
Film Short Cuts

(PG) 81 minutes. Cinema Nova, Tuesday 7 February.

In this joyously wise celebration of artistic vitality, Australian filmmaker Rohan Spong (2011's All the Way Through Evening) moves through the rooms and sensibilities of Westbeth, an artists' residence in New York City converted from laboratories beginning in 1966 where many of the now elderly residents of the 385 rent-controlled apartments remain connected to creative disciplines instead of mere memories. Readily reminiscent of Bill Cunningham New York or Iris, Spong's documentary alights on a trio of inhabitants – 81-year-old poet Ilsa Gilbert, 75-year-old dancer Dudley Williams, and 95-year-old documentarian Edith Stephen – who confound the usual expectations of solitary ageing. Matching the Manhattan rhythms on the streets outside, Spong captures the lust for life in his subjects and, particularly in the case of Williams, their heartfelt memories, while celebrating the Westbeth as a triumph of public housing and community infrastructure. The result is a film that is focused not on death but life, with a sense of affirmation that is rewarding but never overplayed. CM

Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Wednesday 8, 15 and 22 February. melbournecinematheque.org

Marcello Mastroianni, who passed away in 1996 at the age of 72, was a charismatic yet insular leading man, one who on screen handled the burden of responsibility with blithe disregard but demurred in the face of freedom's opportunity. His career in the Italian cinema is iconic now, a star for Federico Fellini and Michelangelo Antonioni alike, and a worthy subject for the first season the Melbourne Cinematheque's excellent 2017 program. In Fellini's 1963 study in artistic self-absorption, (4 stars, M, 138 minutes), Mastroianni plays Guido Anselmi, a famous Italian filmmaker whose uncertainty takes the form of everything from impossible demands and tethered romantic dalliances to taking refuge in his own memories (which prove to be not so secure a haven). Masterfully photographed by Gianna Di Venanzo, this is one of the great films about the act of filmmaking, using the creative process as a mirror for the psychological states of someone floating through a world that wants to grasp them. CM

(M) 135 minutes. Now screening.

Redolent of a Martin Scorsese epic, with its stylistic flourishes and knowing voiceover cueing up the narration, but focused on the opposite side of the law to the likes of Goodfellas, The King topped the box-office in South Korea last month. Local audiences may well have been responding to the film's caustic portrayal of power's changing favour in the country, as the two decades long running-time covers multiple real life political eras. Director Han Jae-rim (The Face Reader) focuses on Park Tae-soo (Jo In-sung), an ambitious, combative student from a working class background who is attracted initially, if not to power, at least to power structures. His outlook twists once he becomes a prosecutor and his frustrations make him a recruit for his compromised superior Han Kang-shik (Jung Woo-sing), and the film alternates between frenzied celebrations of personal invulnerability and scathing dismissals of systematic corruption. The sound and fury negates subtlety or cause, but this whirlwind drama is a telling primer on South Korean white collar rituals. CM