Posts Tagged ‘Irish Republican Army (IRA)’

Tear Down the Bastille – Hunger Strike as a Means of Struggle – Voices From Inside the Walls (Greece)

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Translation note:
This issue of “Tear down the Bastille, voices from inside the walls” was published in Greece in April 2016 and its theme was hunger strike as a means of struggle.
Translated to English and Contributions by some anarchist comrades and Act for freedom now!

via actforfree.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'The Subcontraction Of Prison Violence' by John Bowden (UK)

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

From a comrade of ABC Brighton:

Ultimately prisons exist as instruments of state violence, and no matter how legitimized by statuary law their prime function and purpose is to inflict pain and suffering in the interests of social control. They are nothing more than blunt weapons of state power and ruling class authority and for those confined within them the experience of naked vulnerability and brutality is a constant every day reality.

Control within prisons themselves is maintained by a mixture and blend of officially sanctioned violence in the form of riot-squads, control units, segregation-units and “control and restraint teams” and the more unofficial forms of violence inherent in prison gangs and prisoner hierarchies, which ultimately are allowed to exist providing they serve the interests of the system in maintaining the overall prison status quo. Intrinsically prisons embody the iron law that ultimately power equals violence, especially in closed and total institutions like prisons where people, usually the most dispossessed and powerless, are held against their will.

In the UK prisons unofficial violence is an institutionalised and “normal” way whereby prisoners are controlled and terrorised into conforming and it is customary for those officially employed to maintain prison “good order and discipline” to recruit and manipulate prisoners into controlling their fellow captives by any means necessary, even occasionally murder. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle