Posts Tagged ‘PDF’

N for Nihilism #001 (VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED)

Friday, April 19th, 2013



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Dark Nights #32 : Words from José Miguel Sánchez to all the comrades and underground action groups of the world – Apr 2013 (ACN)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

PDF Freesheet to be printed off and distributed. Assembled from international news and reports. Returns after a month break in the regular release schedule… change is coming…

Dark Nights #32

1. Words from José Miguel Sánchez to all the comrades and underground action groups of the world.
2. Editorial – Who are we?
3. Letter from Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.
4. Marco Camenisch writes about the decision of the court of review on Stefano and Elisa’s case.
5. Report from imprisoned anarchist comrade Giuseppe Lo Turco.
6. Anarchist comrade Giulia released from prison and put under house arrest.
7. Turin: Arrests and other restrictive measures: three comrades are jailed.
8. Update about Gabriel Pombo Da Silva.
9. Mail addresses for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
10. Italy: FAI/FRI claim parcel bombs against La Stampa and Europol.


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PDF: 'And I Laugh' – Enzo Martucci (Verein Von Egoisten Ed.) – Italy

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

‘And I Laugh’ – Enzo Martucci

“In the Anarchy will not exist prisons disguised as hospitals, neither policeman masked as nurses.”
?La Bandiera dell‘Anticristo

Enzo Martucci. An Unrepeatable Individual- ?follower of Stirner and Nietzsche- they Unrepeatable too.
We propose as a collection of writings in English, some of his writings- taken from his books.
The brand of the shame- that The Unique Martucci- had do suffer- but not victimizing this ?suffering- was the usual procedure of: infamous, infiltrated, provoker.

But the Individual is stopped only by the death (as the Affine Sara deeply wrote)- and the Nihilist research the willed death [EGOIST]!

Our passion, in a continuous research of experimentation by the man- on the man, and is devoid from any kind of paraculo- this interest to rend possible the emersion of nothing, but the windbag- ? exclusive circle of the saint anarchy.

But you That ? Free yourself Totally, do you Know Martucci‘s action and theory?

Not, you only know what is in your flock, into the fence of your borders (also linguistic), you are essentially ass licking.

Martucci, author, of sublime buykeppraonlinenow.com books such as ?La Bandiera dell‘Anticristo and ? La Setta Rossa, ?remember us what means the manifestation of what we call ?paraculo:

As he was, in his time, ?purged from the anarchist community order, also today, the Individual is morally condemned for his exposure, his way of attacking the faltering conjugation of strength and weakness in covering each other in an actual community order, proposing the past that comes back statically and inexorable- repeating itself dying.

The VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. propose the writings of Martucci, to bring to light the rests of these lines that destroys the acquiescence of the ?majority consent, and as the gun and the pen ?are done of the same metal, as the Uniques born and die every time, every time we read this lines is to affirm Our self!

For the rest, We want to remember to our enemies: only the death can stop The Individual!

Federico Buono ?Compulsivo

Para cada enfrente de libre albedrìo :

nihilistabyss (at) distruzione.org

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PDF: Edizioni Sole Nero #3 (Italy, Mexico)

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Edizioni Sole Nero: “Sulla tendenza anarchica informale – Una conversazione tra Cospiracion Acrata e Gustavo Rodriguez su teoria e pratica della cosiddetta Tendenza Anarchica Informale, o del nuovo insurrezionalismo anarchico”

Third issue of SOLE NERO Edizioni

It is out now the ITALIAN translation of the interview made by the Mexican comrades of Cospiracion Acrata with the insurrectionary anarchist Gustavo Rodriguez, on the theory and praxis of the so-called Anarchist Informal Tendency, or new anarchist insurrectionalism.

Download, print and distribute!

Link for downloading:


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PDF: 'Punto di Polemica Egoista' – Verein Von Egoisten Ed. (Italy)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013


Le VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. pubblicano la ri-edizione di un dibattito a-morale intitolato “Punto di Polemica Egoista”-approfondendo temi come l’antigiuridismo-l’etica-e il superamento della morale.

The VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. publish the re-edition of an a-moral debate entitled “Punto di Polemica Egoista” – deepening subjects as the antijuridism- the ethic-and the overcoming of the moral.

Las VEREIN VON EGOISTEN ED. Publica la re-edicciòn de un debate amoral intitulado “Punto di Polemica Egoista”- profundizando temas como el antijurismo- l’ética-y la superaciòn de la moral.

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PDF: La Nueva Guerrilla Urbana Anarquista (CCF/FAI/FRI)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

La Nueva Guerrilla Urbana Anarquista (CCF/FAI/FRI)

“No es nuestro objetivo cansar a lxs lectorxs con un seco y pomposo discurso político, porque creemos que el lenguaje de unx guerrillerx urbanx anarquista puede ser sencillo y conciso, contestando a las cuestiones que nos ocupan cotidianamente.

Estamos segurxs que las cosas más importantes siempre se dicen de la manera más simple. Además, lo que escribimos en este texto es el resultado de los debates y experiencias que hemos ido acumulando al tomar parte en la insurrección permanente anarquista. En ningún caso se trata de alguna infalible fórmula de pensamiento ni tampoco de un manual de uso de la violencia anarquista.

Consideramos que la edición del folleto ‘La nueva guerrilla urbana anarquista’ constituye un fragmento de una discusión más amplia que no termina con su lectura sino que, al contrario: comienza con ella…”

Conspiración de Células del Fuego [de la primera fase] / FAI/ FRI

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Il Delirio di Negazione-Nient-Ismi (Edizioni Cerbero)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013


La continuazione di “L’Abisso Nichilista” e “Il Desiderio Abissale”

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Panfleto "Fugas" – CNA Diaz, Medellín (Colombia)

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013


Panfleto “Fugas”

Diaz, Medellín


cnamedellin (at) riseup.net
cnamedellin (at) espiv.net

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Dark Nights #31 : 'Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists – Kozani case' + 'Soli-days for Felicity Ann Ryder' – Feb 2013 (ACN)

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Black February freesheet to download and distribute. Dark Nights is the relentless printed contribution to the internationalist struggle from the Anti-Copyright Network – produced from the updates and reports of the informal and ever-changing International Network of Counter-Information and Translation.

PDF: Download Dark Nights 31

1. Greece: Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists concerning their double robbery in Velvento, Kozani.
2. Call for two weeks of solidarity actions with fugitive anarchist Felicity Ann Ryder.
3. Concerning the 4 arrests in Kozani, Greece by CCF imprisoned members.
4. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested comrades from 325.
5. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested ones from Asimetris & ex-Negasi.
6. Switzerland: An update from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch concerning his failed release.
7. Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is moved to Alicante.
8. Italy: Anarchist comrades Alfredo and Sergio on hunger strike.
9. Italy: Conspiracy charges are dropped at the appeal trial – Operation ‘Brushwood’.
10. Direct Action Chronology.

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"¿Dónde va la luz cuando desaparece?" – Antonio Álvarez de Garmendia (Distri Maligna)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Aquí está una colección de poemas de Antonio Álvarez de Garmendia. Publicado por Distri Maligna.

¿Dónde va la luz cuando desaparece?

Here is a collection of poems by Antonio Álvarez de Garmendia. Published by Malignant Distro. “Where does the light go when it disappears? … “


Salú, Fuerza, Solidaridad y Anarquía!

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Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione (Edizioni Cerbero)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Fede è tornato dalle profondità della Abyss. Ecco il suo nuovo testo con la prefazione della sua affinità, Sara Zappavigna.

Noi siamo I Demoni della distruzione

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Dark Nights #30 : 'Days of Action in Solidarity with Marco Camenisch' – Jan 2013 (ACN)

Friday, January 18th, 2013

PDF: Download Dark Nights #30

Internationalist newsletter to download and publish on the fly. Put together from reports via Actforfree/BourbourAs, Contra-Info, Informa-Azione, Liberacion Total, etc… Features front page article about the demand for immediate release of anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, who is held beyond his prison tariff. Secondary article “On Anti-Fascism” by an egoist-nihilist via Athens IMC. Inside is letters from the admins of counter-info project Culmine, Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa Di Bernardo, plus court-reports of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and more besides. Extensive direct action chronology covers the last month including the resistance to the Greek governmental repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian infrastructure, Villa Amalias, etc… Out of the era of false time into the destructive present!

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'About Eat & Billy' Solidarity Zine released (ACN)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Free international solidarity zine for the released comrades Eat & Billy. Featuring an introduction by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire of the first phase and anarchist of praxis Theofilos Mavropoulos.

The blood of our comrades runs in our veins – Fire across the oceans.



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Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy – Dec 2012 (ACN)

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Download and distribute – December 2012 version of the international anti-prison anarchist freesheet to copy on the fly.

PDF: Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy

Frontpage article from Italy considers the laming of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi, the zine also includes letters from imprisoned anarchist comrades, news and a direct action/sabotage round-up. Gabriel Pombo da Silva penned a letter in solidarity with Marco Camenisch this month, Marco is a persecuted eco-anarchist standing firm against the inquisition of nun Manuela Comodi in Italy and the prison authorities of Switzerland. Lastly, but not least, the call for an International Direct Action Week in solidarity with the always unyielding Mario Antonio López ‘Tripa’ from the 15th to the 22nd of December by the Anticivilization Fraction of the Earth Liberation Front in Mexico.

Not forgetting the yearly call for international anti-prison demonstrations and actions on New Years Eve – the time when people are encouraged by the system to spend even more money in consumerist temples and forget their problems through illusions.

Merry Crisis & Happy New Fear – For a Black Xmas!

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Inflammable #2, Montreal based anarchist/anti-capitalist zine (Canada)

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

From sabotagemedia:

light it up!
Texts, communiqués, and reportbacks primarily from Montreal…
moments of revolt that warm the heart…

“The moment where we take back our lives, where we free ourselves from morality, fear, and the identities imposed on us. It cannot be stopped by a negotiation table, nor a ballot box. It isn’t the beginning of a movement nor will it die with a movement: It is to be alive, free, and wild!” (more…)

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