on the arrest and details of support in various languages:



These arrests happened just as the government was taking steps too implement a NEW ANTI TERRORIST ACT. Significantly on 10th, 23rd and 30th May in various Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as editorial offices of media and television, shopping centers, and banks. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Free the Warsaw Anarchist Three (Poland)

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Three anarchists were arrested by police in Warsaw, Poland, 23rd May 2016. The accusations are: possession of explosives and intending to use them by setting police car on fire. They are called terrorists by police and media, despite the fact, that the arson didn’t actually take place This accusations are quite serious- they face from 6 months to 8 years of jail. First hearings of the accused took place at District Prosecutor’s Office on 24th may. Marks of tortures were visible on their bodies. On 25th may, during prosecution session at district court, prosecution decided to hold them in custody for three months (that might be automatically prolonged). Since then, each of the three is detained in isolation, denied the right to communicate with relatives, during the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer.

Mass media in the service of the state reproduce authorities propaganda. Witch-hunt begun, creating mass hysteria and the image of the country threaten by terrorism. By doing this, the authorities and their collaborators are trying to justify the implementation of the new Anti-Terror Law. Significantly, just before the entry into force of the Act on 10th May, 23rd May and 30th May in several Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as the editorial office of the press and television, shopping centers, and banks. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

3 anarchist comrades accused of attempting to torch police cars, 1 beaten in custody + Open letter from anarchist groups in Warsaw (Poland)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Update : An open letter from anarchist groups in Warsaw is published below.

Correction: Radykalne Ogrodki Dzialkowe (ROD) was attacked with a raid and searches only, there was no attempted eviction.

On the night between Sunday the 22nd & Monday the 23rd of May three comrades were detained near the car park of South Warsaw police station. Cops claim to have found an explosive device under a police car. All three comrades were taken into custody at the station and one comrade was severely beaten. The comrades refused to cooperate and denied all accusations of ‘terrorism’ and attempting to bomb the police station. The comrades received support from the anarchist community and 3 squats from Warsaw (Przychodnia, Syrena, Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe) and were provided with legal representation.

The same day police raided and tried to evict Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe squat where one of the arrested comrades lived and search for evidence. According to the “Reclaim The Fields” website: “Cops arrived between 4 and 5AM. They invaded the squat area by cutting fences and demolishing the gate with a forklift. Six undercover police invaded people’s rooms. One friend woke up and found himself surrounded by cops questioning him about his identity. They then proceeded to search the entire squat.” (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Update on accused and imprisoned anarchist comrades (Poland)

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Lately some anarchist comrades were on trial for occupying an empty building in Katowice, during the Anti-Congress 2015 event when anarchists organized a response to the European Economic Congress in Katowice where many influential corporations and government members from Europe and beyond gathered.

Video from the squat occupation in Katowice…

Another judicary case takes place in the city of Poznan (21.04.2016) where our comrade Kamil was on trial for insulting two police officers during their patrol near Rozbrat squat in June 2015. He was beaten by cops and accused of affront against legal power. In the same city of Poznan another comrade Łukasz is on trial accused of attacking a police patrol and sentenced for three months (27.04.2016).

Kamil is accused of fighting with police because they want to take revenge because of his activism and the many protests in which Kamil participated. Łukasz is accused of assaulting two cops during a local direct action blocking the eviction of a family living in a social apartment.

Solidarity with imprisoned and accused Polish freedom fighters, solidarity with Anti-Congress 2015 collective, solidarity with Kamil and Łukasz.

Fire to the prisons, throw cobblestones at the government, kick the government out onto the street!

Grecja w Ogniu collective via InsurrectionNews

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Posted in Social Control

6 FEB ANTYPEGIDA – Przeciw Faszyzacji Europy! (Poland)

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Saturday, February 6
at 3:00 PM in UTC+01

Warszawa Plac Zamkowy
Varsovia, 00-277 Warsaw, Poland


Long live Black Praxis

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

A-Radio: Interview with ABC Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, November 19th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to two comrades from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Warsaw. In this interview they talk about their work and the topic of repression in Poland.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 20 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Interviews

Operation Fenix: Incendiary attack against ING Bank in solidarity with Czech anarchists and all prisoners of the system (Poland)

Sunday, November 15th, 2015




On the 11th of November, while fascists scums were holding marches in all of Poland, we – the anarchists – decided to release our hatred upon the state and capital.

We’re expressing our support for fighting against an oppressive system in every part of its front, from unions to direct actions.

We believe that this symbolic bank arson will raise radical fire in all country.

Solidarity with all prisoners of the system!

We dedicate this action for Czech anarchists in custody during police operation “Fenix“.

Let acts speak!

Solidarity in combat!


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Posted in Direct Action

Remember Przychodnia: Fight Fascism, Patriotism and Militarism (UK)

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

From NFA Anti-Fascists:

Today, on Armistice Day [11 November], No Fixed Abode Anti-Fascists took the steps of Euston War Memorial against patriotism and for solidarity with anti-fascist and anti-militarist struggle.

Two years ago on this day, the Przychodnia squat in Warsaw successfully resisted an attack by neo-fascists on the ‘March for Independence’. Refusing to intervene, police blocked people from reaching the nationalists, who set two cars alight and threw molotovs at the squat. Two squatters were injured while repelling the fascists from the roof.

The wars of the rich and street battles of their nationalist lackeys have a history of resistance by people of no fixed abode. On 20th September 2014, squatters in Calais Bleriot Avenue defended against a fascist attack after a demonstration in the city. During Franco’s rule in Spain, underground squats in Catalonia provided spaces for political refugees, organising and urban resistance. On one occasion in Auschwitz, hundreds of Romani people refused to be taken away and so resisted with knives and bricks. The black poppy remembers those on any or no side who resisted, rebelled and mutinied against the First World War and all wars after.

The anti-fascist resistance at Przychodnia contrasts with the patriotism of today’s Remembrance. A hub of far-right activity on the ground, Remembrance Day phrases British patriotism and anti-German xenophobia as anti-fascist struggle. As the British Legion and Lockheed Martin clap for money and the crowd claps for “national identity”, everywhere people struggle against fascism, patriotism and militarism.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

A-Radio: Interview with an activist of a squatted garden in Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an
activist who is part of a group of people squatting an allotment garden
in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we get to know a bit of the
origins of this project that started in Spring of this year. The squat
itself is based on the Reclaim the Fields initiative in Poland and has
organized some action days a short while ago.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects
will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social
struggles in Eastern Europe.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 7:54 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Interviews

PDF: "Akcja Bezpośrednia" – Latest anarchist attacks and reports 2011-2015 (Poland)

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Issue about latest direct actions in Poland since 2011 to this year’s summer.
The title is translated as: “Direct Action”

Polish language PDF here: Akcja Bezpośrednia

Long live Black Praxis

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Posted in Library

Banner in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Poland)

Friday, August 28th, 2015

Inter Arma received:

Call for international solidarity with anarchist prisoners of war!

Fire to the prisons!

Honor to the Prison Cells!

Honor for all anarchistic freedom fighters in custody!

For the world without cages for all living beings!

Freedom is an revolutionary act! Act of strike!

Long live Black Praxis!

Kielce, Poland 27.08.2015

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Posted in Prison Struggle